Howdy folks! Welcome to another guide to finding LOADS of CC! Today’s CC Finds is a Maxis Match Edition. So if you are looking for CC, specifically Maxis Match CC, you have come to the right place! Here is a listing of ten artists creating Create A Sim (CAS) Maxis Match CC at The Sims Resource.
CC Shown can be found in THis blog HERE
Of course, there are totally more creators that make excellent Maxis Match CC, but we can’t be here all day. You can find the Maxis Match Category in the downloads section to see all the CC here at The Sims Resource that are tagged by artists as Maxis Match.
What is Maxis Match
If you are brand new to The Sims, you may look at this like “ehhh, I have no idea what Jezi is talking about.” Rest assured that not only is this normal when referring to my babbling… but also there are different types of custom content. The two main types of CC are Alpha CC and Maxis Match CC. Today we are focusing on Maxis Match CC. Maxis Match CC basically means that it looks like it fits the game’s graphics.
CC Shown can be found in THis blog HERE
When I look to classify CC, I generally look at the texture. For hair specifically, you will also sometimes see some hairs referred to as ‘clayified;’ this is due to The Sims 4 vanilla hairs having that clay look. Anything ultra-textured is generally not considered Maxis Match, as realistic textures do not match the Maxis animation style. (But alpha cc is still glorious.)
Why do Simmers like Maxis Match
Some Simmers like to use only certain types of CC, some like Alpha CC, and others like Maxis Match; I obviously use it ALL! Personally, for streaming or recording stories, I tend to like Maxis Match better. This gives a more natural Sims look to your Sims and many players like this. Another aspect many Simmers like is that Maxis Match generally is less taxing on your system. Technically speaking, this is because these pieces typically have less texture and are smaller files. However, this is not always the case. It is about preference, which is all in the player’s choice.
How To Find Maxis Match CC
The best way to find great Maxis Match CC is to start here at The Sims Resource! I know I am totally biased, but do you see how much CC we have here??? Like, come on, a no brainer. One place to find ALLLLL is this CC. So your second step would be to find a few or twenty artists here that you like their style of CC and then bookmark them. This way, if you download everything these artists have, you can come back and check when they upload new items!
CC Shown can be found in THis blog HERE
And don’t worry, you don’t have to do all the digging yourself! I always have a list of Maxis Match artists that I suggest starting with! There are, of course, tons more, but we only have a limited space here!
MSQSims is one of my go-to artists for makeup and so much more! The makeup from this artist is just incredible, and there is so much here, and we all know I love the variety!
One of my first Maxis Match artists to go to is Nords. The skin overlays and wide variety of Maxis Match CC that Nords has are incredible. There are clothes, shoes, skin overlays, and more!
If you need to Create Sim presets or accessories, PlayersWonderland is a great artist to add to your downloads! There are so many unique CAS presets here, including body types and… wonderful piercings and accessories.
Could you let me know if you are looking for male clothing? If you are, SimmieV is your artist! TONS of great patterns and a wide variety of masculine styles for your Sims!
I suggest Dissia for Maxis Match feminine clothing and shoes. This is another artist with a wide variety of styles; seriously, everything from grandma to goth styles! Dissia has many Maxis Match shoes and accessories that can add to any of your Maxis Match looks!
David_Mtv2 has many options for you to download if you need facial hair. David_Mtv2 also has Maxis Match clothing that you can download as well. This creator also has Child Sim Clothing to download!
One of my favorite elements of Maxis Match CC is hair. I use Maxis Match hair and makeup CC when playing the game. Qicc has loads of hairstyles you can download, including Toddler and Child CC hairstyles!
If you are looking for great quality hairstyles for your female Teen to Adult Sims, Simcelebrity00 is a great artist to start with! They have loads of unique hairstyles uploaded to The Sims Resource.
This creator has some fantastic accessories! These accessories are unique, and many come in sizes for multiple ages! That’s the right accessories for Toddler and Child Sims!
-Merci- is another variety of Create A Sim artists at The Sims Resource with quite the range of Maxis Match CC. We are talking about hair, makeup, accessories, and clothing. -Merci- also has CC for Toddler and Child Sims, as well as both masculine and feminine styles!
I hope you have found more CC to download for your collection! We will keep doing these sorts of blogs so you can find themed or types of CC that you need. I tried to cover a broad range with these ten artists specializing in Maxis Match. I love CC, and I generally mix Alpha CC and Maxis Match. However, when I play, I lean more towards Maxis Match so that my townies match better to my created Sims. This way, I have plenty of time to give ALL my townies makeovers as I work my way around my neighborhoods with my hoard of CC!
CC Shown can be found in THis blog HERE
Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.
You can check out another CAS CC Suggestions Blog HERE, or if you are looking for Build and Buy CC check out Paige’s Room Reno Series HERE.