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boy_no_ones's Blog


Okay...where to start. At 23 I find that I'm still quite a child. I get giddy over holidays...well one holiday and that's halloween. I've went so far as to buy my dogs costumes so they could be apart of the fun. Not like they believe it to be any fun... Speaking of dogs I never thought I would have two so soon. It's been a year since I put my big baby down and it still hurts. I remember thinking and saying that I didn't want another animal for a while because I had lost all of my little ones in a span of a year and a half. In May I went to the local animal shelter to prove a point to my boyfriend (that point was he would be able to take care of dog despite his flakey-ness) and we walked out with Indiana (well they called him Bongo but ugh) a 5 month old mutt. He was such a cute wirey little thing with big scared eyes and HUGE ears. No way I was leaving the little booger. He was the exact opposite of Rusty so I could handle having him around and to my surprise it was like having a cat instead of a dog. We noticed that Indy had soo much energy that we couldn't wind him down enough to save our lives. This meant that we should start thinking about getting another dog around his age to play with. We decided that on July 9th we would go to the Humane Society in Charlotte to find him a playmate and had pretty much settle on a 1 & 1/2 year old female pit bull terrier mix that they called Spade. Since Charlotte is about 45 minutes away from our house we called and made sure it would be okay to bring Indy to check her out with us before we fully commited to adopting her. On that day when we got there two Hispanic men were trying to give away an adorable 6 week old puppy. There wee some noticable issues with his health, but it wasn't anything we thought to be serious. They said that the Humane Society wouldn't take him (which I understood because they get their animals from animal control and other shelters) and that they were told to take him to animal control. I knew that a 6 week old puppy had a decent chance of getting adopted but he looked like a pit mix and that would decrease his chances because of the misrepresentation of the Pit Bull Terrier Breed (damn the mass media and dog fighters!!!). With a glance between us, Mike and I decided that we would take him health issues be damned. We went to get him some water from the Humane Society and were treated rather rudely while the poor thing was the focus of some insulting comments (thank goodness he couldn't understand those hateful people). We rushed to get him to a vet before they closed at 12:00 pm (it was Saturday after all) with hopes that my gut feeling was wrong. I absolutely love Lake Norman Animal Hospital because they took us without having an appointment despite the fact that we walked in 2 minutes before they were supposed to close. Maximus (yes he's named after the gladiator) proved my gut feeling correct. He was loaded with hook worms (which feed off of blood) and was deathly anemic. Plus what I thought was mange ended up being ring worm (yay me!). Now we have a wonderful 40 some pound almost 5 month old mutt running into things around the house with my tiny 18.5 lb Indiana trotting along behind him. So yeah life is life and at times surprising. I wonder if anyone would be willing to share stories of animals they adopted?

Oh's been awhile

Okay so in the span of three months or so (most likely give 2) two computers went all haywire on me.  Windows degraded in the one I used for the sims 3, OF COURSE! and then my laptop got a virus so there went sims 2.  It took about a month to get a new computer and a week to get sims 3 again.  Everyone cross your fingers!

Oh the old Raleighwood, where all of NC comes to throw up....

Back in Raleigh for more of that excitement known as college.  I've got some odd news, I'm going to have puppies! :D Well not me but one of our Beagles.  I almost wish it wasn't so.

Enough of that.  This one is going to be short but apparently something happened here over spring break.  When I arrived there was a cop car parked in front of the apartment building next to mine, and then a crime investigator joined him.  It's a bit freaky if you ask me, but no one did now did they.

See I told you. Short and top the rounded point.  Now I have a request.  If anyone could possibly please for me create some clothing and hairstyles that are from the comic series Tank Girl I'd be ever so wonderfully happy.

On that pleading note I must retire and put my crap away.  Thank you for wasting all of 5 minutes with me.

Time flies when you're asleep.

I'm a bit behind schedule as far as getting on here and updating is concerned.  I have two days to talk about, well actually 3 now that I think about it.

Tuesday:  I had to get up early to hitch a ride with my mom to appease my boyfriend.  I got up at 7:00 to take a shower and then realized that Mac's (my rat) cage needed to be cleaned before I went anywhere.  Not something anyone should wake up to.  Of course we left later than we were supposed to, not all my fault mind you.  I had forgotten how much my mother reminds me of a chicken running around without its head in the morning.  Fliting from place to place without ever getting anything done.  I managed to stay awake during the car ride there, it was only 20 minutes but still a big feat for me, and then proceeded to run up the stairs to where I knew there was a bed. (Sorry got side tracked.  Jonas Brothers came on and I couldn't get to the radio fast enough to change the station.)  I slept till 2:30 and was amazingly refreshed and happy.  And the rest of the day was nice to say the least.  No phone calls, got to play Fable II, rubbed a fat black lab, ate stewed beef and mashed potatoes for the second night in a row, and talked my boyfriend out of going outside to kick a soccer ball around.  All in all a normal day for a visit to the Sharpe/Barker house.

