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lisa9999's Guestbook

maxi kingSep 20, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!I was busy!I done some picture!So with doing them and pattern and real live,I had quite enough to do!How are you?Is it warm and nice?It was a bit sunny yesterday but later it started to rain again,today there is no sun at all but no rain as well!Anyway have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

spacewolfcubSep 19, 2010

Hi Lisa! Christmas is coming around again, so I was wondering if you might be persuaded to make a mesh of crinkled giftwrap or two or five out of a plain flat rectangle folded up - with both sides of the paper a recolourable channel? I found a few open boxes I might use, but I need the giftwrap mess! Please?

maxi kingSep 17, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!How are you doing?The sun came out this afternoon but it's windy and cold!Hey,I done my first painting for sims3!I will submit it tomorrow,so it should be out on sunday!Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

JCIssetteSep 17, 2010

Now, Lisa, you know that house is ugly.\:P But I love you for saying it was beautiful. \:wub\:

maxi kingSep 15, 2010

\:wub\:morning Lisa!It is windy here today but no rain so far!Have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTSep 14, 2010

Hey Lisa! How are you? Hope things are well, and getting settled down for you, now that summer is coming to a close. It's been the same old, same old for me. Though that's how I like it. \:\) I will say, this has been one of the most fun summers I've had in a long time. Hubby and I managed to squeeze in some kayaking, camping, and a two week trip to Montreal. It was nice getting to put my French to use. It felt weird to get back home, and go back to just speaking English all the \:D Anywho, I hope you're doing good. You came across my mind, and I figured I'd stop by and say hello. \:wub\: ~ Pene

maxi kingSep 13, 2010

\:wub\:morning Lisa!How are you?We had some nice but busy day's!Then last evening we had thunder and now it's cold again but at least no rain jet,well had enought of that last night!Well,have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 12, 2010

Sounds like my 16yr old. \:\(  I haven't seen her for over a year cuz unless we're taking them OUT to dinner or to movie theatre she always has better thnigs to do........saw her at my brithday last year (2009). \:rolleyes:  O some point they'll grow least thats what I keep telling myself. \;\)  HUGS! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 12, 2010

That's why I LOVE the can look like crap & nobody cares. :P  LOL  Sounds like you had one of my nights. \;\)  I've got 20Gigs worth of MP3 playing, coloring books, graph paper (for those late night building plans that pop in my head), not to mention my teddy bear has LED lights inside him so he's mildly intertaining. \;\)  Luckly I was well drugged enough to sleep for a few solid hrs. \:rah\:  Hope you get to take a nice long nap. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

maxi kingSep 11, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!Yeh,I feel great today!I hope you too!I know what you mean with being alone!I love it too,it is so much to do when the kids are home!Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 11, 2010

The one and ONLY part of me that works reallly well is my ears.....a bit too well actually......even the vibrating of a cell phone can wake me up. \:rolleyes:  I can tell the difference between fruit loops & Cheerios by the sound of the O's hitting the bowl. \;\)  Cheerios are more dense so they're more of a tink sound......Fruit Loops are more pourus so they make more of a thunk. \:D  One of the perks to be legally blind. \:cool\:  We can just keep you running around to different spots.....TSR, FB, cell.....& a whole weekend! \:ph34r\:  J/K \:P LOL  Susan called me from college. \:rah\:  She's been pretty busy with papers already. \:D  But she likes her room-mates OK enough & so far so good. \;\)    Why is it so hard when they go & do exactly what it was everyone has been planning for anyway? \:confused\:  Missed her when she was at her Dad's & even more now. \:\(  Oh well.....she did say she'll be able to come home for BOTH Thanksgiving AND Christmas! \:rah\:  Well.....TTFN! \:cool\:  (((HUGS))) \:wub\:

JCIssetteSep 10, 2010

Afternoon, Lisa. What's up? Thanks so much for the nice comments you left me on Whiteoaks and Barnes Street. I would not have listed both at one time, but I did not want to make Nick wait for his house any longer. He was being patient. LOL Well, need to run for now. Chat later, Hugs, Judy

hiedibear75Sep 10, 2010

The other fun one is when you can't SLEEP but just end up RESTING.....takes oh so many hrs to FEEL rested. \;\)  I was hoping we weren't waking ya up making your phone go off. \:D  I put my phone on mute when I go to bed so I don't get woke up IF & when I do get to sleep. \:cool\:  I just got more medicine so I'll be able to sleep better. \:\)  TTFN \:cool\:  HUGS \:wub\:

maxi kingSep 10, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Lisa!How are you?I had a bit of a headache yesterday but it's gone now!I got the new stuff pack and even had a little time to play sims!But also I was busy,same today!Anyway have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 9, 2010

Just sooo HARD to find good help these days. \;\)  LOL  I thought it was a bit late-ish to get POKE'd back from yuz......yu know bein a New YOka & all. :P  Hugs & POKEs right back at ya. \:wub\:

JCIssetteSep 8, 2010


hiedibear75Sep 8, 2010

So......did the bed, pillow, & blanket leave us a ransom note? \:ph34r\: 

maxi kingSep 7, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!Hope you having a wonderful day,not too hot but sunny!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 6, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!Yes we did!It's sunny this morning as well but cold,you can't call this summer anymore!Have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 4, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Lisa!Did the storm miss you?I hope so!We had a nice and warm day yesterday and it looks like today will be the same!Hey,I got a new story out!Well have a wonderful,not too hot and humit day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

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