LilyoftheValleyICE's Guestbook

LaurieROct 4, 2006

I suppose I will have to forgive you for not writing anything lately.... if I must! \;\) Thank you. That was very helpful by the way. Have fun in your senior year and I hope to see something new from you soon! \:rah\:

Simlover4evaOct 4, 2006

its ok I hope u get your A's oh and btw what is gov.t is that like a class kids in high school have?

darqstarOct 4, 2006

Thanks for taking the time to let me know you read my comments. I agree, the walls up does make a better picture, but again, I see where it can be forgotten. I thought her critism was too harsh as well. Critism is very necessary to grow as a writer, but I didn't sense she was trying to be helpful. I think you're well on your way to being a really good writer, I don't want to see you discourage. So, yes, I hope you will find the time soon to write some more. \:D

lexiqueOct 3, 2006

hey lily, its lexique. its been nearly a month since i last heard from you. how are you? hows school?? hope all is well! what has happened to your "when life isn't so good to you" stories, you havent sent in anymore and im really sad coz i miss your stories they are great! hope to talk soon, lexique xx

LaurieROct 3, 2006

Hello! It's me again! I tried to send you a PM but the page wouldn't display. I have a question about story wizard, if you don't mind helping me again. My friend loaded a second part to a story and it erased the first. Do you know how to avoid doing that? I have a second part that will be ready for upload in a couple of days. I don't want to accidentally erase anything!\:\( If you can help me again I would appreciate it! \:D By the way, when are you going to post a new one? I always look for something new by you. You are very talented. I enjoy reading your stories. Talk to you later.\:rah\:

darqstarSep 30, 2006

Hi, I read your story and I saw the comments beautysenshi made. *Shrugs* there's constructive critism, and then there is, "I'm upset you didn't make a story to please MY tastes!" and I think her critism fell into the second one. Walls up/Down? Personal preferance. Unless it's crucially important that the reader knows about the interior design of the house, who cares? Plumbobs showing? Again, personal prefrence. When writing a Sims2 story, you can take the approach that you're using these Sims as tiny human actors and do everything to make them look/seem human. Or, you can say you're doing a story about Sims, and allow them to be sims. Sims have plumbobs, it's just part of being a Sim. Just like in real life we can't argue with the Grim reaper to possibly save someone, yet for Sim's reality, they can. I think you handled beautysenshi critism quite gracefully, which says a lot for your maturity, but personally? If that was indeed "constructive critism" she was giving you, she needs to learn what constructive critism is. Constructive means to build, help, etc. Did her remarks help build you up? Make you better? No. For the most part they came across like she did you a huge favor by reading your story, but it just wasn't up to her standards, so now you owe her. That's not constructive, that's destructive. You're seventeen years old. For your age, that is a remarkably good story. When I was seventeen, I couldn't have done as well. And, as you continue to do this, you'll get better and better. Just don't let people like beautysenshi discourage you. Anyone can tear down another person's work, that's easy. If she really cared, she'd try to encourage you to improve.

Simlover4evaSep 30, 2006

Guess What! I got my repot card and I got all A's I really thought i was going to get a C in that one class

Anna^-^Sep 28, 2006

Sorry about that little arguement that we last had, I was cranky\:wacko\: . Thanks also for the nice comment the next part will be coming out in 2 weeks or so.

sandybvvSep 28, 2006

thank you so much for reading my story **Farewell My Love** i really appreciate your comments~!!

drewsolteszSep 27, 2006

Thanks so much for the kind words regarding my first story "Indian Love Song". I was so nervous uploading it, but glad storytellers like yourself enjoyed it! Gives me the courage to maybe try another. Thanks again! \:\) PS: Love your stories!!

Buckeye428Sep 25, 2006

Well hopefully you won't be busy too long, but during this time of year it is definitely hard to keep up with everything. Good luck and I will be waiting for your next story.

filizkSep 24, 2006

Hi Lisa, I wanted to thank you for reading the second chapter of my story. I am so happy that you liked it. Happy Simming Filiz \:\)

kimmonsSep 23, 2006

Hi No1 u r a greta auther 1 of the best on this site (my fav is when dark decends) no2 thnx 4 ur nice comment on my story xx

Buckeye428Sep 22, 2006

Whats going on Lily? You haven't put out anything in awhile. When is your next creation coming out?

Jasmine206Sep 21, 2006


3107hbSep 20, 2006

It's fine, I'm glad I could help. I also wrote a comment in her/his guestbook. Hope you do write a novel, your'e a great writer.\:D

3107hbSep 19, 2006

Hello, I just wanted to say I am a very big fan of your writing. I love all your stories. I love your pictures as they are always up to a high standard. I was looking thourgh the comments about you "When life isn't so good," when I say a very long comment from someone (can't remember his name). It says he thought it was okay. I thought it was brilliant. I was sooo mad at him. And your pictures in that story are great. I looked thourgh all the photo's to see if your walls were down, I could only see about 1. Sometimes you can't get the plumbob away from the photos. So don't listen to him. I think he should right a better one himself, and see how he feels when I right a horrible Comment about his.

Simlover4evaSep 19, 2006

That is alot of rules! If i ever to one I'm so going to cheat lol

Simlover4evaSep 19, 2006

thanks a bunch

Jasmine206Sep 19, 2006

Woops! Last part I meant, "Well, as pleased as a cat can seem!" lol

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