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Karie's Guestbook

shadow66Jun 2, 2010

P.S. - Give Lolo a chance - she'll get fed up being free before long ........ and she'll miss us too much!!  \;\)  \:D

shadow66Jun 2, 2010

Well I've been around, patiently waiting for you to get your posterior online - it just hasn't arrived lately, therefore it's YOUR fault you're having withdrawal symptoms!  \;\)  Or is it you're now expecting me to stay up ALL DAY as well as ALL NIGHT waiting for you?!!!  You know what you can do with THAT idea!!!!  \;\)  \:eek\:  \:o

shadow66May 31, 2010

Hey again! Looks like I'll soon be taking over your page!  :P  Thank you for ALL your wonderful comments on my paintings and in my blog - more out today and tomorrow, not that you should need reminding by now!  \;\)  \:D  Catch ya later!  \:wub\:

shadow66May 29, 2010

Maybe not then - you did say her phone had died when you were speaking to her before - perhaps she hasn't been able to escape to recharge it!  \:\(

shadow66May 27, 2010

Just trying to educate you - that's the French spelling!!!!! \;\) \:D

shadow66May 25, 2010

Well I'm so sorry for making so many new paintings that you can't keep up with them - now who was it that kept nagging me for more?!!  :P  \;\)  You know I've been busy with them since you guys weren't actually playing (yeah, I know that's Lolo's fault!), so I shouldn't have to remind you to come look by now!  Anyway, there's more out today, another set out tomorrow, and I'm just about to upload some more which should be out Thursday and probably another lot on Friday.  So there you go - don't say I haven't reminded you - it's here in black n white!!  \:D  P.S. - Thanks for all your comments btw  \:wub\: \:wub\:

shadow66May 22, 2010

Hey Piggy! :P  Thanks for all your comments on my latest paintings and in my blog!  \:wub\:   Yep, Lolo is going to be here for ages if she doesn't get her net back soon - still, hopefully it'll keep her out of mischief for a little while!  \:D  You've got some catching up to do too - that's what you get for deserting me!  \;\)  :P

shadow66May 20, 2010

Back for more I see - you little addict!!  \:D  Glad you like them all so much - your faves are coming out tomorrow!  \;\)  \:rah\:

shadow66May 18, 2010

Well you have been a busy little piggy downloading all my stuff - and getting up early to do it too!  :P  LOL  Thanks for all the comments - appreciated as always!  \:wub\:  TTYL  \;\)

shadow66May 17, 2010

Hey Piggy!  \:wub\:   Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blogs - glad you're liking the new paintings so much! \:rah\:   And yes, I have to agree with you, I miss my S2 carpets greatly as well, and some of my walls too - only wish I could convert them, but for now we'll have to be satisfied with paintings!  \:D  Catch ya later!  \:wub\:

shadow66May 14, 2010

Back again - since my last entry hasn't appeared - can't remember what the hell I wrote (I know, your 'Goldfish Syndrome' is catching!  \:eek\: )  Anyway, thanks for all your comments on my screenies - yes, you know only too well what my poor sim went through testing those tombs!  \;\)  \:D - but no, it wasn't a vat of acid ......... haven't worked out how to make those yet!!  \;\)  Glad you like my 'Enchanted Forest' paintings - you never know, there may be fairies in there!  Lots more out now and coming soon, plus some more previews that I know you've found - if only the site didn't keep dying on us!  \:\(   Catch ya later!  \:wub\:

shadow66May 12, 2010

Me again!  \;\)  \:D  Thanks for the comments on my new painitings  \:wub\:  With regards to your requests - I've already done one set of fairies and was intending on re-doing my 'Flower Fairies', but you know what happened to them!  \:mad\:  Can't find any decent dragonflies, so unless you've got any you care to pass on, I can't do them. Cars, yes, they are a possibility, as are dragons (I have a few pics tucked away which I never got around to doing  \;\) )  I have been thinking about turning screenshots into paintings and that could be something I look at when I've got a few more of my old sets done (don't really want any more getting poached before I can do them!).  Anyway, guess we'll talk later and we can discuss it then if you want.  Huggles  MC

shadow66May 7, 2010

Hey - it's been a while!  \;\)  LOL  Just wanted to say thanks for all those spontaneous comments on my new paintings - glad you like them!  \:D  More soon!  \;\) \:rah\:

shadow66Jun 21, 2009

Hey K!  Thanks for your comments on my screenies - hope they didn't 'shock' you too much!!  \:eek\:  \:D  Catch up with ya l8r!  \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 18, 2009

Lisa9999 said if it is an incorrect file size or type it would have allerted you go that when you uploded the banner I made for ya.  Since it didn't; she said you may have tup upload it more than once.....just do it several times & it'll show up in your GB before it shows up on the main part of your page.......so just do it a bunch of time & wait & see.  Sorry it is not uploading properly. \:confused\:  Well good luck with getting the banner up. \:cool\:  Love ya. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 6, 2009

Thanks a million for taking me to urgent care last nigt. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\:  I really appreciate it. \:wub\:  I know I'm "strange" for volenteering to get stuck with a needle.......but it made the nickle taste go away. \:D  Well thanks again. \:wub\:  Loved you before......now I just love ya more . \:D LOL \:wub\: 

hiedibear75Jun 1, 2009

Yeah lots of things sound different to you . LOL :P  Well you were nice enough to point out an obstruction for me & other gimps. \:cool\:  Sim ya around. \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 27, 2009

Oh BTW there was a thingy on languages in the forum & I said I dabble in ASL (no I didn't tell them my signing has the equivalent of a lisp or studder \:P it wouldn't have made sense to them anyway \;\) ).  Anywho the thought then occured to me....not about the ASL but you & your lip-reading......seeing as U aint the only deef person in the world........I included this ----------> "(which by the way if anybody should come across someone who is hard of hearing or deaf and uses lip reading.... do NOT shout or talk in a different manner unless the person asks you to do so . It changes the way our lips move so it actually makes it harder for them because they're looking for the normal lip patterns, and most often it is not the volume that is the issue but certain sounds which you can't fix just by turning up the volume)". \:cool\:  Love ya........ O waite ...... LOVE YA . \:wub\: \;\) LOL :P

Wolfsim68Apr 17, 2009

Thank you very much for your supportive comments. It's thanks to people like you that I keep creating! Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

hiedibear75Apr 4, 2009

PS.  Metal RULES! \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

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