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lirunchik's Guestbook

IllianaAug 6, 2008

It's me again Marina! You are the kindest, sweetest person! I swear! Thank you for the lovely compliment on the Llama Field Arena lot. I sure didn't think it was your kind of thing. LOL! Even though it isn't, the fact that you complimented me on it anyway means so much! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

TugmeLAug 5, 2008

Hi lirunchik, Thanks so much you for the lovely comment!! \:wub\: I wish Good days.. \:\)

IllianaAug 4, 2008

Marina - It was so good to see your name in the comments section for the Avu - Drive-In Movie didn't have to do that! You already told me you liked it. \:P \:wub\: Aren't you just the sweetest?! \:D I like the green you used on your Facility home. It is so fresh and different! Very nice! You always make such elegant, stylish homes. My sparingly landscaped boxes just can't compare. \:o Thanks so much for being such a delight and so very kind. (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

olcia_olivineaAug 3, 2008

It's me again hihi\:D All I can say is - don't change anything in your screenshots, they are already perfect! I understand your problem - my English is soooo poor. But we can comunicate and understand each other, so this is the most important thing, don't you think \;\)? Some girls (women) are trying to look older and just can't understand that. Why? That's weird... I didn't claim that all my houses are looking like they are someting out of can, only that little one - but I still like it \;\) And yes, it's incredible... you started with empty space and after some time you are looking at 'real' house. And if somebody tells you that he/she appreciates your work - well, it's one of the greatest moments in 'creator's career'. I like ours 'conversations' and that is the reason why I can't stop talking and talking...\:D! Hope that you are having a wonderful Sunday; here I have over 35 degress and I am melting away - what a pity that I can't build myself a pool\:P Hugs, Ola

pretty_babyAug 3, 2008

Thanks so much love for your comment on my spring Fling set\:\) Im really glad you liked it and Honestly coming from such a wonderful artist like yourself \:\) Im so happy!!!! Have a great day\:wub\:

laivine_erunyauveAug 3, 2008

Hi! Thanks so much for commenting on my lot, Nielsen Island. I'm really glad you like it! \:D You have some great houses! \:\)

kittyispretty69Aug 2, 2008

Thank you so much for the congratulations!\:wub\: I'm so thrilled to be a SA again!\:D Have a great day and Happy Simming!!\;\)

CherryNDAug 2, 2008

Thanks for the congratulations! I'm realy happy for this.Thanks a lot!

gameliaAug 2, 2008

Hi Marina! Thanks for the kind comments in my guestbook. I am still in shock about the promotion. \:\)

olcia_olivineaAug 1, 2008

You are lucky (or maybe I am strange:P), because when I came back from holidays every idea that I've had in my head... puff! just dissapeard\:wacko\: But now everything is getting normal\;\) Yupiee, confetti\:D Thank you for your congrats! Every anniversay means to me that... I am getting old! Luckily I look younger than I actually am (not 20 but 15 years old:P!), so I am not worring\;\). And I think that this house (SB #1) is looking like something out of a can hihi\:D but thank you for your comment\:wub\: I don't know how you do it, but your houses always look like a real ones. I am trying to make my more... simlish, but with different results - I know that it is all about screenshots - and now I am trying to improve them a bit. Gosh, I am talking too much\:P I think that I ate too much for breakfast hihi! Hope that you will have a great day - hugs, Ola

sailfindragonJul 31, 2008

Hi Lirunchik Thank you so much for the wonderful comment you left on my GB. I am so glad you like my creations. Your creations are absolutely stunning, I really like your latest "facility" lot. Hugs and Happy simming Debs

KalmanKukkaJul 31, 2008

Many thanks! \:o

olcia_olivineaJul 31, 2008

Hi Marina\:\) It's so good to see you again! Thank you for commenting my FC #9, it is always great to know that you liked my creations\:wub\:! At the moment I am trying to improve myself in building modern lots and... huh... I am lame\:D! I think that the reason why this happening is that my destiny is to create only traditional or cottage ones and leave all the others alone hihi\;\) And how about your vacations? I am sure that they were perfect and now you are full of positive energy\:\)! You know that I am always looking forward to hearing from you, so... anytime when you will have some free time and you would like to - visit me \:\) I wish you a wonderful day! Hugs, Ola

sallyhailsJul 31, 2008

Hiya thanks for your comment on my 6 recolours of the Annie modular sofa, I'm really glad you like them, have fun\:D Sally\;\)

estaticaJul 31, 2008

Hi Marina, it's great to see you again! \:wub\: I still haven't got the time to study meshing properly, but you on the other hand have made awesome stuff in such a short time! I'll look forward to see more of you in the future \:rah\:

ChrunJul 30, 2008

Marina, cuold you tell me, hair in you avatar , are they donate?

Elena.Jul 29, 2008

WHOA! Your new avatar and banner are to die for! I should "hire" you to make one for me \:D \:D \:D I never like how they turn out \:o Oh anyway. I agree, sethour would be so nice not to speak of maxmotives and motherlode \;\). Don't worry about replying late, I kinda do that myself...real life + creating gets in the way. I still have to answer about 700 comments dating from may or so \:P *hides from shame* I'm way actually I have completed my first alpha mesh .. yay! I have been working on it for quite a while now. It has tons of options. It's a mesh you can use for everything from fancy dresses to shorts and tees and so on. I'm sure your new stuff will be great \:wub\: You have the nicest homes and sets for my sims. Hugs \:D

IllianaJul 29, 2008

Hello Marina! My goodness! I don't know what to thank you for first...the absolutely lovely compliment you gave me on the Sol lot, or the incredible message in my blog! \:wub\: I think I was most honored and floored by the fact that you liked the Drive-in so much. \:P Nothing at ALL modern about that one. LOL! You are the kindest, sweetest person on TSR. How lucky am I that I can call you friend? (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

huabanzhuJul 28, 2008

Hi Marina.\:wub\: I really love your work,mesh and house,you're truly talent!O,thanks for reply~!\:D

Elena.Jul 26, 2008

Hello my dear Marina! \:wub\: I am so happy that you are back. I saw your blog entry and I must say I am very curious what ideas you have up your sleeve. I am sure they are stunning and can't wait to see them. Also thank you for your comment \:o I am really happy you like my creations \:D I have tons of ideas too, but I am at the beginning of modeling them into something real so it's kinda like a soup in my head \:D - all the ideas wander around like vegetables and noodles \:eek\: We'll see what comes out \:P It will probably be mashed potatoes with steak...oh I don't make much sense do I? \:D Have a great weekend \;\)

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