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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
Poses for sims suffering from a headache, a migraine or illness. Poor Sims! These poses could also be used for high stress, or emotional turmoil moments.
*6 poses - pose list and non pose list compatible
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1731485
ItemID: 1731485
Filesize: 101 KB
CC Seen In Pics (You may choose your own)
Pillow (You May Choose Your Own)
Note: This pillow will need to be raised up to the couch using the one more slot mod found at Mod The Sims
a_bmit_headache1 (lying on couch, fingers to temples)
a_bmit_headache2 (lying in bed)
a_bmit_headache3 (sitting on couch holding head two hands)
a_bmit_headcahe4 (sitting on couch -female pose)
a_bmit_headache5 (lying on couch arm over eyes)
a_bmit_headache6 (sitting on couch)
Credits: Koposov
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