Old Shades
Gtrgrl wrote:
"I have tried downloading this house into two different neighborhoods in my game - Barnacle Bay and Riverview. The house does not show up! It does not have the empty house icon when I put it on a lot, instead it just has the empty lot icon. I can't see any part of the house/lot at all when I put it in my game. Do you have any idea why this is happening? This lot is AWESOME looking in your pictures and I have the perfect couple to put in this house. Any tips on how to get it to show up?"
Dear Gtrgrl, I tried to download now with the browser "Mozilla Firefox" and it downloaded just 2.97 MB and shows an empty place (it become with the other creations that I had downloaded from EA or TSR). I do downloading with the "Internet Explorer" exclusive.
I erased the file from the Sims 3 "Downloads" and downloaded with the "Internet Explorer" .. It is 5.24 GB and it shows the castle at 6 worlds (1 hours to install everywhere ;D)-Riverview, Sunset Valley, Twinbrook, Bridgerport, Neverglade, Silent Hill (the last two worlds I've downloaded from the creators of the EA). Unfortunately I don't have «Barnacle Bay» .
Maybe you can try to download with some other browser .
JCIssette wrote :
Someone downloaded it and is complaining that the castle is not showing up in their hood when they place it. It sounds like they have a bug in their game. There is a bug that causes the houses to fade away and not be seen from hood view. There is no fix to it and it doesn't happen to all lot in the game. ... to actually go into the lot and see if the castle is there. If not, then I don't know. ... to delete the lot from the library bin, and the lot where it placed . Then redownload the lot. One thing that she should check before doing that is to make sure the lot that is trying to place on doesn't have that little house icon it. If it does, then will not be able to place the lot. ... to bulldoze the lot and the empty lot icon should show then. Then ... should be able to place the lot."
Thank You Dear Judy