311011 - Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii, 64x64
Sims 3 — 311011 - Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii, 64x64 by Volvenom — Have you ever been to Villa Dei Misteri in Pompeii?

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Created for: The Sims 3

Have you ever been to Villa Dei Misteri in Pompeii? This is it, and it covers every need you might have. It has 2 car garage, gym and hottub, pool, nactarium w/nectarcellar with wines and fruits in the garden, and 1 outside shop. 2 stables, and all the bedrooms you will ever need. It has 2 regular livingrooms, 1 big diningroom, kitchen with some spare rooms. Lots of garden and roofed terraces. I have not furnished all rooms in this house. The laundry room is not furnished with washer and drier, because it adds a massive workload instantly. I have playtested it several times. This is 64x64 on 1 floor + nectar cellar, the farm only has 1 floor. I have tested both the stables and the nectary.

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1124187

ItemID: 1124187

Filesize: 6 MB

The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

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The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No5
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The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No5
The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No3
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The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No3
The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No4
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The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No4
The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No2
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The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit No2
The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit Piece 1
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The Dyrad and the Tree Spirit Piece 1
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Victorian Panels 003
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Victorian Panels 003
Stone Border Walls dv002
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Stone Border Walls dv002
Sir Joseph Noel Paton Murals
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Sir Joseph Noel Paton Murals

The EA Creations below were used in this Creation.

Playtesting family 1: 3 lazy patricians and 4 staff, 1 horse, 1 dog and washer/drier. I had 1 npc butler and the game sent 2 maids. They had enough to do. A really hard household to run.
Playtesting family 2: 2 lazy patricians and 1 father with nectarmaster aspirations, 2 staff, 1 dog. 1 npc butler and 1 maid. Worked fine.
CC NEEDED for the building:
Guatla: bricks http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=353800
Thanks to luna for allowing me to use these:
lunasimslulamai: fence A2, part2: http://lunasimslulamai.jimdo.com/pa...-andalus%C3%AD/
lunasimslulamai: luna_granchimenea #1: http://lunasimslulamai.jimdo.com/chimeneas/

FURNITURE not needed:
EA Store:
1. "Serveringsbord" from the mediterrainean kitchen: http://no.store.thesims3.com/produc...emale&startAt=0
2. "Rubys storslagne kommode": http://no.store.thesims3.com/produc...male&startAt=45
Don't worry about these store items. If you don't have them the game will just replace it with something else. Only used 1 time each in the tetrastilio and diningroom.

Furnishings, not needed if you have your own.
Hudy777: sofa and loveseat ID 1120165

MURALS AND WALLS not needed, but the house will look a bit bland without them:
Denise10045552: The Dryad and the Tree spirit http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1112432
Rennara: The path http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1105705
murfeel: Sir Joseph painting ID 1009567
cm_11778: Stone Molding: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1068201
and Varidan victorian Panels: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/cm_11778/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-wallsfloors/title/varidan-victorian-panels/id/1089739/

CC USED WHERE: If you would like to download this with as little as possible, Pets would be a good thing to have. Both for the doors and kitchen, and for the stables. You need the nectary to work. The fogemitters might also be needed. Guatla bricks is only used in the edge lot fence. The fence from luna is used in most garden and roof edges. These items might not be replaced by the game. The staircase down to the basement is from WA, the pyramid one.
Since this is an attempt at reconstructing Villa Dei Misteri in Pompeii for sims3, I'm gonna say a few things about the rooms in the original compared to the download.

Main rooms of this roman villa:

Ingresso: entrance hallway and inner hallway
Peristilio: Open roof and had a crypt, I skipped the crypt and made a pool instead. I have also added a fogemitter to make some drops of water in the air, it also adds a sound from time to time. It may sound like compressed air travelling through pipes. The flower lights in the pool has to be avoided if your sim want to bath there.
Atrium: a 2 floor room to gather rain water in the middle.
Tablinum: Office
Exedra: Roofed terrace, 2 floors high. The villa is on a hilltop overlooking ... something. I have kept a grassy area so you can place it at a hilltop. There is a foundation there, so the plan lets you lower the terrain. The downloaded original is flat. The Exedra would have a great view. I have sad to say not been able to find a good view lot for this size.

Left Wing:
Tetrastilio: I have made 2 of those beside each other. The Villa only has 1, but it's lots of hallways and what's the point. I made a diningroom, bedrooms and now it's useful.
Cortile Delle Cucine: Kitchen and kitchen courtyard. The plans had tons of little rooms with no clear function, so same as above. I also left 1 room inside the kitchen unfurnished, bbq room perhaps, or some ancient function. 1 room outside in the courtyard could be used as garden shed.
Room of mysteries: the villas main diningroom with very famous wall murals. It's quite far from the kitchen. Because of routing issues in the game I decided to have the diningroom closer to the kitchen. The mural room is now the main livingroom.
Porticus: hallsways again. I don't know what they used to be, but I found some gorgeous pics on google. Now it's fountains and garden plants and some space to walk on. Functions as the main hallway on the back between different sections of the house.
Viridarium: Upper garden, enclosed by a foundation wall. On the Villa it's used to raise the sloping lot. There was probably a basement and a garden too down below. I've used it as planting area for the nectary and a garden.
Cubiculums: There was bedrooms and hallways dotted around, I couldn't find any good floorplans and we didn't see this villa when I was in Pompeii. I just made some bedrooms, bathrooms, atriums and hallways using my best judgement.

Right Wing
Cubiculums: yes, I made some of those. Couldn't really use the floorplan much. What did they use all those hallways for?
Shrine/home temple: It's a treat yourself shrine now. Spa and gym.
Winery and winecellar: Nectary and nectar cellar.
The farm area of this Villa is there on the right somewhere. I made 2 stables there and a 2 car garage. Can't have a villa with no garage me thinks. You can choose what door to use as entrance by clicking on the ingresso door. Horses have to use the farm door though.
Viridarium: Nectar garden.
I hope I have thought about everything, but that would be a tall order. Pictures taken in Charlton and builder's world DIY by Armiel, and New York Beta3 by manustyle90 still in testing. Some pictures is from testing the villa at the big park lot in Twinbrooks. I had one picture of the real Villa floorplan but it does not fit the TSR submission requirements. This lot has really been going through lots of versions and worlds. If you want to see the original floorplan or you need some inspiration to how you want your villa to look like check out my channel on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TullaRask?feature=mhee. If you like a hint, take a look at "Sims3 - 311011 Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii, Part 2". That's where the floorplans and the main playtesting is.

I only have a chip on my motherboard for a graphicscard, so it's not hopeless. On the other hand I do have a stationary pc :)I hope you like my Villa. Please enjoy.

Credits: hudy777, denise10045552, rennara, murfeel, cm_11778

  • Price Unfurnished: 278596
  • Price Furnished: 432366
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 7
  • Bathrooms: 5
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size (z): 64
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There are 7 comments on this article

MossyMemory ∙ Jul 18, 2014

This is fantastic!

Pralinesims ∙ Jan 9, 2012


Volvenom ∙ Jan 5, 2012

Thank you all, it has been a lot of work. I hope you enjoy it. I have been to Pompeii, but this is made from floorplans. The guide said there was too many people in this villa, so we went somewhere else. 

Guardgian ∙ Jan 5, 2012

WOW ! Amazing work !

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