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Created for: The Sims 3
This siding, as a part of Aurora Build items Collection, will help you get just the right look for your suburban/country house/mansion, the house which wanted to be build around 1900, but was never build until now. Mix and match with my Ainola Collection walltemplates. By Alxandra78 @ TSR.
2 recolourable areas.
Price 6.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1071062
ItemID: 1071062
Filesize: 70 KB
Your game should be patched to the latest version for this sims3pack to work.
Unfortunately I was not able to upload these items as a set, I am sorry for the inconvenience of having to download them separately.
Other parts of the collection can be found under recommended items.
Windows and doors in the preview pictures made by _kriss, other objects by deeiutza and LilyOfTheValley.
Credits: EA, TSRW, Kannustalo's Aurora prefab houses collection
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?
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