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Tiko's Guestbook

sueleeeJun 10, 2007

awsome tutorial\:D

KatCatJun 9, 2007

Hello Andy! \:D It's been a while, so I thought I'd stop by. I've gotten so much better at taking and creating my preview pics for my lots, thanks to you! \:wub\: So much that I had my very first lot featured on the front page this past week "Aunt Victoria's Victorian". Thank you for all of your help! ~ KatCat

BBKZJun 7, 2007

Hello, Andy \:\) How are you today? I've just seen your new screenshots. These with thunderstorm are fantastic!! And Lord Pingu... hahahhaa, very funny shot \:D Have a wonderful day! Barbara

foxysenseiJun 7, 2007

Hey thanks for replying to my comment - what an honour to have the great TIKO in my guestbook! \:rah\:

ShannelleJun 6, 2007

Thanks Andy, for your reply. I haven't been back to the stairs for a while, but when I do I'll try what you've said. Thanks again, Shannelle.\:\)

slsaulJun 6, 2007

I am pleased that you have a new comp. I look forward to your next tutorial. Serena

ValgridaJun 5, 2007

Hi!!! Congratulations and welcome back!!\:\) \:rah\: \:rah\:

milanokatJun 5, 2007

Oh wow, ur stuff is great! And ur pics are just....whoooa, I saved all of them on my pc! Looks like u are one of the lucky ones who have time to actually play the game! ThanQ so so much for ur nice words, u are very sweet!C ya around ^.^

foxysenseiMay 28, 2007

My goodness - coming from you that is a HUGE compliment! Thanks so much! Hope you're feeling a lot better! \:wub\:

mightyfaithgirlMay 28, 2007

Thanks tiko for your nice comment... um.. however my name is nt Rhylee.. LOL.Where did you get THAT from?? My real name is Jackie!LOL. Thank you for your awesome Tutorials by the way... I can make the arched bridges but I am having a little trouble with L-shaped stairs.

poplersMay 28, 2007

Thanks Tiko for writing in my guestbook! I took a look at your creations \;\) and they are all awesome. I actually used the complex tutorial in the new S2BHAA May contest-Asian gardens, you should check out what your tutorial can do. \:D Have a great week too! \:D

huabanzhuMay 27, 2007

thank you for your congratulations on becoming an FA!\:D and yes!I'm a chinese!\:\) I just wanna say thanks for your great house. They are amazing and look very beautiful. THANKS a lot for sharing\:rah\:

candyprincessMay 27, 2007

your creations are marvelous i wish mine was like yours but unfortenly im not a very good creator or builder or anything eles.

SofijaDosenMay 26, 2007

Thanks for the wishes but my weekend stinks!\:\( My mother hes been hospitelized 2 hours ago and I can't play Sims (to chase away grey toughts) because my computer keeps restarting! I probably shouldn't bee saying any of these but....

SofijaDosenMay 26, 2007

Hi Andy!\:D Just when I've thought you've forgot about me...Thanks!!! \:rah\: \:P

gda16May 21, 2007

I just wanted to say "hello"! When I'm not on the Sims2 (Seasons) I do genealogy. Most of my ancestors are from Scotland, the Campbells, MacGregor's and Sutherlands. I've never had the opportunity to visit Scotland, but hope to someday. I also like your objects! Gloria

ValgridaMay 16, 2007

Hi! Thank you for the comment\:\) ! I actually realised that I had simply clicked an uneven number of "clikcs" and that's why my poor bridge looked so bad!\:D \:P So there was nothing wrong in your tutorial, the constructing manager was just poorly educated and too busy getting results!!\:D Today I managed to build a basement garage so there is hope!!\:\) I will bild bridges, I will!! Thanks again!!\:wub\: \:\)

ValgridaMay 15, 2007

...ok, so I tried to build a bridge over the troubled water... Your tutorial was very clear. It seemed, though, that my lovely adorable bridge was seriously ill and in great pain. It looked so twisted... Since I am not a very patient person and because it was after midnight I finally decided to let the stupid bridge rest in peace. I know now what to do, maybe next time I'll actually get some results!?\:rolleyes: \:mad\: \:\( \:D \:D

saori_tohruMay 14, 2007

Oh, it's ok that you didn't reply it sooner, i hardly remember to check my entries ( don't get much). I am just amazed how you guys manage to build those buildings... make those different looks, I can hardly make an different outfit... it must take you hours and a lot of observation and creativity, right? Do you have e-mail, msn or anything we can talk better? Bye Bye Nadja \:D

janet.westwindsMay 14, 2007

You are too kind, Good Sir, too kind. May I borrow your quote Please?

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