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Grizzelda's Blog

Walking Down Memory Lane

I was just looking at some of my creations and reading my tutorial on meshing and wow--what a long time ago it all seems. I quit meshing and creating because my work life exploded at the same time as my computer died in a wind storm. I was sad to leave it behind. I do still miss it at times, but really my inner geek has fun at work (I'm in accounting--spreadsheets yay!) and my inner artist finds expression with my hobbies (drawing and painting.) However, I still love the Sims and was an avid Sims 3 player and have moved to Sims 4, but I do still return to 3 and sometimes 2. Also, I discovered Sims Medieval a couple of years ago--what fun that is! I love all of the work people are doing and I still think that the Sims Community is a unique and wonderful place. Thanks TSR for doing what you do!

Sims 2 Ultimate


Terrible feeling

Well, this is good-bye I suppose. I've had a fun ride with TSR, but with all of the work issues and computer issues, I just can't see staying around. I requested Thomas and Steve to drop me as an FA--and they did without a word. So, thanks guys! Anyway, if I am ever up and running properly, I'm sure I'll create again. Keep your eye out for me. Cheers and happy Simming!

Simpe issues

Well, I've got major Simpe issues and no way to resolve them. I guess that's it for me. I don't have time to suss it out and have little time to create anyway. Take care to you all. I'll miss being around, but I'm a mesher and if I can't mesh, then I am a knitter or writer or painter. I tried to roll back my version of Simpe, but I get the same errors as with the new versions. Problem is, I'm creating packages the same as ever. Oh well, maybe it's the universe telling me to move on. Ce La Vie and all that jazz, eh? Take care and catch you on the flip side.

Free Items Band Wagon

I've set several old sets to free forever. I hope they are enjoyed. I'm not able to create anything right now, but hopefully will be back up and running in the next couple of weeks. Cheers!

Wind Storms and Power Surges

I was working on a new mesh last weekend and a windstorm blew a tree in to a power line--the outage somehow fried my hard disk, my video card, and my monitor. I was able to get most of the files from my hard disk, but can't boot up my computer. It was due for an upgrade, but I can't afford to fix it all at once. I'm sharing my hubby's computer right now, but can't spend the time neccessary on his computer to make meshes. I'm out of the game until I can replace my box and install my new harddisk in it. Hopefully that will be within the next few weeks.

Have been sick

So, I've been struggling with being sick and working too much, along with a lot of family stuff. I haven't been able to work on any new sets and I don't know when I will be able to. :( Take care everyone. Hopefully, I won't be gone for too long.

Uber Busy at work

I've been working a heck of a lot of hours at work, so although I have some meshes ready, I'm not sure how long until I can get the textures dones and the screenshots done. I was planning on doing it this weekend, but I'm mentally exhausted and spent the weekend a complete lump!

Tube Top Obsessed & Comments

Hi everyone! I guess it may be obvious that I'm pretty much obsessed with that little tank/tube shape that I've been using lately. But those of you that have followed me know that is how I am; I do a certain style for a while then like the wind, my mood shifts and I'm obsessed with some other shape. I have almost caught up with my comments. there were almost 250, so over the last couple of days, I've set out to respond to everyone that posted a comment. Sheesh I suck at replying to comments. Sorry everyone that I haven't gotten to yet. Only 97 left. But Now I must sleep.

2 meshes ready--almost

So I have 2 meshes ready, but I need to do some textures and then do screen shots. Unfortunately I'm mucho busy with the class I'm taking. Boring accounting stuff (but I like it) and I have to get a good grade! And at the end of the month, it's 100% more stressful at work. And for all of you non-accountanting people, the end of the month starts the last week of the month and ends the 2nd week of the next month! lol at least that's what it seems like. ;) Anyway, it may be that I won't get the textures done in time to publish by the weekend. And if so, I'm sorry. But I'm not ditching you all again! I'm just really, really incredibly busy. :(

Latest Headlines

Walking Down Memory Lane Sims 2 Ultimate Terrible feeling Simpe issues Free Items Band Wagon Wind Storms and Power Surges Have been sick Uber Busy at work Tube Top Obsessed & Comments 2 meshes ready--almost
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