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BoodaMae's Guestbook

S.CainsFeb 4, 2008

Hi, thanks for the lovely comment on Suburbia Part I. PArt II is out now for your reading pleasure. \;\)

panda_bears1Feb 2, 2008

Hi, I get most of my cars from ModTheSims2 or Sims2Carsource(you need to register for free at both sites to be able to download anything)\:D

drewsolteszFeb 1, 2008

Thanks for the nice comment on my story 'Wagon Master', chapter Two is now posted, would be honoured if you read and commented. \:\) If you look at the first comment on the story, I list where I got the horses!

Elena.Jan 30, 2008

Hello! Thank you very much for reading another chapter of Letta's story! I am sorry for the late reply! Stay tuned for the grand finale! \:D Have a great day! \:rah\:

spiffyrifficJan 29, 2008

Thanks for your comment in my 'Spiffyriffic's Portfolio' story. As promised, my tutorial is out on how to edit unique sim poses. You can find it on my profile! Have a great day. \:wub\:

dealer_dayJan 28, 2008

Hi! Thanks for writing on my guestbook! \:D Well you can get your pics clearer by looking at the pic below! \:D It tells you how to improve quality by changing graphics/performance options. Hope it works! Have a nice day! \:rah\:

samcactus101Jan 27, 2008

My parents are afraid if I install too many EP's and SP's, the computer will slow down like the old one.......

samcactus101Jan 27, 2008

I KNOW!!!!!!!!\:eek\: !!!!! I'm totally out on such a FABTASTIC game!!!\:rolleyes: Its such a bummer you know..... I only play Sims2 in PS2. They DO sell the game in stores but only problem is my parents don't allow PC games. I REALLY REALLY HONESTLY NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!\:\( \:rah\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

samcactus101Jan 26, 2008

Thanks. My first test in college,... and January hasn't ended yet....\;\) I too already have a sim story in mind but since I don't have the game, I'm just gonna have to sob.....\:\(

samcactus101Jan 26, 2008

Hey Sarah, you made a story? Thats great! I'll definitely look out for it\:\) So hows things with you, mines pretty busy, I got a 40 minute Biology quiz on Monday. Hope I do okay....

panda_bears1Jan 26, 2008

Hello again, I almost left and then saw your new comment\:D Glad to hear you're writing a story, it's a really great way to express your creativity (too bad everyone can't play piano or paint as well as the sims do)\:P To get clear pics it kind of depends on your graphics card, but the settings should be on large pics and high quality. That's a start, but to get good up close pics I always zoom in as close as it will let me and then pause and rotate the camera until I'm happy with it. You can read a couple good tutorials here on TSR that helped me a lot. Okay, I'm going for longest GB entry, here goes! To not overwrite your stories, you can use the same album, just take out the old pictures and put in the new ones, then when you upload the story click on "no" instead of "yes". That way it won't replace your story and you'll have a new one that you can rename if you want. Last thing I promise\:wub\: My story The Hurricane is actually inspired by my real life. I changed the names and added a few fictional parts to keep it interesting (I am Evie in the story\:D ) I didn't want to give that away unless people really wanted to know, I like their honest opinions-I didn't want nice comments because they are afraid of hurting my feelings\:D Well, I guess that's about it, if you need anymore help, just ask. I'll try my best to help! Emily.\:wub\:

panda_bears1Jan 26, 2008

Hi, thanks for commenting on my story The Hurricane. The only thing special I did was for one frame(where Diane is sitting on the sofa with her arm to her head) I used Decorgal's modeling pose object at ModTheSims2, it's free to download when you register with them, as for the faces\:D well, I just watch and pause frequently until I get the ones I want, nothing special. Thanks for reading, I'll have more up soon! Emily.\:wub\:

muaxxx2004Jan 25, 2008

Hi again... her is the link....

kitfu11Jan 23, 2008

Thanks for reading again! \:D Yeah 8 sims and 3 pets can get a little hectic at times, but luckily between work and school most of the time they aren't all home at once unless it's to sleep! \:P

arty__fartyJan 21, 2008

Thanks for reading & commenting My Day, My Turn, My Change - Introduction i really apreciate all feedback big or small! and your right chester was a different kind of cool before but im happy with what i done \:\) well the next part is finished and currently being approved by TSR so should be out very soon! thanks alex \:D

S.CainsJan 19, 2008

Hi thanks for reading Suburbia - Character Introductions and leaving a comment. I have just posted Part I and I hope you will check it out when it is published. \:D Thanks for checking out my blog as well. I have been busy so I haven't updated it in a while, but I will do so as soon as possible. But as it is I have 2 essays to do for monday. lol.

kitfu11Jan 16, 2008

Thanks for reading and commenting on my legacy! \:D

samcactus101Jan 13, 2008

:PLOL reading isn't so much of my thing. Sure I like reading comics & TSR sim stories but when it comes to certain really thick novels, I get sleepy easily\:D Yes, I confess reading isn't really my hobbie but some magazines never fail to keep me entertained. I'm terrible at History cause its a reading & memorizing subject. Honestly.. I SUCK at it. But now college, I can permanently say goodbye to that freakin' damn subject. It kills me I tell ya!!

samcactus101Jan 12, 2008

Hey, who doesn't get B's once in a while? If anyone got high A's ALL the time, that person is just darn boring and cookoo in the head\:P Well, thats just my opinion lol. I love Math, I always get A for it. Do lotsa exercises, you'll sure get an A!\:\) Its just the Additional Mathematics I had alot of trouble in. I can hardly PASS the damn subject!! I never did TOO much exercises.\:ph34r\: 4A's outta 6 grades is good enough. You'll do even better I'm sure\:D. Now college is different, Mathematical Studies is like a combo of Math & Add Math, its getting tougher & tougher, bit by bit each class\:eek\: But I have to keep up. I HAVE to!

Pippa22Jan 11, 2008

The cheat us boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. When you have put the cheat in you need to click on the sim and click on spawn and then click on life and death tombstone. Then click on the tombstone and find the one that says make me pregnent. When your sim is a college if you want them to get pregnent i would make them pregent when she is in he last term at college otherwise your sim will have the baby but you will not be able to take the baby away from college.

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