Sunair (458889)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (7240 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

IRA Living Corner
Published Oct 22, 2008
About Me
I love The Sims and The Sims 2, love creating stuff, love the friends who using my stuff in their games, love the community. Since The Sims to The Sims 2, these games means too much to me, in the certain point of view, I wish this community could last forever just like the game playing of The Sims.
TSR was the very first sim site I have ever registered, of course, it was long ago, and I don't know how to create any stuff for the sims then. I got lots of beautiful wall paper and floors here, have't got a chance to say thanks until now, we have a vast universe of creating which constructed by probably the most powerful technical support here... all these are the reasons why I have chosen being an FA of TSR.
Thanks every creator and every downloader, the active community is the most powerful motivity driving me creating my stuff.
My Latest Updates Show All
Tips for DownloadersWritten Dec 23, 2007
Created on 9, Feb, 2006. New Mesh item, Game Running Speed and the Downloads Folder 1. What does High Polygon new mesh item means? 2. Classify new mesh item into levels. 3. How to know the polygon number? 4. Draw a security line for the new mesh items. 5. Modify your security line according to different kinds of items. 6. Manage the Downloads folder... ...More
File Sharing PolicyWritten Dec 23, 2007
Created on 12, Feb, 2006. The following is the sharing policy of my creations at TSR: 1. For private purpose: I don't have the rights to redistribute any of my item published here at TSR, so I can NOT give the permission to distribute any of my creations here at TSR in any other way but the TSR way, in another word, all my creations on TSR here are NOT File Sharing Friendly. 2.... ...More
VacationWritten Nov 29, 2007
Created on 29,Nov,2007 I'll be on my vacation during the next two weeks, so I can't reply your comment, PM etc in time... See you everyone then:) Sunair ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ScoutvanApr 21, 2021
Honey BeeDec 13, 2018
Love your creations
ferretgirlMay 20, 2018
Is there anywhere I can find your awesome sims 1 custom content?