Created for: The Sims 4
Rybar is has been created by Special Request for TSR Member Rybar41. He requested a Sims 4 Sim of himself and provided photos. No exact name, ambition or traits were specified, so I have taken the liberty of using his Member name and adding traits and ambition myself. They can be changed in Create A Sim after he is installed.
Rybar is a Male Adult Sims 4 Sim
Ambition - Knowledge - Renaissance Sim
Traits - Self-Assured, Bro, Loves the Outdoors
Ambition bonus trait - Quick Learner
NO CUSTOM CONTENT and NO SKINS were used in the creation of this Sims 4 Sim.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1260897
ItemID: 1260897
Filesize: 68 KB
Credits: Rybar41
- Custom content: No CC used
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