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Elut's Guestbook

fredbrennyMay 6, 2009

\:rah\: \:rah\: GO Mette GO...IKEA rules!!!\;\)

fredbrennyMay 6, 2009

Hi Mette, saw your post in Iliana's GB about your real life building project. Go for the IKEA kitchen...I'm an interior designer (went to the art academy to get a degree....) and I had IKEA kitchens in my last 2 houses. They're cheap but very good! Spend some extra money on the surfaces et voila... Million dollar kitchen! \:D

IllianaMay 6, 2009

YAY!!!! Oh that sounds GORGEOUS! I will be anxiously awaiting those pictures. \:D Now I want hardwood floors. \:P My husband is going to be calling you all kinds of names. ROFL! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

IllianaMay 6, 2009

How exciting! I so envy you having a REAL redecorating project in mind! \:D You're right though...it sure would be nice to just do it the "Sim" way. LOL! I'm going to cross my pertinent parts for you that it goes smoothly, and that you get that loan. \;\) As for the submission area - Yes, that's most the server attempting to integrate with the older hardware. It will probably be bumpy for a few days yet. \:\( Besides...that's already on my list. \:P Let me know how the project goes, and I sure hope you show me some before/after pics! I LOVE those! LOL! Love and hugs - Tammy

wolfspryteMay 6, 2009

Thank you for the beautiful lots... I especially love the victorian slums lots!!

IllianaMay 6, 2009

Hiya Mette! *Sniffs armpits* No...I think you got that part right. \:P Don't be silly! (I know...a difficult task for you! LOL!) I know what you meant, and I think it was very kind of you to say that! \:wub\: It's a HUGE project, but if everyone pitches in, or at least those that really want to help, maybe we can get things cleared up for good. \:D Say...are YOU having any problems with the site? *Eyeballs you suspiciously* You ARE going to PM me if you are, right? Mwahahaha! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

fredbrennyMay 6, 2009

\:wub\: \:wub\: Thanks for your lovely comment on the Tikida Agadir Mette! Makes me proud! I'm feeling like ÿoung Grasshopper in the Kung Fu series: "Yes Master...?" "Well done Grasshopper!" Love, Frederique

JCIssetteMay 6, 2009

Hey there, Mette. I meant to tell you I have a new pic up of my dog, Toby. The pic is not that good, but it is a good shot of him. I took it a couple of weeks ago. I have more, but have been too lazy to post them. I really need a better camera. \:\( When you get some extra time, go take a look at my baby. Have a great day. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteMay 5, 2009

\:wub\: Getting your house remodeled? \:D How exciting. I have some hardwood floors, but not all over. It would be better with my dog, but it is too expensive, I'm afraid. Show pics when you finish. I know it will be pretty. And you are right, if only we could click a button like in the sims. \;\) Hugs, Judy

JCIssetteMay 5, 2009

Hi Mette, thanks for the nice comment about my new house, Meeting Street. It was the second of the historical Charleston Series. I have built eight in the series. Check them out on my screenshots, if you like. I am working on Second Empire homes now. I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering if you had started the book, yet. What have you been up to besides working, Simming, and taking care of your pets? I have been doing a lot of gardening, which I enjoy, but it is so hard on the body.\:wacko\: Well, have a good one. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

HardRockTriciaMay 2, 2009

Aw I'm dumb \:o Everything's working fine now- thank you so much for responding, I really do appreciate it! I probably never woulda figured that out by myself heh

HardRockTriciaMay 1, 2009

Hi! I absolutley love your Ravenlift house - it's beautiful! (just like your other ones heh) \:wub\: I was just wondering what kind of voodoo you used to get the chimney to go through the "A Bit Steep" roof like that. My game won't let me do it when I try :^(

MVilaApr 30, 2009

They Luuv `em!

fredbrennyApr 27, 2009

Hi Mette \:D Thanks for your reply in my guestbook. I'm honoured:P  You have a great sence of humor:P  Love your stuff, but hey...Danish design is high on my : "I WANT it list!" Love Fred(erique)\:wub\:

IllianaApr 27, 2009

Hello you cheeky rascal with the white legs! \:P Nope...still having those nasty internet glitches, but it's in the local news so it looks like the heat is on our provider now. Mwahahaha! Blasted corporate types. \;\) Anyhoo...thank you UBERLY much for the comment on the Katherines Cottage lot! See? When I use CC strange things happen. I get all traditional and stuff. \:P I'm going to have to go back to Maxis Only soon, but I REALLY don't wanna. \:\( *Sigh* Ah well. YOU are a sweetheart, and I just love knowing that something I made would catch your eye. (EWWWW! Put it back, put it back! LOL!) Love ya much! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

grandmajam_of6Apr 22, 2009

Fatastic but some blow by blow descriptions in the off topic chat section.

IllianaApr 18, 2009

Nope. Grass skirts are itchy anyway. You wouldn't like it much. \:P Glad you liked the Likki Twikki Set though! \:wub\: Welcome back from your vacation!!! I assume you didn't allow photographic evidence to be taken, so you'll just have to tell me all about it. LOL! Been having some internet connection problems this week, but my provider has assured me that the trouble should be fixed now. *Rolls eyes* I haven't been booted yet, so I guess that's a good sign. \;\) Love ya muchly! Tammy

IllianaApr 12, 2009

Mette...I am too old, and would probably not be able to keep up with you when you "rock". \:D How about I country, and you just keep on a'rockin'?! LOL! Hey, and thanks for the cool comment on the Ancient Greece set. \:wub\: To answer your question...no, they do not come with free togas. \:P Oh, and as for the "help"...well, that's what is great about the sims! You can definitely create the perfect man for the job. LOL! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

DiamondSimApr 12, 2009

Hi, just a note to tell you how much I like your "M" series.  They are small, but trendy and stylish. Thank you.\:D

Uma DesignApr 12, 2009

Dear Elut, I just have to let you know how much I love all your lots, they are really wonderful! I wish I had come up with all those ideas!! I'm building a Metropolis and your lots will be a big part of it, especially in the Old Town. Keep those creations coming, I'll check back with you for more! Luv, UmaDee\:wub\: \:rah\:

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