Aperture Science Laboratories NOCC
Sims 4 — Aperture Science Laboratories NOCC by diranda2 — This is a NOCC lot is based on Aperture Science from Valve's

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Created for: The Sims 4

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This is a NOCC lot is based on Aperture Science from Valve's Portal series. It is listed as a residential lot but was built to replace the vanilla Science lot. It can, of course, be used as a residential lot as well.

Aperture takes most of its content from Get To Work (obviously, as without this, the Science Career and Lot are not available) and Strangerville (for obvious reasons). However, it is built on Vanilla bones and I have tried to keep extreme esoteric packs to a minimum (like Star Wars). It also uses content from Eco Living and City Living since they supply a lot of the 70s and 80s aesthetic as well as the grungier looks that are needed, especially below ground. The building is inspired by 80s industrial and corporate architecture, while the interiors definitely retain a late 70s, early 80s look to them.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. A much more detailed and fun article on this build, the development and interesting facts is on my Sims 4 blog, Stormraven's Sims/Reticulating Splines, on my website at Diranda Studios. (link in my TSR profile)

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1511600

ItemID: 1511600

Revision: 2

Filesize: 494 KB

Please note: this is a Science Lab lot. It should be used to replace the in-game Science Lab.

This can be done with mods, or take a Sim who is working in the Science Career, enter the Event (the workplace) and replace the lot with Build/Buy mode. It will show the correct lot information when placing the lot. Make sure the dropdown box has 'FutureSims Labs' highlighted so it will load the correct instance and game code requirements for the lot.

Lot Information:

Type: Science Lab / Residential
Size: 50 x 50
Floors: 8
Beds: 17
Bedrooms: 7
Suites: 3
Bathrooms: 11
Cost: $1,338,934

Build/Buy Codes Used (best option is to set these before placing the lot):

testingCheats true


Floor 1: Entrance Lobby and Waiting Room. Botanics Greenhouse 1. Waiting Room and Test Subject Intake. Bathrooms. Stairwell to All Floors and Entrance to Sublevel 1. Laboratory 1. Botanics Lab 1. Greenhouse. Observatory. Gatehouse. Parking Lot.
Floor 2: Stairwell to All Floors. Employee Break Room and Deck. Computer Lab and Cube Farm (from Blue Sky). Stanley�s Office (from The Stanley Parable).
Floor 3: Medical Laboratory and Test Subject Testing. Stairwell to All Floors. Caroline�s Office and Waiting Room. Chemical Lab and Analysis. Large Microscope. Employee Gym and Changing Area.
Floor 4: Cave Johnson�s Office and Suite.


Basement 1: Relaxation Vault. Testing Chamber Observation offices. Cryogenic Storage. Rocket Access. Core Storage. Common Room. Bathroom. Gym. Locker Room. IT Offices. Doug Rattman�s Hideout.
Basement 2: Extended Relaxation Chamber. Testing Chambers 1 and 2. GLaDOS Observation Office and Effects Control. Server Room. Surface Access Tunnel (Ladder Level 1). Stairwell from Sublevel 1 to 2. Relaxation Chamber Access to Sublevel 3.
Basement 3: Central AI Chamber. Stalemate Associate Access. Emergency Intelligence Incinerator. Red Phone Room. Library. Access to GLaDOS� apartments on Sublevel 4. Catwalks. Flooded Basement. Stairwell to Sublevel 2.
Basement 4: Flooded Basement Lower Level (bottom of pool). GLaDOS� Suite. Incinerator. Reclamation and Reassembly. Ladder Access.

Get To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Eco Lifestyle

Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine Out
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
Star Wars: Journey to Batuu

Luxury Party
Perfect Patio
Cool Kitchen
Movie Hangout
Romantic Garden
Kids Room
Vintage Glamour
Bowling Night
Laundry Day
My First Pet
Tiny Living
Nifty Knitting

Holiday Celebration Stuff
Grim's Ghoulish Guitar

Credits: Valve, ASM

  • Value: 1332605
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 10
  • Bathrooms: 5
  • Stories: 8
  • Lot Size: 50x50
  • Custom content: No CC used
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There are 5 comments on this article

dikosay ∙ Jun 22, 2021


free_freeman ∙ Jan 6, 2021

you have done the world a great service, this looks amazing!

pepprally VIP ∙ Dec 3, 2020


lorimason VIP ∙ Nov 4, 2020

Yeessss! So hard to find good video game CC. Amazing work!

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