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RockinRobin's Blog

Real Life Interfering with Sims

Since I'm a photographer, this time of year has been especially busy for me and hasn't left me much time to create for the Sims. I have about 5 separate projects I've been working on and it has taken up so much of my time! Hopefully, I will get them finished soon and can get caught up my Sims creations. When people give me money, then I feel that I need to get their jobs done first before I can "play" and do the fun stuff. :)

An Exciting Day......

I finally hit one million downloads AND won 1st place in the SA monthly contest! What could be better? Thanks to all of you who have downloaded my creations and recognized my work!

Ugh! I'm sick!

I've only been home from my trip for less than a week and I've been sick with a terrible cold for the last 5 days! I can't remember when I've felt so bad. I guess being locked up on a bus for 14 hours with a bunch of kids probably caused me to breathe in some unhealthy germs. Anyway, I promise that I do have a bunch of new things to upload. I just needed to get the pictures taken. But everytime I sit down at the computer to start doing it, I feel so bad that I have to go lay down again. Here's a sneak preview of one of my new sets coming out in the next couple of days. This set includes several new meshes by me: (the sofa, chair, bookcase, TV stand and TV, and coffeetable) I've also done two recolors of this set.

Home from my trip....

My daughter and I returned from our trip to Jamestown, VA yesterday and we're exhausted. We went with her school orchestra to the America's 400th Anniversary celebration. Her school was the only middle school that was chosen to perform in the celebration. (groups from all the other states were high schoolers) My daughter was then selected along with about 10 kids from her orchestra to perform with the Virginia Symphony for the President of the United States! I can't even put into words, the pride I felt at seeing my daughter up there on the stage with the President. It was amazing!

Now it's time for me to get caught up on all my Sims creations. I have lots of stuff that I didn't have time to upload before I left on the trip. So be on the lookout for new creations from me. :)

The Real Life Thomas and Jessica

The recent story that I submitted was based (somewhat) on my experiences during and after the time that my long time boyfriend was deployed overseas to the war in Iraq. We're not actually married yet, (we've been together for several years) and I didn't have a baby with him, but a lot of the experiences I wrote about were things that we've been going through since he got home. Anyway, I thought you all might like to meet the "real life" Jessica and Thomas......which is actually me (Robin) and my boyfriend Dan. My Sim "Thomas" looks so much like my boyfriend, that it's uncanny! I didn't do so well on making Jessica look like me. (she's much prettier!) This first picture is one that we took right before he was deployed. We were able to spend several days at the beach before he left. This is the "real" me. This is the "real" Thomas. And this is Dan when he finally came home. And this is a picture I had a friend of mine take of me while he was in Iraq and I sent it to him.

Got a New Graphics Card

I finally decided to buy a new graphics card for my computer after I continued to have problems taking pictures of my creations. They would be nice and clear to start off with, but then would suddenly get so blurry that they looked terrible. It's amazing how much better my Sims look now that my graphics are improved! Maybe now I can finally get some good pictures when I am creating clothing.

Girl's Sets Pulled for Now

The recent girl's spring outfits that were uploaded have been pulled because of a problem with the site itself. The support staff is aware of the problem and is working to fix it. But until it gets fixed, I didn't want to keep the girl's clothes up where people would have trouble downloading them. As soon as everything is cleared up, I will re-upload the sets for you all to enjoy.


As you all can tell by my recent submissions, I have a bad case of Spring Fever! This is my favorite time of year with the warm sunshine, blooming flowers, and bright colors. I was inspired recently when I went shopping with my daughter and saw all the beautiful new spring outfits. I wanted to try and re-create those outfits for the Sims. But I think I've gone overboard! Now my Sims have tons of Spring outfits, but hardly anything for Fall and Winter. With the release of the latest expansion pack, Seasons, I guess I should begin to create things for ALL seasons now.

Also, the poor guys are suffering once again with my lack of motivation to create clothes for them. I love for my Sim men and boys to look nice, but for some reason, I don't ever get "inspired" to create for them. I guess it's because I come from a family of all girls. I have two daughters, four sisters, seven nieces, and one granddaughter! I have always shopped for girls....dressed girls....and since I'm a girl too...I know what makes girls happy. It's a lot harder for me to dress boys and men. Even when I was married, I had trouble shopping for my husband. LOL!!

But I will try to look around on the internet and see if I can get inspired to create some male clothes. I can't promise that they will be as "colorful" or creative as my female clothes, but then again.....boys just aren't as colorful as girls!

Hope you all enjoy all my spring creations and thanks a bunch for downloading and commenting on them!

Spring 07 Collection Preview

I wanted you give you all a sneak preview of my new Spring 07 Collection that will be coming out in a few days. This initial set has eleven new spring outfits for your Sims ladies. Stay tuned....there will be more to come!

Ladies Workout Wear Files Updated

I updated all the files for the Ladies Workout Wear collection today so that they no longer need the mesh from Serasims. If you downloaded any of these and can't get the original mesh, please re-download the new files.

You can find the Workout Wear by clicking on Downloads/Sets/Clothing here on my minisite and scroll down toward the bottom of the page and you will see the set there.

Latest Headlines

Real Life Interfering with Sims An Exciting Day...... Ugh! I'm sick! Home from my trip.... The Real Life Thomas and Jessica Got a New Graphics Card Girl's Sets Pulled for Now SPRING FEVER! Spring 07 Collection Preview Ladies Workout Wear Files Updated
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