Gumby_Girl's Blog
Gardners Falls (near Maleny)
Just a couple of photos of Gardners Falls. We went there when my brother came up for a visit in May.

Busy at work
Hi allMy new job is taking up almost as much time as my old one, so it's leaving me little time for simming and TSR. I will try to finish off a couple of houses and floors I was working on this weekend and submit them as well.
Have fun simming
Yay! Finally reached another milestone. Thanks to everyone for downloading my creations and the feedback on my work. I appreciate your support and encouragement to keep creating. Hope you are all having a great weekend :)50,000 downloads
Wow, I just logged in and saw I had 50,000 downloads. Thanks to everyone who has downloaded my items and the lovely comments left on them. I really appreciate it. When I first came to TSR I was an avid downloader and never thought I would be able to create items and give back to the community. Thanks again and have a great day :)Beachside Bungalow Lot
Hi allI forgot to tick the box for the Freetime EP when uploading the 'Beachside Bungalow' lot which was released today (hence the name Gumby_Girl)
So if you download it you will need the Freetime EP as well. Sorry if you have already downloaded it and don't have this EP. I am getting it added to the list on the download info for this lot.
Hello from sunny QLD Australia.Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and commented on my stuff. You have helped me to get this mini site and I really appreciate it. It's great to be part of the TSR family.
I have been playing Sims 2 on and off for a couple of years but only just discovered the fabulous world of custom content - yes I am a bit slow ;) I am learning (tearing my hair out) and loving creating more than playing the game now, although I don't have a lot of time to do it.
I would like to send a big thanks out to all the talented artists here at TSR, my houses are full of their fab work and my sims always dressed in their awesome clothes or living in their beautiful homes. Great work everyone!!!