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AbsintheBess's Blog

Rewards for Writers!

Does anyone else think there should be a monthly award for those of us who submit stories? There are so many deserving story tellers in the community and I just don't feel that they get the recognition they deserve.

There are select artists and featured artists but how about something special for stories? It takes as long creating as it does to write a story. I just don't think it is fair!

It's been a while!

I know I haven't been around much, but now I am back with a heap of great new stuff.

Last night I submitted two new sims, a new lot (the first one I have made since getting the new 'Stuff' pack) and I also submitted a new set of (Lady GaGa) art for your walls!

I have just finished and submitted a new story as well. Look out for it sometime soon :) It's called 'Walking For Miles' and it was something that had been planned by bess before her passing.

Lastly, I have spent sometime reading every tutorial I can find about Create A World and I am ready to download it today and get started on a new neighbourhood for everyone to enjoy. I want to get as much done as possible before uni starts in a month. I will keep you updated on progress or if I have given up on it entirely, lol.

Hope everyone is well :)

Mae xoxox

The Overhaul...

So I have been getting a bit fed up. Things just never seem to go right for me, so I have decided an image overhaul is what I need. I have re designed my avatar/banner/profile colour and I am going to change my poll. I am also starting a new story.

Due to complications, Muse will not be going ahead at this time. I am severly sorry to everyone who showed support after the reading the intro, but I don't need problems and that is all I have had with the Muse.

My new story is to be finished sometime in the next few days and will hopefull be out just after christmas.

I hope everyone has a great christmas by the way, in case I forget to write you a personal message in your guestbook.


Love And Hate

Just decided to broadcast the things I love and hate about TSR...


*The massive amount of talent!

*The stories, the good ones anyway :)

*The oppertunity to share your own work with the world.

*That fact that everyone can have a go, whether you know what you're doing or not and regardless of talent!

*Jennifer_R and Illandrya, my two Aussie chicks :)

* Anyone else who makes time to visit my page and comment on my creations and blogs and vote on my polls. Namely: Martoele, Spitzmagic, FredBrenny, peachybitz, Dragonqueen, Topaz and anyone else who has read all my stories.



*People who are discriminative or just here to cause problems.

*Those who don't thank you when downloading, come on people! Where is the love!!??

*The fact that my 50's Pin up pics were rejected for no reason. Why didn't anyone ever get back to me about that?

*That you can't give kudos as a gift to people who need them!


Tomorrow, When The War Began...

I know it's nothing to do with the Sims, but for all you aussies who grew up reading and rereading the Tomorrow series (By John Marsden - for those of you uinfortunate enough not to have read the series) I just thought I would let you know that they are finally making a movie about the series. Personally, I can't wait. Although they have casted an english chick as Corrie. is that not ridiculous??!!??


I got the game as soon as it came out, but my computer is now running terribly slow. Curse you TS3! I have to go and pay for more RAM. I was suprised at how cheap the EP was, but I guess it had to be that way because of the amount of money people will have to spend to get their computer totally ready to actually play it!

It is pretty fun though, it just takes me half an hour to actually travel anywhere...



Just wondering if any one here has a personally blog? I am looking for some good ones to start following, since I have so much time on my hands. If not you, then perhaps someone else that you know? I would love it if anyone had any suggestions.

Thanks :)


A story with meaning :)

Hey guys,

             Just wanted to let you know that I have submitted a (one off) story that is based the last few years of my life. I am doing it to raise awareness of the different illnesses that I suffer from.

After the initial submission, it was rejected but I have fixed it up and I re-submitted it two days ago so hopefully it will be out in no time.

I decided to set it up as a mis between a talk show and a 'This is your life' kinda thing, something a bit different. I hope no one else has ever done anything like this on TSR. :)


'Apple' is just taking a rest while I figure out where I want the story to go next. I will work on part five this week.

Thanks to everyone who reads, enjoys, rates and comments on 'Apple' and I hope you will also like my new story - even if it is VERY different.

Cheers :)


'Apple' returns...

Due to the amount of people who have asked me to continue with Apple's story, I have edited and re submitted part three, and part four should be ready to submit in a few hours. Thanks for the encouragement and support guys! Sorry to scare you for those few hours! Time for lunchie! Kangaroo left over from last night's dinner (if you haven't tried Kanga, you should. It's delicious, mates!)


My new collection of lots...

Announcing my first collection of lots to be appearing on TSR! The collection is titled 'Modern Aussie - Beach and Bush'.

The lots are all inspired by the sort of homes you would find in the mountain areas all across the country. It brings modern and traditional styles together faultlessly and all are very affordable.

The homes will range in size so you can upgrade as your family grows. The beauty about these lots is that they lsuit both bush and beach lots, so you don't even have to think about where you should place them!

Each home is named after Australian flora and fauna (as well as inclusions from stories, phrases and slang).

Either empty or partly furnished, you have the freedom to craete your own styles inside. Each lot is fully landscaped with the most Australian appropriate plants included in the game. No cutstom content.

The first two - Coolabah' and 'Matilda' - have just been submitted so keep an eye out if you're interested!


Latest Headlines

Rewards for Writers! It's been a while! The Overhaul... Love And Hate Tomorrow, When The War Began... TS3 WA EP Blogs... A story with meaning :) 'Apple' returns... My new collection of lots...
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