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Tigerblue's Blog

Goodbye from Tigerblue!

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as an FA; it's been great to have been part of the TSR community for the last few years. Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my lots, commented or left messages in my gb.  I appreciate it very much.

My reason for retiring is simple; over the last few months, I have taken on a number of new and exciting creative projects professionally. While I'm very happy with what I'm doing in real life, unfortunately it doesn't leave me time to create for The Sims 2 any longer. 

So it's time to say goodbye.  Best wishes to you all, particularly to my fellow FAs. And good luck; have great fun with The Sims 3!

~ Tiger


Cube complex Set

Lots of pics and details of these lots here! They're built on 4x4 lots and have plenty of amenities. There's two versions; one with apartments, the other you can use as a house / college house / or convert it to a dorm. The front: The back: Overview of the lot: The amenities include a gym: and a cinema: there's also a large games room with views into the aquarium pool: a communal living area and communal kitchen: Outside, there's the library and computer building: The upstairs library: The downstairs computer room: There's also an external bbq area just outside that building as well as a jacuzzi, a football net and the large pool. You can just about see them on the photo below, which also shows the basement level: As you can see, there is a sideways garage and a drive; there's room for three cars altogether. I'll put instructions on how to place them at the end of this post :) Here's the ground floor: The first floor: And the second floor: finally here's a pic of the smallest apartment - yes, it REALLY is a studio! But there's room for a double bed and your Sims should find everything else they want on site. If you want to remove the bathroom and wall dividers, do this before you move anyone in (to be safe.) YOu'll find the rent then goes down to �230 or so - a real bargain :) To do this, before moving Sims in, enter the lot, open the cheat window and rezone the lot as residential. You'll then have to rezone again as an apartment once you're done. Finally here's the instructions for adding cars to the garage/ driveway: Please note that when you play a different apartment, the cars belonging to other apartments won't show. I've been able to place cars in the same place for different apartments and it's been fine for me. To add a car to the driveway of the apartment version this lot: 1. Move your Sims in and have them rent an apartment. 2. Open the cheats window and type: boolprop aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled false (This will enable the buy/buildmode catalogue.) 3. Choose a car as normal from the catalogue and place on the driveway. 4. Open the cheats window and type: boolprop aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled true (to turn the cheat off). That's it! To be safe, do back up your game before using cheats such as these. And don't play with that cheat enabled as it may mess things up! Yeah, that's the technical term :) Have fun... Merry Christmas! Tiger :)

The Tetrode Family

I am delighted that we now have the ability to upload families to TSR. Here's my first upload, the Tetrode family: siblings, Tarka and Tai and their rather amorous robot companion, i-Bot. The family had to move to a new city after an incident involving i-Bot. The details are shady but it might be worth keeping an eye on anyone who gets close to to Tai... When you first enter this lot, you'll find it's first thing in the morning; they've just moved in and have blown most of their cash on a few luxury items. They need to start a home business, make some money, furnish the house and find friends and perhaps love. As you can see, they have skills, talent badges and a stocked home business that just needs to be started by phone. They require NL and OFB only and come with their home (my Cube Robotics lot.) You'll find there are two servos on the lot that are all ready to be activated or sold. Be aware that if you sell them, none of the Sims yet has the skills to make another. Oh, and you might want to check some of the robots in the shop... they might need some attention before they can be sold (or trashed....) Please only install this family ONCE in any or each of your neighbourhoods to avoid problems with duplicate Sims! I hope you'll give this family a go; they will be published next Tuesday, the 30th December. Have fun with them. ~ Tiger

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

Whichever holiday you may be celebrating this Christmas, I wish you health, happiness and joy along with my best wishes for 2009.

Thank you to those who have contacted me, commented or downloaded my lots this year. It's very much appreciated. I'm sorry I don't always have time to thank people for their comments individually - RL doesn't allow me much time for the Sims, so what time I do have tends to go on building and uploading.

More Cube lots...

It's been a while but (at last!) I have a new series of Cube lots coming out. As well as the Cube Duplex set out today, I've got several other lots in varying stages of completion.

