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Areto Bathroom Part 2 - RIP

Last time I lost a project folder was way back in 2010 when I lost all my Monterey Shelving files. Fortunately that set was then already published on TSR so I could download it and at least have something to save for the future.

This time I wasn't so lucky. The models of the "Areto bathroom - part 2" have vanished. The folder holding the models must have slipped inside another folder which then was deleted during the cleaning up session I had a few days ago. After a few days of sulking I have decided to let it go since I can't bring myself to start all over again. A new year has just begun so it feels better to start working on something new instead. I still don't know if it will be something from my to-do list or if it will be something totally unexpected but for me that's part of the charm of creating stuff.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I am going to take a well deserved break from real life work and creating for sims until the beginning of January so I would like to take this opportunity and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Creating again

As you maybe have noticed I have started to create again for Sims 3 again after some time of absence. I lost all interest at the beginning of this year and considered myself done with the game. Apparently the game wasn't done with me, lol. Anyway, it's nice to be back again.

Gallery Kitchen Set updated

There has been an issue with the slots on the straight cabinet files. It has affected those of you who downloaded the whole set in one zip so if you are one of them please download the set again. The game will replace the old cabinets with the new ones automatically.

Those of you that have downloaded the single items already have the revised files so you don't have to do anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Part 2 of the Art Deco Set delayed due to the latest patch

I am working to finish off Art Deco Build Set Part 2 but due to the latest mess that EA has created I will have to patch my game, pray that my game will still work after patching, wait for the latest version of Workshop and then remake the objects so that they will be compatible with the latest patch and Pets. This will delay the release of Part 2 about a week or so.



First set of the Art Deco project uploaded - More to come

After a long and winding road I have started to publish the Art Deco project with the first base set this week. It's a classic Art Deco style and consists of windows, doors and window trimmings.

Part 2 will be released next week and will consist of various build items to make a complete classic Art Deco look.

Part 3 and maybe part 4 will be a build set in the Streamline Moderne style. You can find these kind of buildings in the Art Deco district in Miami.


Enjoy and have fun building!





Art Deco Project - Update 2

The way things are going this will be a large set (as usual, lol) and released in parts. The windows and doors are halfway done and I am also working on the architectural decorative items that define the style. My goal is to have the first part ready for publishing at the end of August.

This is the first sneak preview of some of the items in the set taken from my testbed in 3ds max:


Asarina Windows have been updated

I got a report about a small glitch in the Asarina Build Set. In certain cases, the windows were bleeding through the floor in the upper story. All windows have been lowered slightly so they still fit seamlessly vertically. There is no need to uninstall the original windows. The revised windows have the same ID's as the original ones and will automatically replace them in the game.

I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Active artist again

After some months of inactivity due to real life I have returned to the game. First order of the day is to update the Asarina Build Set. That work should be finished some time next week. After that I will continue working on the Art Deco Project. The project is growing and will be split into several sets. My goal is to have the first set ready for publishing in August. Stay tuned for updates. :-)

Farewell and rest in peace dad

I have some sad news to share today. My father passed away tonight after a short time of illness. He became 91 years old and he left us peacefully. He fell asleep and died in his sleep.The staff at the nursing home made a fantastic job making sure his last days were painless and peaceful. We will miss him but now his long life is over and he can rest in peace.

I am taking a break from object creating until June because of this.

Take care of yourselves and spend time with your loved ones while they are still around. You will never regret it.



Latest Headlines

Areto Bathroom Part 2 - RIP Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Creating again Gallery Kitchen Set updated Part 2 of the Art Deco Set... First set of the Art Deco... Art Deco Project - Update 2 Asarina Windows have been updated Active artist again Farewell and rest in peace dad
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