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So here is the complete preview for my new set, inspired by five outfits made famous by Kate Middleton, the new Duchess of Cambridge.


It's always challenging (and time consuming!) trying to re-create real life outfits for The Sims. I am not a mesh creator so I had to do my best using existing meshes. Inevitably, this involved some compromises. The transparent dress, for example, should ideally have high heels but also required a mesh with an alpha skirt which could be made translucent. I couldn't find a mesh that met both criteria. The Reiss dress Kate wore for the official engagement photos was a particular challenge as it really requires quite a complex custom mesh for the flounces at the front. Likewise, the bridal gown ideally requires a custom mesh for the frills at the back. I would have liked to use a mesh with wedge heels and a layered alpha skirt for Kate's Zara dress as it has a lovely layered floaty skirt in real life, but I wasn't able to find such a mesh. Finding appropriate meshes is becoming increasingly difficult as Sims 2 sites begin to disappear, which is very sad.

All outfits are available for adults and young adults (although, of course, young adults cannot marry in The Sims!). The short dresses are categorised as everyday wear and the bridal gown as formal wear. The transparent dress actually works very well as beachwear. The meshes I used in the end were created by Crechebaby, Shannara and Ulkrhsn - many thanks to them for their wonderful meshes. Veil, tiara and bridal bouquet available free from Pronupsims, which, as always, I cannot recommend highly enough. And, of course, if you're planning a Sims 2 wedding, don't forget to take a look at my tutorial here at TSR, The Sims 2 Wedding Planner.

I hope your Sims enjoy being a princess for a day!

Another sneak peak

This is the second item from my forthcoming set, the Issa dress Kate wore when she and Prince William officially announced their engagement:

Kate's engagement announcement dress

Sneak preview

Here's a sneak preview from my forthcoming set:

Catherine's bridal gown

Working on a new set

I'm currently working on a new set which I'm hoping to upload in the near future. What is it? Here's a hint: it has a royal theme...Watch this space!

Spring Collection 2011

My first set of 2011 looks ahead to Spring with a collection of three pretty dresses.

Spring 2011

For the two 3/4 sleeve dresses you will need a free mesh from Sim Chic called SimChicKneeDressHeels5-01-05. The third dress requires H&M Fashion Stuff. All dresses are available for adults and young adults and are categorised as everyday wear.

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

What happened to The Sims 1 official site?

I just tried to visit the official The Sims 1 EA site using my old bookmark and it re-directs to The Sims 3! The official Sims 1 site appears to be gone. This is very sad. I loved that site. Does this finally mean the end for The Sims 1?


My latest set is the follow up to a set I created three years ago called L.B.D. My new set L.B.D.2 includes six more little black cocktail dresses, again all accessorised with seamed stockings, jewellery and sexy red fingernails.


Two of the dresses are base game compatible, one requires University, one requires Nightlife and two require Chriko's beautiful ShortBallGown mesh. This was originally available from 2-f0r-u.de but, as this site has sadly been down for some time, I have included this mesh in the download.

All dresses are available for adults and young adults and can be found under formal wear. In addition, I have also categorised the single sleeved dress as everyday wear.

Autumn Collection 2010

Autumn is probably my favourite time of year and a great season for fashion, so here is my Autumn Collection 2010, comprising four cosy outfits in Autumn colours.

Autumn Collection 2010

All the outfits are available for adults and young adults (I think these would make ideal college outfits) and two of the outfits are available as outerwear. All the outfits use Maxis meshes so there are no external meshes to download. The pleated skirt uses the cheerleader mesh from University so this outfit will only show up in your game if you have that expansion pack installed. The turned up jeans may also require University but I'm not sure, so if that outfit doesn't show up in your game that may be the reason why. The military jacket borrows some elements from Cassandra Goth's dress - I hope she doesn't mind!

The bags shown in the preview are two of my recolours of NataliS bag HB-2 mesh : Birkins by Bunny.

As for the Bridal Collection, I have again created a universal collection file which includes not only these new outfits but all of my previous Autumn outfits.

Into the 21st Century at last...

I have finally got around to setting up facebook and twitter accounts so if you're interested in staying up to date with my latest creative projects and checking out previews of upcoming sets then take a look. I am Bunny Tsr on facebook and BunnyTSR on twitter - nobody seems to like the stars in *Bunny* :-(

Latest Headlines

Kate Another sneak peak Sneak preview Working on a new set Spring Collection 2011 Happy New Year! What happened to The Sims 1... L.B.D.2 Autumn Collection 2010 Into the 21st Century at last...
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