Betsy4arts (672848)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (475 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Spring Green Nursery
Published May 10, 2007
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About Me
About Me: I am a Featured Artist{ Betsy4Arts} and Administator over at . I am the mom of 4 exceptional teenagers whom I suspect are insane. I enjoy my cats who always look at me with love in their eyes. I love the colors of the world and how they mix and interact with nature. I try to bring this life and vibrancy into my sims2 recolors.*****I have opened up my own little site. No forums just clothes, furniture sets and building supplies!!
My Latest Updates Show All
April 3,2007Written May 06, 2007
*****I love the colors of the world and how they mix and interact with nature. I try to bring this life and vibrancy into my sims2 recolors.***** I am the mom of 4 exceptional teenagers whom I suspect are insane. I enjoy my cats who always look at me with love in their eyes. ...More
April 26thWritten Apr 26, 2007
About a month ago, my trusted computer became very ill and had to be given last rights. Went right down to Best Buy and purchased a new one but they had none of the model that I needed in store so I asked for it to be sent to me. A week later, I called their "status line" only to find that they had no record of the sale. I had a small fit and then decided to reorder the computer. a week later,... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
bettynewbie2May 24, 2013
OMG! I didn't realize you were here at TSR too. YAY more Betsy!
charrayAug 10, 2009
I love your creations You did an amazing job, Thanks for all the work and for sharing them
cutedazyMay 26, 2008
Awesome designs! Thanks for making my medieval neighborhood even better!