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Is coffee essential to you? Are you scary to be around before you've had your coffee? This is the pose pack for you!
But First Coffee Pose Pack is dedicated to the coffee addicts!
9 single poses.
For more information check Creator's notes!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1636624
ItemID: 1636624
Revision: 2
Filesize: 320 KB
To create these poses I've used the Mug creation by Simlasya, which is linked in the required items.
How to use the pose pack:
Buy the teleport statue and place it where you want your sim to teleport. The sim will appear in place of the statue.
Place 1 teleporter wherever you wish your sim to be. The first six poses are standing, profile type. Click on your sim, then pose by pack and choose Supernova - But First Coffee Pose Pack. Poses 1-6 are single standing poses. Poses 6-8 require a standard chair and table. Please check photo No.2 to see how to position your Teleport Statue.
That's it! Enjoy!
Please tag me on Instagram @supernova.concepts or Tumblr @supernovatrait if you use my poses! I would like to read and reshare your posts!
CREATED BY supernovatrait I am from JAPAN Submitter640DOWNLOADS0COMMENTSDownload Add to Basket
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