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MajikGoldy's Guestbook

CloudwalkerNZMay 8, 2011

love your guiltars \:wub\:Total awesomeness \:rah\:

murfeelMay 8, 2011

I'VE MISSED YOU TOO!!!! \:wub\: I just assumed that you were either knee deep in RL or glued to your computer doing your youtube thing. \:D lol I'm sorry to hear about your graphics card. \:\( This is the same computer that went blue/black screen on you? \:o If my PC clunked out on me I don't know what I'd do -- probably die of boredom, more than likely. \:P Well, I'll let you get back to work! I'm over here STRUGGLING with TSR at the moment; there's some ODDNESS going on at this site lately, and I'm having a devil of a time navigating between pages and leaving posts; it takes me ten hours just to log on! \:mad\: They must be transitioning to V8 or something. \:confused\: Oh well--Ta! \:wub\:

murfeelMay 5, 2011

\:rah\: You're BACK!!!! \:rah\: How are you doing? Hope you and yours are well! \:wub\: I just saw your gorgeous guitars and nearly peed myself (as always \:D) . I thought they were just GREAT! I've a favor, though: could you please make a lute, too? You know, for the medieval persuassion? I just made a Taliesin Sim a few days ago, and I realized that he can't really jam with an electric guitar, or any of my other elves and fairies, and a lute would be GREAT! But of course, feel free to ignore my silly request; just a thought! \:D lol I'm so glad you're here again; any progress with your youtube videos? I was just over there a feww days ago simply CRACKING UP over people's videos of Sims Medieval; that game is crazy, but too expensive for my tastes! \:P If it was another EP I would CERTAINLY want it, but it's practically a totally different game. \:\( I'm depressed. \:\( Going back to Sunset Valley to wallow in my contemporary modern misery. \:P

murfeelApr 9, 2011

Ooooo, CAW's a *beast*, right? \:D I dabbled with it too; I still have to see if I can finish my world, because it was really fun to do the roads and carve the mountains \:wub\: . But take your time, RL comes first, alcohol comes second, and Sims come last, as I always say! ^-^ \;\) Just kidding. \:P I am very eager to ransack your village and take all your loot, so when you're next things are uploaded I'll be there in full battle regalia, blowing my war horn!! \:rah\:

murfeelApr 4, 2011

*knock knock!* How's it going with you? \:wub\: I hope all is well! \:\)

murfeelFeb 24, 2011

Hmagirl and I are on the same boat! \:rah\: I came here to thank you for the GB post and cheer on your next creations, when I caught a quick glance at your Upcoming Pod! \:eek\: I didn't look very long, because I want to be amazed, but what I DID see almost made me pee my pants! \:P WHAT IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO, LADY!? \:eek\: \:wub\: My GOODNESS!!!! \:eek\: That lion in the cage is soooooooooo going into my carnival lot! \:rah\: And I saw this AMAZING castle, and keg barrels that I have just been DYING for, and I'm over here just so excited that I can barely type right; I keep making typos and correcting them! \:P Lmao \:D I can't WAIT till tomorrow to just shop...and DROP (from awe)!!! \:wub\: You are working just SO hard! \:rah\: I knew you had to be--for almost a month it's just been Silence over here, so I was thinking: she must be cooking up something BIG!!! \:wub\: I just can't wait! I know I'm going to end up using it all, and quite often! Welcome back! \:wub\:

HmagirlFeb 21, 2011

You are THE most creative person I have EVER seen \:D Great job, great work and thank you so much for creating and sharing \:D \:wub\:

daylightmoonFeb 15, 2011

Amazing collection you have! I feel like I've hit the medieval jackpot \:D

murfeelJan 31, 2011

Thanks so much for liking my stuff! One thing: it came to my attention recently that TS3 doesn't like installing Sims or Lots through the Launcher with too many Package files in it that the downloader doesn't already have, so if you dld some of my stuff and it didn't show up you will probably need to install the Package files FIRST, and then install the Sim or lot in order for the Launcher to properly read it! \:\) I'm going around spreading the word; no more CC for me! :P

murfeelJan 25, 2011

Man, I feel like I just ran one of those triatholon things or relay races, or whatever that contest is when people are racing, and passing the batons to each other. Well, I'm the one snatching up the baton and making a run for it! \:P I just got finished downloading all of your great new creations, and am as happy as a lark right now! \:D If I was hungry and your creations were food I'd be popping out of my buttons by now! \:P Thank so much! \:rah\:

