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dotcombuilderDec 21, 2004

Wonderful object work, Michael. Enjoying your bedspreads very much!

iamsmashDec 19, 2004

just curious as to where you get ideas for your clothing? if you just see people wearing it or think it up? reminds me a lot of stuff you'd wear to a club. and i love all the harley stuff you did. did you make chaps, and i missed them? would love to see a full motorocycle outfit. chaps, vest, boots, jacket. anyway, keep up the good work!! \:rah\: \:rah\:

BeriBaby5Dec 19, 2004

Your work is great. Did you follow the tutorial for SimPe (if u used SimPe at all)? I am struggling to get my version to work, I really want to edit the furniture!

M1ndyClarkDec 19, 2004

Love your work. Could you retexture the Christmas tree?

duncan disorderlyDec 19, 2004

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your work! Of all the other work submitted at the Sims Resource, you're my favorite by far! Thanks for all your hard work and good taste!\:\) peace! bullzdawg \:\)

crazysoul80Dec 18, 2004

You are truly one very talented artist. Thanks so much for sharing your hard work with us. \:\)

oldmember_jigglypuffDec 17, 2004

Now we can look forward to objects as well as fantastic clothes. Happy Holidays ARE here.

teresadelliottDec 17, 2004

Hi Lovely items recoloured for Sims 2 thank you keep uup the good work cant wait till the next items alovely Lilac set would be much appreciated Thank You \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:D

skelley62Dec 17, 2004

I think your clothes are awesome, but when I saw your objects, I was blown away, they are amazing, my sims are all getting the design tool today, thanks so much for all of the hard work you do. You are the main reason I subscribe, I don't want to miss anything you put out.\:rah\:

oldmember_EvilSimKittyDec 17, 2004

Just an amusing little anecdote: I have a sim in my game named Liotia Leopard (Tacky, yes). She loves your work in Faux Fur clothing and recolours, so keep up the great work!\:P

SabreWolF_87Dec 17, 2004

Hahah \:D I thought you had been figuring it out all by yourself (CAS) and I just NEEDED to know, anyhoo you were a inportant step in the doing since i found out that i was possible through you \:\) arg.. I think i should start submitting some of my work to this hsite soon \:D well still love your stuff i gotta go change my CAS now so, c ya! \:D

oldmember_heywiredDec 16, 2004

I Have to admit Very impressive detail. \:\)

oldmember_fira22Dec 16, 2004

hi, I have a little question to ask you.. how come your fitting area looks so diffrent from mine? I dont have the zebra-chair of palmtrees when i look out the window, could you explain why? (it's probably a very simple explaination which wil make me feel pretty stupid..but i'd still like to know) love, Fira

DLaboyDec 16, 2004

Just Wanted to let you know that i think you designs are fantastic. I think they are a cut above. Keep up that good work\:D


Thanks guys, appreciate it! To change the CAS background, all the info you need is in this thread http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?t=262861 It's not hard at all, so have fun. BTW mikeinside does rock!\:D

SabreWolF_87Dec 15, 2004

Well you are my biggest idol after mikeInside, in the sim world that is... and since mikeInside just makes houses that are good, guess who's upp for first skinning and clothing? You are! And I love you stuff! well i have the same question as "sgoobysnacks" how did you change the background in http://imageserver3.thesimsresource.com/ts2clothing_12058_preview-big.jpg plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz tell me \:D it's driving me nuts not to know :'( and oh, your hair making roxx but i am afraid that "janna" is better :P Piece out // WolF

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 15, 2004

OMG Michael, you are so awesome at skinning! I'm trusting this REALLY important job to you because I really want to have it in my game. You know Juicy suits, right? The fuzzy shiny soft suits made by Juicy? Think you could make it in pink, and then put juicy on the butt? THANKS SO MUCH -CHIKA

sgoobysnacksDec 15, 2004

Hi....u have some really cool stuff....but i just thought i would ask......how did u get this background? http://imageserver3.thesimsresource.com/ts2clothing_12058_preview-big.jpg

jannaDec 15, 2004

Look at all these adoring fans! Michael, youre getting marriage proposals now! Sorry ladies, but Buntah and I were first!! LOL

BlondeNirvana08Dec 15, 2004

how did you get that backround on your clothing dressing room thing?

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