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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
You know what this game needs? An easy way to purchase medicine and pet treats while living off-the-grid. Ergo, this cabinet.
How it works: Click on the glass doors and select "Search Apothecary Cabinet". Your Sim will walk over to peruse the contents, and then a purchase picker dialogue will pop up with all the available options. (Sims who have the Vet skill or who are in the Doctor career will get a discount).
Which remedies are available?: You can buy the medicine from Get to Work, the pet treats from Cats and Dogs, and the rabid rodent fever serum from My First Pet Stuff.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1699918
ItemID: 1699918
Revision: 5
Filesize: 4 MB
-Requires: Get to Work, Cats & Dogs, & My First Pet Stuff
-8 Swatches
-�350. Find it by searching Apothecary
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