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Created for: The Sims 2
This is a Set with 9 Creations - Click here to show all
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Recolor of ResiStall Astro Divider 7 (Toilet stall ONLY) in Mission OFB woods and my wood recolors. These are basically for Community Lots. Other plumbing items coming. All done with silver/nickel accents. Requested by Quinnie. Enjoy! *Matching Toilet Recolor Set in Recommended Links*
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/708204
ItemID: 708204
Mix & Match with my other Community/Commercial Plumbing sets or whatever. If you are having problems seeing this in your game, Please Read the Installation Instructions.
Credits: Creators of SimPE, EA & Maxis et al, & Quinnie for request
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?

This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Installation Instructions:
If you do not see this item recolor in your game, it is due to the new, Version 8 CEP for freetime.
This CEP version was changed slightly and has now rendered some item recolors not to be seen in the game. I am sure Numenor is working on this but in the meantime, the only fix I have for you is to do the following:
Go to:
C:\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims2\zCEP-Extra\CEP-Extra
Find the file labeled CEP-EXTRA_ToiletStall.package and move it to another folder outside of The Sims2 Folder. You can make a new one in My Documents that says Files Removed From CEP-Extra or whatever.
This process will work with any of the conflict you might be experiencing with this new Version 8 Of CEP for FreeTime.