
1,926Creations 3,995,301Downloads

mightyfaithgirl's Blog

SETS Poll results

So here are the results from my recent poll about what people would like to see from me in the way of sets:

Question: What would you like to see in sets from me?

Room sets 40% (10)
Object sets 40% (10)
Wall and Floor sets 24% (6)

So many thanks to all who participated. I wish i could tahnk each one of you individually ( like I did on my very first poll) but there were alot and also my life is just so dang busy i wasnt able to. My apologies.. please do not think I am rude.

So now I am ready to post a NEW poll.. cant wait to see the results!


I just want to say a big HUGE THANK YOU to all the peeps who have downloaded my creations and re-colors! As of today I am over 300,000 downloads.. and obviously this wouldnt have happened without all the terrific downloaders! A big HURRAY to you all!

On Jan 7th I was at 200,000 .. that means i got 100 thousand downloads in just 3 weeks! I stand totally amazed and in awe at the sheep volume of it all! WOW :) And I havent even started re-coloring Custom content meshes yet!! And by the way i had made plans that this weekend - tomorrow in fact was going to be the day when I sit down.. read and go thru all the tutorials i have and finally figure out how to do it! ( I wasnt going to quit til i had achieved my goal! LOL) So who knows next week could be the week where I have new custom content recolors out! Also i wanted to take my first shot at making some clothing too.. this weekend! Yikes! we shall see how it turns out!


Busy busy week! Egads!

So its been about a week since I last blogged.. its been pretty hectic. Got some new customers - which is great- however it means more work and toll on my back - but thems the breaks. Because of my hubbys back injury i have also been running him to numerous appointments in betwen- doctor, pain specialist, massage therapy, physio... whew! Tired just writing it! lol. Also Pauly has been hurting worse with the bitter cold we have been having here in Ontario so I have been walking puppkins... somedays 4 times a day ( or he gets stir crazy and gets into trouble around the house- crazy dog!) Mia ( aka Princess Moomoo on here) is a great helper and helps walking him and also yesterday she did the dishes ( without being asked!) and vacuumed. Pretty good for a 10 year old! I wish the other kids were as helpful!

Anyhoo, sorry for complaining ... in between all my running .. I have managed to create lots of stuff. ( Just need to upload it now) I have two new houses coming out ( BESIDES the other 2 that just came out this week) I made a Spiderman Boys bedrrom set, plus about 4 other alternative Spidey beddings and matching curtains, 10 other beddings, and some new walls. Oh and a couple of furniture re-colors. How the heck can i do all that you ask? Well i do it at night.. before bed. Around 10 pm - after a hot shower...every night i drag my butt upstairs to my pc ( with my cozy heating pad turned up to high on my chair) andI create. The creating isnt hard.. its all teh junk that goes with it thats the long process.. takingin game shots, and uploading etc.

So look for the new stuff I mentioned this weekend... and there should be skads next week as I have an idea of a Paramore bedroom set ( Paramore is an alternative music group that my 12 yr old happens to love. ) Oh I almost forgot I made some more Twilight stuff.. another bedding adn some more posters!

Anyways thats my update! Thanks for reading!

On a matching spree

Just in case anyone has noticed or hasnt, i have been making curtians that match beddings I have made. I am presently working on three more curtain sets that match older beddings I have made. Maybe some of you dont care.. but in the game and in real life I like things to match. :) So people will have to mix and match and maybe go back and look for beddings to match the curtains coming out. I am also attemtpting to make sofas to match the curtains. Annoying YES! Just thought i would add thsi tidbit of info.. and now off I go to create some more!

The weather outside is frightful...

but sitting here with Sims is delightful!Let it snow , let it snow , let it snow........NOT!

I am rather tired of winter and I am ready for spring to come. The one good thing about winter is that i am in the house .. pretty much all the time ( unless I am at work, on the way to work in the van,doing banking or shopping , or walking the doggie) i hate winter! I did take up downhill skiing about 5 years back thinking that that may increase my enjoyment of winter... but as it turns out I only like the snow when i am skiing and still hate it every other second! LOL And because i am in the house all the time.. i spend a large portion of that time on my pc.. creating for Sims2! Which ends up being a good thing!

Got some new stuff on the horizon.. some walls, more curtains,some twilight stuff.. ( you would think I am a fan of Twilight considering I have made a bunch of stuff .. but I am most certainly not! However my 12 yr old is and so I make it for her..:) Got another 2 lots coming out and working on more beddings. I still am working on that Bathroom wall and floor set.. STILL! LOL. The floor tiles take a while and requires painstaking accuracy.. so i work on a little bit at a time. ( as I havent had the patience to finish them all in one fell swoop).

