lirunchik (1761486)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (460 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Mar 16, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm retired as an SA here. The place where you can find me now is BlackPearlSims. So feel free to contact me there.
See you all soon!
My Policy:
1. Re-upload my houses, meshes, walls and floors etc. and claim as your own! Re-distribution is forbidden in any way!
2. Clone my meshes, recolour my textures, use my textures in your own creations.
3. Upload by meshes with your recolours or without them.
Use my stuff from TSR only for TSR! No other place. Thanks.
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm gone.Written Apr 07, 2009
Hi there all! Well, this is the recent news. I've decided to retire and I have a lot of the reasons to do so! I just should think more of my education than about TS2 so I guess this is the best way for me to do now. And also I'm in need of changes as soon as it possible! It concerns for TS2 world too... So I guess TSR it's not my place anymore. That's why since today's evening... ...More
I'm still hereWritten Jan 01, 2009
Hi everyone!!! Just letting you know that I'm still somewhere here)) Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009!!! Wish you all exciting 2009, full of bright positive events! As for me, I just hope 2009 will be indulgent to me! 'Cause there're a lot of the difficulties for me and it's just the beginning! And well, I haven't been here for some time, and it's just an... ...More
Over 500,000 dls?!Written Oct 11, 2008
Hello all! OMG I've reached 500,000 downloads! Just can't believe it had happened to me. Lol!!! Oh, I only could dream about it! But it's true. Without all of you there will be no dls at all, so thanks so much to all people who downloaded my work, who commented my items, who visited my GB, who wrotes me PM and so on and so forth!!! I'm truly happy to feel myself a part of the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Jul 10, 2015
LOVE your stuff! Thanks for sharing your creations! They are wonderful
missjayteeMar 01, 2010
hi there! just wanted to say a quick hello and say I really love your work... I have your fogerton set from BPS and many of the recolours since they used it in the contest and I've just been on a downloading pree of your stuff here... thanks for sharing your work so freely... it's really beautiful!
Hope you're having a nice day!
sosliliomDec 30, 2009