The next up is Cube No1. (set for release on the 2nd October):

It's built as a series of interlocking cubes but is still very playable.

Next up is a rather large looking apartment block - it's actually built on a 3x3 lot so it's not quite as ginormous as it looks!!

I also have another, smaller apartment lot in the works - this one's on a 3x1:

I've got to run, but I'll try and nip back later and add a few more pics.

~ Tiger

Don't have all the EPs for a lot? Read on...

The Maxis Installer that comes with AL will let you install lots for which you don't have all the required EPs. This has worked for me; I've been able to install lots requiring Uni, NL and OFB on a PC running only NL, OFB and AL.

I recently had a PM from a TSR member who has been able to install the Pirate Cove hotel, in spite of only having some of the required EPs (including Bon Voyage - the last EP required for that lot). In the hope that it might help others who don't have all the EPs, I thought I'd bump this section of my blog again.

I wrote the information here just after Pets was released. Clean Installer is still an option for those on a PC (Method 2) but I don't know if Method 1 works with Seasons or Bon Voyage in the same way that it did with Pets. Please let me know if it does.

Installing Lots for which you do not have all the EPs:

There are two possible ways to install lots for which you don't have all the EPs. Please back up your data if you're trying either of these methods for the first time (although I haven't heard of any problems so far). But I don't want to be held responsible for any problems with your game, ok?!

METHOD 1: If you have Pets installed, you should be able to use the Maxis Installer to install ANY lot, whether or not you have the correct EPs. This works for both Macs and PCs. Of course, items from the EPs you DON'T have will be missing. So, if you don't have the correct windows, the building won't have windows. Same goes for furniture. With doors, it seems that the game will replace them with a door from the base game.

METHOD 2: If you don't have Pets but are using a PC, you can use Clean Installer to install lots for which you have the last EP. That is, if a lot requires Uni, NL and OFB, as long as you have OFB, the lot should install for you. Once again, items from the EPs you DON'T have will be missing.

I hope that helps some of you who've contacted me wishing you could install a certain lot for which you don't have the EPs. My thanks to Cyclonesue and Moonlit Maiden for their major contributions to this info!

~ Tiger :-)

Little Venice - Flower Shop - out now :)

Hello - here's a few pictures of the new lot I've been working on. I've added some more pictures which show part of the interior. The lot is part of my Little Venice series (obviously!) ; it has a habitable houseboat and a flower shop on the ground floor of the building.

It's been ages since I built a home business so I hope your Sims will want to give this one a go!

The lot:

The house/ flower shop:

And the view from the back of the lot towards the road (you can see a balcony at the back of the house):

Here's the interior of the Flower Shop lot. The second lot, the Flower House is basically an unfurnished version:

I'm intending to release it in a set with a non-business / unfurnished version, so if your Sims are just looking for a new pad, they can use it simply as a home.

~ Tiger :)

Back soon...

I'm still around... I've been studying recently and am working hard on my final project for this year. I will be back in a few weeks' time :)

Thank you :)

A huge thank you to everyone who has left me a comment recently :) They are all very much appreciated. It's great to get feedback - and particularly to hear when people are enjoying your work. Thank you! I am sorry I can't answer them all individually.

Lakeside Lodge... finally!

Hello, I'm still around. February was hectic but I have new lots on the way during March. :)

Here's some details of the Lakeside Lodge lot, which is out tomorrow. There's plenty of room for any size family in this lot:

This is the top floor. I've used dark floorboards on areas that Sims can access. The light wood areas show parts where the roof is too low:

Here's the ground floor:

And finally, here's the basement - which is huge - I've left up to you to best divide it up to suit your Sims' needs.

Hope you'll like it!

~ Tiger

Latest Headlines

Goodbye from Tigerblue! Cube complex Set The Tetrode Family Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! More Cube lots... Don't have all the EPs for a... Little Venice - Flower Shop -... Back soon... Thank you :) Lakeside Lodge... finally!
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