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10 Rare Disease Day infographics. Each picture consists of 10 patterns in five colour variations in English and German. 29. February is #rarediseaseday 2024
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1690159
ItemID: 1690159
Filesize: 7 MB
Rare Disease Day raises awareness for the 300 million people living with rare disease around the world and their families and carers.
A disease is rare when it affacts fewer then 5 in 10.000 people. The Complex regional pain syndrome is one of them.
The long-term cause of the Rare Disease Day campaign is to achieve equitable access to diagnosis, treatment, health and social care and social opportunity for people affected by a rare disease.
World Rare Disease Day is celebrated on the last day of February.
FeedingTube by JellyPaws
Credits: RareDiseaseDay.org Achse.eV. Ekaterini Hugger
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes

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