Building or writing?
I LOVE to build houses! ....and I LOVE doing stories...It's been awhile sinceI uploaded a house because writing the story Fred In Yonderland has my full attention now. It has been a pleasure writing it together with my friend Barbara! You know...I alway worked 5 days a week, since a couple of years I work mo thru wed and therefor have 4 day weekends! Lucky me! Now I can write AND design! Ofcourse this first month I was still discovering all possibilities playing sims3, and now I also want to look into creating patterns...but I am really no good on photoshop or paintshop. I was schooled the old fashioned way...behind the drawing board. Good thing I befriended the computer late eighties and so the pc doesn't scare me ...LOL... Probably will upload the big English Manor of Chester Field III, I build together with my friend Haagje. We have been building, decorating and playing that one over the last weekend.
I decided to do both again...Building and writing...Boy, sure hope my husband is enjoying watching sports on them weekends!