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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

simsjeanieDec 21, 2010

Dear Jen, just dropping in to say I wish you and all of your family - inclusively the furry children - a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart. Have a great time and may all your wishes come true! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for the critters \;\) and for Santa ... \:wub\:

PenelopeTDec 19, 2010

♥   Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ♥  

PralinesimsDec 19, 2010

  ****We wish you a  MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥  and a gorgeous day!!*****\:rah\:        \:wub\:  °°°°Happy simming!°°°°\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:   *Hugs and Kisses*\:wub\:\:wub\:  

spitzmagicDec 17, 2010

((((Jenn)))) I wish you a beautiful Holiday season...thank yoiu for all you awesome comments...that fire just interruped  everything...whew I'm just glad I didn't lose Barb...I was working so hard on tht group picture and then that happens....LOLHave a great weekend  ((((Jenn)))  \:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 16, 2010

(((Jenn))) I loved your comment on chapter 4 of Swamped! \:wub\:  Thanks. I didn't have much time and my Hanky muzes are getting restless... they want to go on a vacation. I told them I needed them this weekend to finish the story \:D  I could go on for ever with them, but I need to finish it... hahahaha See you soon again , Big HUGGGS, Fred

SaliwaDec 15, 2010

Hi Jennifer \:\) Thank you so much for your lovely comment, take care honey \:\)

martoeleDec 15, 2010

Hi Jen! Thank you so much for commenting my 'Moon 7'. I'm working hard to find the screenies to go with 'Moon 9'. I've noticed that you've got already a new chapter published and will read it a.s.a.p. Big Hug ~ Margo.

spladoumDec 15, 2010

LOL ... the pool is definitely icky! \:D  Green walls + green pool lights = drrrrrrrrty! \:D  LOL.  But you see, now it looks like a true slum house pool!

flody888Dec 11, 2010

Hi Jennifer! \:\) Thank you for answering my wcifs!! \:D I'm totally a cc-aholic too! \:D Which is why I love TSR and free subscriptiondays!1! \;\)  Have a superfab weekend/week too!!!!

topaz27Dec 10, 2010

Hi Jen, Thank you for all your lovely comments on my screenshots, your so kind \:wub\: I'm glad you liked them, and of course the gorgeous Chad had to win the dancing competition \:D I completely agree with you about not understanding why some people are so horrible, and just seem to want to hurt others by making cruel remarks etc, I firmly believe that if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all, it is so much better to build people up rather than pull them down, guess we should feel sorry for people like that, as they can't be happy living their lives in this way, as for your site, I think it is wonderful, you have done a fantastic job on it \:\) love the colour too \;\) I do miss your not being around here so much though \:\( I really do hope everything goes well in selling your house, it can be so stressful, so keep thinking about the beautiful new home you will be buying and having your horse right there with you, that's something wonderful which you have to look forward to \:\) that will get you through any of the rough parts \;\) hope your enjoying some beautiful long sunny days too \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 9, 2010

I will read! I have to read! It is sooo hectic here, work is killing me, my arm is killing me... (doesn't want to play along, and 1 hour comp time makes it all bad)... but the drifter I will read! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGS.... Fred

RatRaceRobDec 6, 2010

Er... Flip(5) I meant to say down there... good lords of the dance, I am so far behind I don't even know what episode of my own series I'm on... I'm so embarrassed \:o \:o \:o ...  But still very appreciative \:wub\:

RatRaceRobDec 6, 2010

My dear Jen, thank you so much for that excellent compliment on Flip(4), and please accept my apologies for the long delay in response... I've fallen terribly behind again \:o , but I do appreciate your commentary as much if not more than ever!  Thank you, thank you again, and may Jesse provide us with more of his ridiculous faces to inspire your laughter in the future \:D \:wub\:

flody888Dec 5, 2010

OK. back. \:D Now I remember! I was sidetracked by the poll too! Thank you for that! \:D I think one of the reasons I haven`t bought a lot of store stuff for Sims 3 is because of all my unused store stuff from Sims 2! I bought TONS of it and it`s just not used at all! \:\( Also, (I still remember!) those hoodies are so cute! Even the presets are adorable but it`s nice to be able to change the patterns! Have a super wonderful day!!!

flody888Dec 5, 2010

Hi! Thank you for your comment on my screenie!!! \:\) I totally knew what Iwas going to say until I got sidetracked by your screenie `Taking Aim`! LOL Is that bikini from the LN Ep and where is the hair from! \:D

PenelopeTDec 4, 2010

Jennnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! It was so good to hear from you! \:D  Hope you've been enjoying your Simming time, even though Bridgeport is a pretty useless town. So sorry I've been a bit scarce myself. The past few weeks have been busy and crazy. \:wacko\: So how has your weather been? Still enjoying being outdoors a lot? \:\) I know what you mean about feeling like you've been away since you have your own blog. Heck, sometimes everyday life just gets in the way too. I've been finding that the weekends are really the only time I have to pop in here and stay for more than two \:D Thanks so much for all of your wonderful comments on my screenshots and apartment renovations. Do hope your Sims enjoy them as well. I'll probably renovate a couple more and upload them at some point, when things wind down and I get time. \;\) Well, hope you have a lovely rest of the weekend, and see you over at your blog soon. Think there is still a part of 'The Drifter' I may have missed. \:confused\: Take care, Jen! \:wub\: ~ Pene

topaz27Dec 3, 2010

Hi Jen, Thanking you for all your lovely comment on my screenshots of Sierra and Trenton \:\) are you getting excited about Christmas time, I am \:D I love it so much, we have had snow here since last weekend, it has been snowing everyday, and there is no sign of any melting at all yet \:eek\: last night it was -9 \:eek\: never had it so cold \:rolleyes: wish you could send me some lovely warm sunshine over \;\) I'm looking forward to catching up some more on 'The Drifter', sounds like you have some wonderful idea's, and I can't wait to read the next part  \:wub\: your a fantastic writer Jen \:wub\: I hope you have a wonderful weekend and hope to chat again real soon \;\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

fredbrennyNov 29, 2010

Heyyy... (((Jenn))) \:wub\:  Thanks for reading and commenting on chapters 2 and 3 of Swamped! \:D  The plot thickens... yes... I might 2 more chapters to wrap this story up... \;\) I am glad you enjoy it sofar. Thanks again and have a LOVELY week. (I had a hard time starting this morning)  ... oh well... it earns a living \:D

YrS92Nov 29, 2010

Hello Jen, thank you very much for commenting Gardener's Dream, I really appreciate it\:wub\: As you can notice I'm going through a much more prolific phase with the Gardens, chapter 35 is out and chapter 36 is completely written, I just have to hit the submit button\;\) I hope your week has started well, here it's cold and snowy everywhere, a true winter\:confused\: But at least my birthday is on wednesday... 18 years, here I come\:P Have a great day, hugs, Senja

fredbrennyNov 27, 2010

Good morning Jennifer! (it is just about still morning here, so it will probably be around 10 pm in Australia) \:\) Thank you my dear, for the super nice comment on that Apartment building  Purple Haze... I should go and build some more. I have an arm that is not cooperative though... shouldre gives me problems and I can't sit at the computer for too long... Heck... It has to heal with some therapy and lots and lots of patience, which I don't really have...\:D  Good to see you, hope you will have a great weekend. \:wub\:

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