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Created for: The Sims 4
This mod will allow you to stay at your active career for 15 hours.****UPDATED 07/07/ 2017 This mod has been updated to work with game version PC Version ****
Tired of not getting enough time to complete tasks while at your Active Career, then this is the mod for you.....
Now if your a Doctor, Scientist or a Detective you can stay at work for 15 hours, plus you still have the option of staying later at the end of your shift.
This mod will also give you more similonians per hour in your pay-packet.....
I didn't make the working hour longer as it causes the greyed out Sim due to overlapping the next scheduled start time. I found 15 hours works the best.
This mod is only for the ACTIVE careers and you must have Get To Work for it to work.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1324711
ItemID: 1324711
Revision: 6
Filesize: 78 KB
This mod is compatible with the latest version
This mod will only work if you have Get to Work installed.
This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the Career Level Tuning Resource career_Active_Doctor, careerLevels_Detective or the careerLevels_Scientis
It will also conflict with the Sim Data Resource files that match each of the active Career levels.
Credits: Sim 4 Studio, Sim4PE, VelocityGrass Data tool and a modder called r3m
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.