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Created for: The Sims 3
This is my very first submission to TSR!!! And I am very proud of my work!!! So what it is is some lovely luscious, kissable lips for your male simmies, which also works well to give the gents a suaver smoulder when posing for the cameras. There are three recolourable channels and the colours work really well together, I think, and though they do take some time finding the "perfect balance", it is definitely worth the fiddling around. Because I gave the mask a soft glow, this made all the dark colours lighter, so it's best if you use very vibrant colours to make it look as good as possible!!
I am very excited about this, and I hope you all like my very first creation, because it's very important to me!!! Now onto learning about Milkshape...
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1184640
ItemID: 1184640
Filesize: 474 KB
Nothing but the base game is required, and a little bit of patience to get the colours right!! Please please please, you may do as you wish with any of my creations, but run it by me first or there will be consequences!!
Credits: Diputchi
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