murfeelJan 24, 2011

Take your time! \:rah\: I know whenever you show up miracles happen, and it's best not to have everything gushing at me all at once anyway; you're bad for my high blood pressure! \:P \:wub\: I just took a peek at the Upcoming creations (omg MUST HAVE THAT TELESCOPE!!!!! \:rah\: it's prettier than Ea's I think Steampunk/Pirate telescope; you ROCK!!! \:wub\: I only have the base game telescope and have SO been wanting to trash it! \:P ) Can't wait to see your vid! \:\) Tomorrow the FURNISHED Medieval Dragon Tower Castle comes out (took me long enough! \:P ) and I'm SO glad I saw that crazy lot through to the end! It was a lot more complicated than the Castle Dracula lot, for some strange reason \:o I must have built that thing and torn it down and built it back up again at least three times; I just was not satisfied. Then I'd add a room, shrink a room, stretch out a room, the sink it in lava \:P I just wanted it to be a perfect display of my 100% gratefulness to you for making all those gorgeous dragon creations! \:wub\: I really did love using them all (Those dragon statue lights and the glass tables are going with me in to almost every single lot I make from now on! \:rah\: ) And I just love the arch, and the column worked so brilliantly, and that wall lamp with the dragon's head was PURE genius! Especially the way it made the room just GLOW \:wub\: I'm working on the second medieval castle; but it's a tad of a headache since I really wish EA'd let us have more floors to build with, not just 5; that's so STIFLING!!! And if you use foundations then you can only build 4 stories high--speaking of HIGH, what kind of shoddy home grown pot was EA smoking when they came up with THAT rule!? \:mad\: I need TOWERS, man! :man: Turrets and whatevers, & these crazy people won't let me build above the fifth level--ARGHHH!!! \:mad\: Now my castle looks kind of bogus :P

fabrizioammolloJan 18, 2011

Hi! You are very welcome! Than YOU for sharing!!! Happy Simming, F.

murfeelJan 18, 2011

Ahh! Cool new banner! \:D Anyways, just caught your GB entry: You are MY hero !!! \:wub\: It was ALL thanks to you; you had all of these AMAZING dragon creations and I was just downloading them one after the other, thinking: Where the HECK am I gonna put all of this stuff !? And since I usually theme my lots I decided: Dragon Castle! Because I wanted to use everything you made, I am SOOOO thankful ! \:wub\: The furnished version will be coming out in a couple of days, I just want to get some stuff I created for the castle to be published first, and while those start circulating it'll give me some breathing room to keep working on the second medieval castle I'm building. After that, it's goodbye Bubonic Plague and hellooooo Chinese New Year! \:rah\: My Asian lots will be much faster because I already made them AGES ago, but I want to go through all of them and update them before I share tham and their sims next month. (PSYCHED!!! \:D ) And yes: DO keep me posted on the video you'remaking; I'd love to see it! I'll leave glowing comments (guess what my user name is over there? \:P )

murfeelJan 16, 2011

What is up with TSR's dating system? \:confused\: I sent those last two messages yesterday but it still says Dec 16th. Oh well, I'm not surprised, seeing as how you are all figments of my imagination. In the Twilight Zone time has no meaning; it passes, fades, slips by--what would seem like a day or even an hour was years at a time. I am going to pick the Blue Pill and go to sleep. Or was that Blue Pilla PURPLE Pill!? \:lol\: LMAO

murfeelJan 16, 2011

IT GOT ACCEPTED!!! It comes out Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya; tomorrow! You're only a cliiiiiiiiick! Aaaaaawaaaaaaay! \:D

murfeelJan 16, 2011

And cute new avatar! ^-^ Hust noticed that! :P

murfeelJan 16, 2011

*clawing through the dirt, haggard, ragged, and dead tired* I DID IT!! *pant pant pant* I DID IT!!! *gasp gasp* I...finished...the....castle--! *flatline* Well, the Unfurnished version, anyway! \:P Just submitted it: pray for me! \:P It was rejected back in early December, and before I could fix the furnished version my computer kerplunked, and when I got it back I wrestled with the stupid lot until this week I just decided what the heck--bulldoze the stupid thing and start all over again -- SIGH \:\( So I did, and decided that before I jumped the gun and furnished the castle I'd make an unfurnished one first, and let them reject THAT one before I spend all that energy furnishing something that's no good. I'm so excited! I'll tell you if it was rejected again or accepted. No, I'll tell you if it was accepted. If it's rejected again I'm snapping my game disc in half with a karate chop! \:P Goodnight! \:\)

murfeelJan 10, 2011

\:eek\: YOU ARE WAY TOO INCREDIBLE!! \:rah\: My GOODNESS!! I'm running out of things to say, it's that awesome! I LOVE your kitchen set! \:wub\:

hisgirltracieDec 31, 2010

thank you for taking the time to thank me for comment on your creation

superflysDec 30, 2010

have a wonderful new year.

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