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Created for: The Sims 4
Paw prints going up the back from the lower torso. Female only.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1273168
ItemID: 1273168
Filesize: 10 KB
Please do not re-upload, claim as your own or recolor
Credit for the model:
Hair: Cazy (recolor by me)
Eyes: simstemptation
Skin, eyebrows: S-club
Dimples: sevenhills
Eyeshadow: Vampire_aninyosaloh
Blush + Highlight: Simply Morgan
Lipstick: MissFortuneSims
Ear cuff: Stealthic
Septum Swirl: A3ru
Jeans: JS Sims 4
- Recolor or New: New Item
- Recoloring Allowed: No
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