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Murphy75's Guestbook

fredbrennyJun 29, 2009

Mornig Stacy!! Thanks for your comment on the spectacular view at the Cooper Farm...It is at Daybreak, early in the morning, around 4.30...everything is still calm and peaceful.. Just a few early morningbirds canbe heard...Have a great day!

Queenie1988Jun 29, 2009

\:\) Thank you very much for your comment \:rah\:

maxi kingJun 29, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Thank you!I had a lovely day but without sun\:\(Well this morning the sun is out and I think it's going to be warmer as well!\:DI know what you mean,I miss all the different stuff as well,I mean you can do the clothe in many different style but I don't have so many there I like and only one sofa I like!Same with the beds realy!I found some swimclothe for my male-sims wich is a start but I think it will take some more time till there able to do real meshes!Did you see the hair at peggy?Anyway I'm doing my story later and hope to finish it tomorrow!\:DHave a wonderful day and I'm happy you back here more often,I missed you!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 28, 2009

Good morning, Stacy! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Don't let your class stress you to much....ok. \:wub\:

simgirl675Jun 28, 2009

Thanks for helping me out with my little problem on uploading stuff and now everything is running fine thanks\:D

evetsangelJun 28, 2009

Hi Stacy \:\) Nope, its been cooler the 70's its been rainy on and off today. My weekend is going pretty well. I think I have laryngitis though...Otherwise, eveything is good. I hope you don't get too stressed with your classes. Have a great weekend Stacy!\:wub\:

QuengelJun 27, 2009

Hi there \:\) I know, you save kudos, well I started a poll on my site, if interested \;\)

maxi kingJun 27, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Don't try to learn to much!Sometimes a step back is a step forwart!And if you don't make it till August then you do it in December!Don't worry about it to much!\;\)We are not that lucky with the whether,it was bad then a view day's nice and now bad again!\:\(Yeh,I like building houses!In the moment I do my story,I wanted to finish the pic's taking yesterday but I had to help my husband and so I still have to do a view and then the writing!I hope I get it done next week!\:DAnyway have a nice day!Take some time to relax and TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

evetsangelJun 26, 2009

Hi Stacy! I hope your week was a good one. Have a fun weekend!\:wub\:

maxi kingJun 26, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Have a wonderful weekend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

squeakersJun 24, 2009

\:wub\: Hey Stacy! Congrats on getting high scores!!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: I'm so proud of you, I knew you could do it, not much longer now huh? Hopefully your also getting a chance to rest in between lessons and homework!\;\) My bursitis is slowly getting better, I had to have shots in my other hip, so now I'm evend out and aren't out of balance. LOL My Dr had me try a new med, all it did was make me sick, and make my heart beat weird, so I stopped taking it, but my Dr said there are a couple of others we can try when I'm up to it.\;\) We took my youngest son in for a tattoo almost 2 weeks ago for his graduating present, he got a really nice one with a cross and it has angle wings behind it, I'll be posting pics of it in a few days, it turned out really well.\:D TC and I hope you have a great day!\:D Big hugs,\:wub\:

maxi kingJun 24, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!Still busy,are you?Hope you find time for us here soon!Well after you done with your learning!Good luck with it! Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

lisa9999Jun 22, 2009

Hey Stacy, DId you have fun on your faction? Did you go on any water rides?  Today would be a good day for a water ride here. DId you go to any wineries? I am full of questions. Hope you had a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 22, 2009

Hiya Stacy, glad your enjoying yourself, and once again, good luck with your class. \:\) ~ Pene

evetsangelJun 22, 2009

Hi Stacy! I'm glad you had fun on your vacation!\:wub\:

MJxoJun 22, 2009

Yeah, im kinda sick of those sim bugs lol. I just have to get over it\:D The game is great, i like how you can go to your neighbours house and do challanges. I think i will be sticking to Sims 3 and very soon i'll go back to Sims 2. I might go and have a go at Sims 1 again. Its been a least a year i havent played it\:\( Just stick on my shelf doing nothing lol. Anyways how have you been?

maxi kingJun 22, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Stacy!I'm more into building houses for sims 3!I like that very much!I play it a bit as well but as you sait,I miss the CC and a view other things!I uploaded my sims2 hotel as well and have to start jet with my story!But I don't know where to start realy,I have that idea for a beach home,another for a sims3 house and I have to start sims2 to do my story!\:\(Well,I think I will be busy then!\;\)The whether gets better here now,so I will also go in the garden and the school-hollydays start here on Wendsday!:PI hope you got some of your school work done?Anyway have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

xtinabobinaJun 22, 2009

hey stacy, im sticking this out until july 4, then i go home! \:\) which will make me happy because i can finish of love & lust and play sims 2. i like the sims 3 pretty well, the sims look funny which irritates me sometimes, but other than that, the story that i wrote using sims 3 turned out really awesome. i hope you will read it. i tried to submit it here but it just says 'edited' where it should say 'approved' or 'rejected' i tried contacting the mods but noone has written me back, theyre usually so busy. anyway, if you do check it out, let me know what you think. \:\) so im glad to hear your class is almost over. i take an art class next semester (summer II) for four hours a day! four days a week, for a month. it should be interesting, maybe fun, i mean, it is art. lol. so how is your summer going? do you have any travel plans? have you played the sims 3 yet?

xtinabobinaJun 22, 2009

hey there stacy!! omgosh its been way too long. tell me all the stuff youre up to! i hope your summer is going well!!!! youll be happy to know i have a new story out!! its sims was hard to plan out, it sort of just made itself lol. please check it out!!  <--check out my new blog \:\) i have my latest story posted. please comment \:\)! love ya girlie!

PenelopeTJun 21, 2009

Good morning, Stacy! I hope you are having fun on vacation. \:wub\:

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