Downloads Explosion!

So a few short days ago i was complaining that my downloads had been cut in half since the new TSR version 7 had started up. And it was true .. for one day .. thats it. Now I feel as if I have put my proverbial foot in my mouth..lol.. as in the past two days I have had DOUBLE what I used to get.. the other day I had 6100 downloads in a single day! WOW! Previous to the new version on average i would get anything in between 2000- 3000 per day. Now it is anywhere from 4000- 6000. Amazing.. simply amazing.Thanks to all the downloaders! Really THANK YOU and I hope you are enjoying my things!

I have been kicking around the idea of starting my OWN website.. as I learn to recolor CC meshes and eventually try my hand at my OWN meshing. It would be a free site but with Donation possibilities.. as i dont want to make money but lets face it.. web hosting and bandwidth cost money and I am not exactly rich... barely middle class really. I would definately need help to keep things running as my hubby would not like me footing the bill of something like that just cuz its my "Hobby". So pelase let me know your thoughts on that one... maybe shortly i will do a poll to get an idea of who would be interested.

Sneaky sneak preview of my new lots

hi all, So i have been on a bedding frenzy lately as you can see by my latest uploads.It so happens I found 2 terrific fabric websites so i have been having a great time whipping up beddings galore! LOL I have MORE coming out this week so brace yourselves! lol BUT I also want to use the fabrics for more curtains ( as I have noticed downloaders seem to be liking my Cornerstone curtain recolors :)and also for some new shower curtains for all the showers ( cheap to expensive) I have also made two new lots. I am giving the Starter Home series a rest for a while ( unless people really want me to make more.. if so just sign my GB or something and let me know!)These two new houses are pretty fancy are fully landscaped but come unfurnished. ( Again if anybody wants me to start making an unfurnished AND furnished version just let me know!) So here is a sneaky preview of my 2 lots that are presently pending approval :) let me knwo your thoughts! Feedback is alwasy welcome - whether good or bad! 211 Starwood Drive Ground floor: Second Floor: 5 Garden Grove Ground Floor: Second Floor:

HEY 2 TSRs!!

So okay there is the old version this one.. beta 6? and now the new one version 7. I like this old version alot better.. i find it easier to navigate and not as slow.. so is this old version gonna get shut down totally eventually??????

Cant upload new creations!AARRGGHH!

Okay so I am still in Gripeing mode re: the new version of TSR. I realize staff has obviously put alot of time and effort into this project and they must of had to for Sims 3. The old version wouldnt of been able to handle the amount of stuff that will come out once Sims3 is released.

However it is still sloooooow.. hard to find things...cluttered looking and a little hard on the eyes...also I cant upload anything for 2 days now. I have a new set and about 50 new objects and a new lot...when i try to submit i get the Error -Category tree failed dialog box.. even after refreshing etc. I sent a message to staff.. as this will now stop my publish dates and push them back.Perhaps I will try version 6 ( aka the old version and see if I can upload anything and then it will show up here?) We will soon see....

Another complaint: i have noticed the no# of downloads has decreased daily by almost half... yes maybe people just dont like my new stuff LOL but i think its more like people cant FIND my stuff or any stuff to download it LOL. I usually have an average of downloads i get and also comments.. and it has decreased trememdously in 2 days. I am sure it will pick up again as people figure the site out .. my concern is for downloaders who arent technically savvy being frightened by the new site... i know it was pretty daunting looking to even me at first! And my 10 yr old was like WTH? and I had to show her where stuff was!

Do NOT like this new version of TSR

Okay maybe its because i am just not used to it but I dont like this new version of the site so far. My page is cluttered looking.. its hard to find things, everything is as slow as molasses when you want to configure something or look at something.. Triple GRRRRR...

Some things I am sure are just glitches as they prepare the site  for Sims 3.. I understand this... but this reminds me of the facelife that FACEBOOK did and now i never go on Facebook becaus eit is a pain in the arse to find everything! But i guess I am stuck with this new version whether i like it or not.. sigh.. i will get used to it..

Latest Headlines

SETS Poll results 300,000 DOWNLOADS! INCREDIBLE! Busy busy week! Egads! On a matching spree The weather outside is frightful... Downloads Explosion! Sneaky sneak preview of my new lots HEY 2 TSRs!! Cant upload new creations!AARRGGHH! Do NOT like this new version of TSR
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