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Midnight222's Guestbook

fredbrennyDec 14, 2009

Thanks for your comments on my screenies. Yes...The Fields.... Chester is like this because of his upbring. I think I will do a story on them. He just got married as you commented on to a real nice farmergirl who lives with her mom on an old farm. Mom is a 5 star chef! Here he learns what real life is and next time in Egypt I will make sure he takes a jeep! (Wish there were ridable camels...)

fredbrennyDec 14, 2009

WOOHOO!!! \:D Look at that BANNER!!!

FreemousseDec 14, 2009

Hello, Thank you very much for your comment on my screenshot \:\)Yes, this house is heavy : 26,4\:eek\: \:D So, you think we can't upload heavy houses here ?\:\( It's the more great terrain in Sunset Valley with under under "cave" (in french , how to say that in englih?)It's for having a best "nectar" wine \:D Thank you again, you helped me to understand\:wub\: Have a very nice week \:wub\:

kanzenDec 14, 2009

mm nah, you pick a character and follow their personality. about the chapter...well, it was written a long time ago, it just so happens that I felt shooting it that day...not like there's anything better to do LoL

spitzmagicDec 14, 2009

ROFL, that's so funny, such a funny movie too, we watch it every year along with A Christmas Story. LOL We have some lights outside, but we did'nt go all out like we usually do. We need some new lights to put out there. You have a wonderful day too...\:wub\:

shaml_sim Dec 14, 2009

Hey Kaz \;\) Thanks for all your wonderful comments on Part V of My Own... , my Boo! screenshot (and by the way, I think she was thinking more along the lines of 'OMG I'm having this man's baby', cos they broke up when Joey was a toddler, haha!) and my blog \:\) In relation to my story, yea Charlotte never really did stand up to her dad but his passing has definitely freed her in terms of finding her own happiness which is a positive! No hints as to whether it was her mum though or not, haha \:P Melbourne seems so enticing right now. It's always seemed to have fickle weather but just the mention of 22 is nice right now. It's already 26 here and it's only 9 in the morning *rolls eyes*. The unit I share with Chris (my partner) is like an oven as well which doesn't help! We were thinking about moving down south one day but I don't know if it will happen \;\) Well, anyway, I hope you have a cooler day...\:D Oh, and yea, skipping the slurring in Part VI is a good idea :P

spitzmagicDec 13, 2009

Hi Midnight, thanks for commening on my waterfall screenie and also my gallery. Those are the first pumpkins we carved. Boy it was a messy job LOL pumpkins don't smell very good weither LOL...have a wonderful week..\:wub\:

kanzenDec 13, 2009

oh btw, thank you for commenting on chapter 4...its quite a sad one, heck I broke up with my girlfriend the day I posted the story so yeah, but I'm okay ^^ I'm just happy that she recieved my love and all that...ehehe...

kanzenDec 13, 2009

...mm cosplay is..uh, well it basically stands for costume+play, where you dress up as your favorite character and act like they do ^^

fredbrennyDec 12, 2009

Hi (((Kaz))) Thanks for your comments! The "blues" are -almost- over. I had all my mods run thru a program made by Delphy at Modthesims. It's called the BlueLotObjectFixer (BLOF) so far so good, the only household that won't let me in is the Field Residence. I can over there to visit, walk in and out (Son Chester just moved out maybe that's why) but I can not make that lot the playable one. The Town View will stay on forever until I have to shut down the game using CTRL ALT Delete... But sofar so good! oday I will start her up again and see if I can move the gravestones of Chester Field III and his lovely wife Lauren. Remove the house and put it back there to keep my Field legacy going. It's a challenge! But I am really happy I did not re-install (yet) I have everything (almost) under control. I haven't been building very much because of this but screenshots are so much fun to take in the proces of restoring a game! Take care and enjoy your weekend! Fred

Jennifer_RDec 12, 2009

Hey Midnight, how is your weekend going? Thank you for reading & commenting on part 2 of my story. \:D I'm glad you liked the butt fire dance. lol I wasn't paying attention and she walked right into the fire trap and caught fire...oops, my bad! \:o 

Peachybitz1Dec 11, 2009

Hey there Midnight \:D, thank you for the lovely comment on my screenshot..with the addition of WA (which i finally got \;\)), the colours are much more pretty i think, but softer.. glad you liked it \:wub\:

AbsintheBessDec 11, 2009

Hey Midnight! Thanks for the comment on my Scarborough House. \:\) -Bess

Marauder281Dec 10, 2009

Thanks for the comment on my screen shot "Good morning?" . I just love messing with the Goths. LOL!

libertyDec 9, 2009

Hey thanks kaz for wishing me Happy Birthday Thanks

Jennifer_RDec 8, 2009

Hiya Midnight, thanks for commenting on my 'Head First' screenie. Have a great day! \;\) \:wub\:

shaml_sim Dec 7, 2009

Hey Kaz \:cool\: Just popping by to thank you for commenting on Part 4 of my story, your support is always valued of course \:wub\: I must admit, I have seriously considered using all those plots you came up with \:P At the end of each chapter I should end it with the characters having a stand off, just watching each other for a long, drawn out silence to go with the Bold and Beautiful theme \;\) Haha. I'm glad the characters have drawn you in though and I can promise lots more drama \:D

AbsintheBessDec 7, 2009

Thanks for commenting on 'The Window, Midnight! I'm stoked you liked it \:\) -Bess

Jennifer_RDec 7, 2009

Hi Midnight, thanks so much for your kind comments on part 1 of 'My Egyptian Adventure'. I'm so glad you liked it! Have a lovely day! \:\) \:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 6, 2009

Thanks Kaz! Yes.... Barb has a way to express her self just by the looks on her face! \:D

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