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YrS92's Guestbook

spladoumDec 1, 2010

And ahhhhh!  Happy birthday! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:wub\:

spladoumDec 1, 2010

Ahh!  How did I miss your very sweet comments on my screenshots!?  Thank you for the lovely comment on the lighthouse ... for some reason I wasn't hovering over the Steels in the night, and I noticed that the moon set made such a pretty mirror image \:wub\:  And for Death ... when I saw him pass by in the house with the horsie I just knew that was gonna be classic \:D \:D

spladoumDec 1, 2010

For a stuffy librarian, he can be very charming :P  I'm definitely glad you're picking up on the humor, it's meant to be fairly subtle this time around, so I'm always worried that people won't get it \:confused\: but it seems like they do, so yay \:wub\:

sleeplessDec 1, 2010

Paljon onnea vaan......Hauskaa syntymäpäivää \:wub\: Olisin laittanut ilmapalloja , mutta eihän tässä semmoisia ollut \:D   T: äiti

Anakin StupaineDec 1, 2010

Hyvää syntymäpäivää Senja!!! Paljon onnea \:D \:wub\: Happy birthday!!!!!!!!! *hugs tight* Hyvää päivänjatkoa, kulta! \:wub\: x Daniel

spladoumNov 30, 2010

LOL, Senja ... that's poor old Pingchang, kicking the bucket in front of his wife and kids! \:eek\:  Lately all of the townies are dying at the park or the gym ... they're going to get a reputation :P

spitzmagicNov 28, 2010

(((Senja))) thank you so much for commenting on my Vamp screen...she's so funny, such an animal...LOL I wonder if galic has an affect on them...hahahah Have a great Sunday \:wub\:

-kalisa-Nov 28, 2010

Hi, neighbor, thank you for commenting on my story Mistake \:\) Have a beautiful Sunday! \:\) Kalisa

Anakin StupaineNov 26, 2010

Hi darling, thanks for commenting my guestbook \:D I'm glad you liked your comment on your Chapter 34, but then again, it was a great chapter, as sad as it was... :/ \:wub\: I really enjoy reading your story and every chapter is a new enlightment in the world of the Gardens \:P It's great. Good luck writing the next chapter \:\) *hugs* x Daniel

wolfspryteNov 24, 2010

Hi! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment on "Victorian Charm Appliances"  I'm so happy you like them! Melissa

spladoumNov 24, 2010

Nothing like playing Hide and Go Seek with someone who wants to be found! \:D  Unfortunately Kenny did not catch his prey and had to settle for a liquid dinner.  LOL! \:D

fredbrennyNov 24, 2010

(((Senja))) \:wub\:  I absolutely loved your comment on  my new chapter. The Hanky's make me LOL too while playing them. The characters are too funny together. I will add one more character to the story soon, and then we will have to see what happens, and how..\;\) Glad it made you LOL too Big HUGGGGGS, Fred

RatRaceRobNov 24, 2010

Greetings, dear friend Senja!  You wrote me such fabulous things on Flip(5), how can I thank you as fabulously?! I am so pleased to be able to entertain you, as you entertain me with your Gardens \:D ((that last one was a total rofl-fest, no lie; the obsessive hand washing, the chatting with those fishes... I could probably fill half this page of your guestbook with my laughter notes \:P ))... yes, as it turns out Danielle isn't quite the villian of the piece --she'd really need to be less dysfunctional to win that award-- and she is relieved you actually seem to like her.  At least now she knows it's not you that keeps kicking over the trashcan \:confused\: ... we look forward to seeing you at the Season Finale wrap party \:wub\:

spladoumNov 23, 2010

Little Nathan may have learned his lesson ... or has he?  He's suddenly developed quite the interest in martial arts \:eek\:

spladoumNov 19, 2010

Senja! \:wub\:  You remember some of my characters from "Coldwater Crossing," my old TS2 legacy?  Matthew was in there, that super-snooty uppercrust vampire "boss" if you will \:D  I loved that character dearly (and I missed his buddies, Georgi and Andi Nelville too!) so as soon as I heard about vampires in Late Night I knew I would be writing about him.  I'm really happy you like it so far!  Chapter 2 will be along ... eventually ... **falls asleep unexpectedly**

martoeleNov 17, 2010

Thank you very much, dear (((Senja))) for your nice words on part 7 of my story 'Moon'. I feel happy that someone as young as you are, likes the story. I really am a bit worried about the story being to 'heavy' for most people, but it's something that comes to me in a natural way. Thank again. \:\) Greet your mother from me.

hatshepsutNov 17, 2010

Hi Senja and thank you for the sweet comment on Humble Crescent.  I'm so glad you like it as it's one of my personal favourites \:D

FlatterNov 16, 2010

Hi Senja, thank you so much for your amazing comment on Sparklewood. I was surprised it was featured, because this episode has much dialogue and not much action, but except that I agonized quite some readers ("WTH isn't Jake doing something...") it seemed to have gone well. Maybe it's the same as with the horror movies, where a girl walks in a dark room. Every onlooker but her knows there is a mad guy with a large blade in there, but she goes on oblivious of it - somehow it's a pity, but without it the story wouldn't be as thrilling \:D

sleeplessNov 16, 2010

Kiitos kommentista \:D...niinpä...tulisihan siitä mielenkiintoinen tarina, mutta kuka sen kirjoittaisi :P

juhhmiNov 15, 2010

Oi, keli on kyllä todella inhottava! Suurin osa täällä sataneesta lumesta on myös muuttunut loskaksi. \:\( Yritä parantua ja löytää aikaa lepäämiseen! Ja hyvää matkaa!  Juhani

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