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Created for: The Sims 3
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From DARK SHADOWS, the 1960's gothic soap opera on ABC-TV, comes Josette DuPres. She is played by stage, film and TV actress Katherine Leigh Scott. Josette DuPre is the daughter of Andre DuPre, a wealthy shipping magnet from the island of Martinique. Andre DuPres brings in a young woman, Angelique Bouchard, to be Josette's Lady's Maid. Josette meets a young man named Barnabas Collins, the son of a wealthy fishing family, while he is visiting the island. The two fall in love, he askes her to marry him and she accepts. The marriage will mean the merger of great wealth. For the wedding to take place Josette must move to Collinsport, Maine. She is accompanied by her father, her Aunt the Countess Natalie DuPres, and Angelique. This would be the most life changing event of her young life.
Expansions required: I own all of them up to University and all the Stuff Packs.
No skins or sliders were used except those that are included in the Sims 3 and its expansions.
Josette DuPres is a Female Young Adult Sims 3 sim
Traits- Family Oriented, Artistic, Animal Lover, Good, Neat
Favorites- Food: French Toast, Music: French Music, Color: Turquoise
Sun Sign- Virgo
Lifetime Wish- Surrounded By Family
EA Sims 3 Store content used - These items entirely OPTIONAL and are NOT required for the sim to work. They will only show on the sim if you already own them.
EA Sims 3 Store Hair:
Long Hair With Veil-
The Dandy Lady - This item is from the EA Sims 3 Store "More Magic" SET. This item is not yet available individually.
EA Sims 3 Store Outfits-
Happily Ever After - Humble Ball Gown-
Morning In The Garden Dress -
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1191339
ItemID: 1191339
Filesize: 1 MB
About Katherine Leigh Scott and the story of Josette DuPres...
Unknown to Josette, Angelique is a witch, and she has been having a secret affair with Barnabas. When Barnabas rejects Angelique she becomes insanely jealous and casts a love spell on Josette and Barnabas' Uncle Jeremiah, causing them to believe they are madly in love and they elope to Bangor, Maine. When they return to Collinwood, Barnabas challenges Jeremiah to a duel and kills him. A few days after, while Josette sleeps, she is visited by Barnabas, who has now been cursed by Angelique to be a vampire. He bites her and tells her they can still be together and gives her his ring as a token of his love. When Josette is walking near Widows Hill she drops the ring. Realizing it's lost, she goes looking for it. Josette encounters Angelique who tells her that she and Barnabas can never be together and causes Josette to have a vision of herself as a vampire. Josette screams in terror and throws herself from the cliff at Widows Hill to the sea and rocks below. In the present time of 1966, Josette appears many times as a ghost that wanders the grounds of Collinwood, protecting the Collins family.
Katherine Leigh Scott grew up in Robbinsdale, Minnisota and graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Dan Curtis gave her her first television role on DARK SHADOWS. Like the majority of the cast, she played a number of related roles. During her time on DARK SHADOWS, she played Maggie Evans, Josette DuPres, the Ghost of Josette DuPres, Rachel Drummond, a governess and Lady Kitty Hampshire, the reincarnation of Josette. She also played Maggie Evans in the MGM film "House of Dark Shadows". Before she was cast in DARK SHADOWS, Katherine Leigh Scott was a Playboy Bunny at the Playboy Club in New York City. She later wrote the book "The Bunny Years", the story of the Playboy Bunnies. She kept a photographic album of everything to do with DARK SHADOWS, and wrote the book "Dark Shadows Memories" for the 20th Anniversary of the show. She continued with her acting career and moved to Los Angeles where she founded Pomegranate Press where she still continues as editor-in-chief. She is also a fiction author. Her first book, Dark Passages, was written with an affectionate nod to DARK SHADOWS.
Credits: Dan Curtis, Katherine Leigh Scott, Dark Shadows, ABC-TV, EA
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