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One legacy ends ... another begins.

So those few of you who have read my legacy on the boards know that it has come to an end. And not a voluntary end either. The story's imploded before, but now it's gone utterly belly-up BOOM unsalvagable. Which sucks. And sucks more because I was nearly done with the rotten thing!

Now, the normal course of action for me in this situation is to have a screaming hissy fit, swear off Sims for weeks and months and devote myself to a different video game (Mass Effect, ahem ahem), curse the latest EP/SP I installed for eating my game, whatever. I've decided not to follow these very reasonable courses. Instead, I'm going to start a new legacy. And not just any legacy, since I find the regular rules and scorecard dull as dishwater anyway! I ... am ... doing ... something new!

I got rules. :)

[... the primary rule is that heirs cannot produce an heir with someone of their parents' lineage. For example, an heir with an Egyptian mother and a French father is free to ultimately marry another Sim of Egyptian/French descent, but their heir must be produced with a Chinese Sim, or someone from their hometown. To that end, oveseas trips (which should be taken frequently in any case) must be taken any time family funds reach §10,000 ...

... heirs are nomadic--they live in tents, or very small shabby dwellings. (While a nicer house is permitted to be constructed on the lot, the heir must not use it as their primary residence.) No burglar or fire alarms are permitted on the lot. No basements are allowed. Collectible items must be hoarded in a storage shed or concealed in chests. Heirs may not establish friendships with celebrities. Celebrity status, opportunities, and accompanying perks are to be completely shunned ...

... All items (except nectar) normally available at a consignment store must be found or bought. Heirs will prefer at-home professions to careers. If a career is chosen, heirs cannot advance beyond level five ...]

... so as you can see, I'm deliberately making it hard on myself. Not quite Apocolypse-Challenge hard, but hard enough. I'm sure my founder will eventually find a way out of this enormous mess I've made for him, though. :D


Milii454 ∙ Aug 3, 2011

<span style="font-family: &quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 8pt;">Gah! I was really enjoying your "rotten thing" as well! But this legacy sounds interesting. When the Der Blutegels got glitchy I literally went into mass panic and swore and swore at my computer (I hugged it later, I felt bad) and spent the next week rebuilding the whole damned house and sending Alucard to every corner of the earth to get the relics for the relic room! And you always create some of the best legacies, so I'm really looking forward to this!</span>
<span style="font-family: &quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 8pt;">.... And cus I want to say it (sorry for copying you Orlov, but it's such a damn catchy saying):&nbsp;<strong><span style="font-family: &quot;Tahoma&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;;">"You Go Girl!"</span></strong> \:rah\: :P</span>

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