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Created for: The Sims 3
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Modeled after my real life granddaughter and a good representation of her. I made this Sim to look as close to Serra as possible and gave her personality traits true to life. Somewhat shy, RL age is 5, Zodiac is Cancer. Her real life siblings and parents are now live on this site under family name Storms. High IQ but also very high function Autistic. Shy around strangers and doesn't take well to authority figures who are not family. Sweet and laid back personality unless you anger her. Loves to mother others. Water sports are her favorite warm weather pastime. Could be completely Vegan as she will not ask for meat to be put on her plate, and will only eat it if she has to. Loves the outdoors but is not very competitive and will only play sports as a fun time, not for the chance to win. Bloodline is Cherokee, Lakota, Shawnee, Choctaw, French, Irish and German. She loves all forms of music but is especially fond of powwow, hiphop, hard rock and heavy metal. She loves to tell stories she has made up as entertainment for the family. She likes to cook and bake [with supervision] and enjoys all artistic pursuits. She loves to sing and dance. She is a SpongeBob fanatic. I hope you enjoy this Sim!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1023314
ItemID: 1023314
Filesize: 2 MB
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Credits: Sondra/spiderhawk of paulsondrahd
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