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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set
An ankle tattoo featuring the Wonder Woman W logo, available in three designs for your female Sims.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1379474
ItemID: 1379474
Filesize: 8 KB
All tattoos in this set are based off of Base Game items, and are available in a variety of designs. The ankle tattoo comes with 3 swatches.
The right and left ankle/leg tattoos are designated as male or female, due to some issues I had trying to get the right ankle tattoo to show up correctly as its own tile in CAS. Even though the ankle tattoos are specified as male or female, they are all the same design and should show up on the same place for male and female Sims.
Because the right ankle tattoo has been created as its own CAS item (it is labeled as a right leg tattoo in Sims4Studio), your Sim should be able to wear that design on his/her right leg, and another design on his/her left leg.
Available for Human, Alien, and Vampire Sims.
If you are using a Custom Content skin tone for your Sim, the tattoo will still show up but might appear faded - especially near the upper body. Your results may vary.
Restricted for random Sims.
All of the clothing, hair, and accessories shown in the group Set image and/or specific item images are from the Sims 4 base game or official Sims 4 packs (Vampires, City Living, Movie Hangout Stuff, etc.), or are my own Custom Content with the following exceptions:
- Afro Redux Hair by LumiaLover Sims, available here: http://luumiasims.com/post/117707462914/smaller-version-of-my-afro-redux-comes-in-6
- Punk earrings by doumeki, available here: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-male-earrings/title/punk-earrings/id/1283421/
Please don�t re-upload/share/modify and claim as your own. If sharing screen caps of your own Sims wearing this custom content, please provide a link back to this page.
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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