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ShelleyB's Guestbook

fredbrennyJul 26, 2011

Hey Shelley!!! \:wub\: Thanks for the best support I can imagine! Bubbles is fine... I will leave them some private time now... move that rascal Vincent back in... and see how they do as a family... \:\) There might be a new season or at least a follow up as how they are doing... all of them.. Thanks! Comments like yours made me do it! All the way! \:wub\:

Birba32Jul 26, 2011

Hi! Thank you so much for the nice comment on my "Black swimwear", I'm happy you like it \:\) Have a nice day!

HellsaintJul 24, 2011

HAHA! Yep, I made a pretty big boo-boo huh? \:o  \:P Sorry about that!!! It may be hard to believe, but I actually know what a bottle of JD is! (and shelley roll hereyes \:rolleyes: ) \:D Must have been the wee hours of slaving over the computer that muddled my brain into mush. \:confused\: Anyway, thank you thank you for the excellent comments and enthusiam for the next series! Hope to see you there and have a great weekend! \:D -Frank

oldmember_msthickemsJul 22, 2011

Thanks for the comment on my story there is more to come... a lot more and I also have a story that I am working on but its not on this site. If you are indeed over the age of 18 you are welcome to check it out and please let your other "adult" Simmer's know of this story for it is based on a "Real Book" that I am writing for my own enjoyment...Here is the link: I truly hope you check it out and leave a comment...

Milii454Jul 21, 2011

Thanks for your epic feedback on “Eyes Open – Part 4”! Claire is getting VERY high up, but what goes up must come down... And as for Stiles, he’s being very dumb, but he’s going to get what he deserves. I’m glad that your enjoying it \:D

HellsaintJul 21, 2011

Hahahaha... Your one-shot is pretty awesome, I mean I can tell by how you have to build the scene and all that. \:rah\:  Funny and light-hearted stuff which i need plenty i think \:o I'm just wondering if the characters here will spill over to "The Machine"? \:confused\: "Mr. Universe muscles" is hilarious, will quote you on that \;\) and thank you for your comments. It would be funny if that was really his shadow LOL \:D Always glad to hear from you and take care. \;\) -Frank

ohgodcaitlynJul 20, 2011

Thank you SO much for reading through my Once Upon A Time story, I am glad to see you enjoying it! (:

hatshepsutJul 20, 2011

Thank you for the wonderful comments on my creations, I hope you have a lot of fun using them \:D

HellsaintJul 16, 2011

Helloooo Shelley! Your comments are making me blush *face reddens* \:o For Adam, he will have to keep running... but for how long? Till he tires out or... ? \:confused\: *whew* And as for the Fates, I thought I should add some background to these ladies, cause they are too mysterious for their own good \:\(  \:P Glad that the chapter helped you to know more about them \:\) Thank you very much for your awesome comments again \:D Have a great weekend \:\) -Frank

spladoumJul 16, 2011

Awwwww \:wub\: It's so sweet that you like his new look, he's blushing to the roots of his freshly-cut hair! (Seriously, it is hard to frame that chin of his, it's so distinctive ... and don't get me started on that nose)   Alas for Ms. Toford--she was definitely ready to snap his neck more than once through this case and now she gets to deal with him some more! \:D \:D  Now, as for Gwen, she may have gotten over that desire, and maybe not.  She still hasn't exactly told them about all of this though--and they're gonna find out! \;\)

RatRaceRobJul 14, 2011

Hello there, ShelleyB--thank you for the thoughtful comment on 'Hood(7), very kind of you \:wub\:... true, Jules' circle of friends have noticed he's a bit, ah, unaware of things and are responding with some protectiveness lol... and the Jesse/Lauren flashback hopefully fills in some of the blanks ((from the Jesse perpective)) between the Flipsides and the 'Hoods... at least, that was the intent \;\) \:D

opel5Jul 13, 2011

It's nice that you like my police station and use it in a story \:D

pumpkingoblin86Jul 12, 2011

Bookmarked you, so more kudos for you- you deserve them!! \:\)

pumpkingoblin86Jul 12, 2011

You are a fantastic writer just go with what feels right! I can't wait for the next part and I just know from your feedback, I'm not the only one! Once again, thank you! You story is interesting and addictive! Happy writing! *hugs* x

spitzmagicJul 12, 2011

(((Shelley))) Good morning \:wub\: LOL yep yous petty close \:DI don't remember the whole song myself. We only buy Blue Bell mostly during the summer. It's really some expensive ice cream but it sure is good. We are about 20 miles just on the out skirts of the big D. I was born in Austin TX and spent my chilhood in Louisiana. We moved back to TX in 1975 and I've been here ever since. I love the country but I love the citiy too ooh and BB ice cream \:D Have an awesome day \:D

HellsaintJul 12, 2011

Wow! You are fast! \:D  And YES! I agree! I just dumped a WHOLE load of stuff in this chapter and its giving everyone a migraine i suppose \:o Adam indeed leads a troubled past, but it is absolutely crucial for what the Fates have planned for him...  Thanks again for your kind words and i'm looking forward to seeing your story too \;\)

spitzmagicJul 12, 2011

((((Shelly)))  Thanks for the compliment on my Avi, those are Texas Bluebonnets (our state flower)  \:D Texas Bluebells also grow wild here... Texas is also home to the world famous Bluebell Ice cream here is a tiny bit of history on Bluebell Ice Cream. *It all started on a hot summer day when local farmers decided to establish the Brenham Creamery Company and make butter from excess cream brought in by area farmers. A few years later, the creamery began making ice cream and delivering it to neighbors by horse and wagon. It was in 1930 that the company changed its name to Blue Bell Creameries after the native Texas bluebell wildflower.*  I'm just sure you always wanted to know that LOL ...   \:D Loved your story Fred mentioned all the tips so I need not mention them....just remember walls up. I usually don't go into tab mode for my screens just the standard shots work just as well. I do use the hideheadlineeffects on  cheat it gets rid of the diamond above their heads to or if I have more then 1 sim I will click on the other one so the diamond goes over there and not on the one I want a screen of...\:wub\:  anyhoo, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a great week \:wub\:

oldmember_msthickemsJul 11, 2011

Yes sweetheart I have a few stories I am in the mist of continuing one of my stories some things will be a bit different for my system crashed on my pc and I lost a lot of things for the stories that I have on my profile but the main character for the continuation story will be the same so just stay tune and Im sure you'll get a kick out of my story. One I think a lot of people liked was the Vincent Sisters and also A Tale BEtween two lovers those are the one's that I got the most comments on...Can't wait to see your comments. smooches \:\)

HellsaintJul 11, 2011

Haha... I'm sure TSR's crew know what they are doing and you deserve it! Trust me, April writes really good stuff so it wouldn't matter if it was not shown on the main page \:D Can't wait to see what you will coming up with for the 2nd chapter! -Frank

HellsaintJul 11, 2011

Hey shelley, congrats on the feature and yeah, i know the feeling when you have no inkling of what is coming next in your story! \:eek\: especially when im planning the 3rd chapter of my story... Anyhow, stay chill and i'm sure you will come up with something that will rock us off our seats \;\) -Frank 

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