Henwen (360655)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Coletta 4 br 3 ba
Published May 31, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2903 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Simply Undies, Sport & PJ\'s
Published May 17, 2008
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About Me
Hi Everybody!
I'm Nancy.
I started playing the Sims in 2002 when our oldest daughter gave it to me for my birthday, before that I never touched a computer and had little to do with one. Now you can't get me off the thing. I created walls, floors, built homes, recolored body shop content and recolored objects in Sims 2 and was one of the lucky firsts to be chosen as SA. As TS2 came to a close and TS3 was nearing our local stores, I retired my SA-ship thinking I would no longer play the game, but the Sims bug bit again and now I am uploading lots for TS3. Hope you will like them and can use them in your game.
Have fun!
Love Lot's, Nancy
My Latest Updates Show All
Merry Christmas!Written Dec 18, 2008
I'm taking a short break as things have been busy around here lately. I do have some walls made and will submit them after the Holidays. Have a lovely Christmas and the happiest of New Years! Love, me :) ...More
I've been busy!Written Sep 13, 2008
I've actually been playing the game lately! First I had to set up some teens to get them through Uni (that took me a week) and then into apartments. I'm not quite sure how I feel about apartment living though. I'm so used to the house thing and wonder if my Sims are saving any money cuz my apartments are (of course) expensive, lol. I think it's just that you get so used to playing &... ...More
New Grand Child!Written Apr 22, 2008
I haven't blogged in awhile and I thought this was news to announce, because I'm sure happy about it :) Our daughter just had her second baby. Yep, we have a new baby boy in our family that just arrived yesterday. He's 9 pounds 9 oz and is 22 1/12 inches long, has reddish blond hair and according to his father...has big feet. lol He's gonna be a tall one. His dad is 6'7" and mom is... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SimDetailsOct 17, 2012
Hi Henwen, thank you for your wonderful feedback on the children's clothes. I hope you enjoy them in your game.
melisa inciOct 09, 2012
hi!thank you very much for your comment have a beatiful day
eviApr 26, 2012
Hi Nancy