Wednesday:  This day was a day I had been looking forward to for a while.  It started out normal with the whole wake up and shower sequence.  I made a cake for Craig and Michael that I didn't get to put iciing on.  *rolls eyes* The Sharpes and their need to celebrate St. Patty's day.  We, being myself and Michael, went to see the 4:30 showing f Alice In Wonderland.  Absolutely loved it!  It screams all over of Tim Burton which makes me giddy as all get out, and Helena used the same speech impediment that she used for Morgan le Fay in the movie Merlin.  It just added a whole other level to the continuance of a classic childrens story.  Johnny Depp of course did a fine job as the Hatter and there were a few voices I could pick out that I didn't expect to be there, but who wouldn't want to work with Tim Burton.  After the movie that left me with tingles we went to eat at Outback, and I got one of their new dishes.  It was nice and tasted fine (of course I love spicy food), but the noodles kinda clumped together and that put a thorn in my side.  After the bill was paid we headed over to the bar where Mike's parents were and I happened to get the worst made long island ice tea I've ever had.  That put me in a sour mood when I got home since we left directly from the bar, and please never do this cause it was a knuckle clinching ride.

Thursday:  Nothing much happened...I'm kidding.  I was awoken by everyone in the house at various hours to the point that I grew tired of dozing off to the almost asleep stage and then getting a rude awakening.  My mom, brother, and I ran errands after everyone was up and ready.  I think we drove around the whole of town.  We dumped the trash, stopped at the library to drop off books, stopped at MCC and I got left there for a while, mom and Grey went to get his license renewed, and then they picked me up on the corner like a call girl.  After that we went to Ruby Tuesdays to eat, went to the Home Depot to grab some fruit tree spray, and then to Food Lion to get a few groceries.  See what I mean run, run, run.  The best part was that at MCC there was a group of kids, I say kids cause they had to be younger than me, that were shouting things at people driving by about the poverty level and habitat for humanity.  They almost caused a wreck and I was sitting there all nice and pretty (disregard that word) to see it all.  There are three lanes in front of Mitchell, one turns left, one turns right, and the other is for traffic going away from Mitchell.  One guy was turning, well trying to, onto the lane going away from Mitchell and these kids shouted at him loud enough and so much that they confused him.  He missed his turn, almost hit the front end of a truck that was waiting to turn left, and then turned onto the lane for those turning right where he, yet again, almost ran a car over.  I didn't know if I should laugh or rip their cardboard signs up and tell 'em to get lost.  Laughter won in the end.

Today has started out okay.  I believe my want of sleep has ticked my beloved father off, or perhaps it's just because I didn't answer the phone so I could stay warm under the covers.  I'm home alone and am LOVING IT!!!  I've already made plans to see my boyfriend angain tomorrow since it's back to Raleigh Sunday.  Today however, I have nothing to do except go see my Uncle Doc.  I can't do that unless my brother or father get back since I'm not tall enough to get the lawn mower in reverse, and the four wheeler is behind it.  Oh the joys of being 5'2".  Anyway I might do another blog post later, but only time will tell.

Slowly going nutty...and not in the good peanut butter sort of way

So it's Monday. I have no reason to hate this Monday, but I do.  I'm at home sitting in my computer corner trying to pretend that I'm by myself, which by the way isn't working.  My father and brother have nothing better to do then intrude upon my solace and solitude with raised voices, extremely loud tv programs, and random banging of pots and pans.  I really wish they'd get a job.  Well, at least my brother since he's only 24 and needs a swift kick in the behind to get the lazy out of him.  My dad, well that's another matter entirely.  I'm the youngest of 6 kids, which is funny since I'm 21 almost 22, and at times I fell as if he's earned his right to sit on his butt and eat all day.  But when his mouth opens and runs in loud pitches and decibles I feel torn.  On one hand I love him to death and have the desire to allow it to go through one ear and out the other, and on the other hand I still love him to death but I'd love more to shove a sock in his mouth, duct tape it shut and then duct tape his hands behind his back so he can't remove it.

Yesterday I only ventured on here to check some of my favorite artists, both bookmarked and non, simply because I was so irritated and mentally dead.  I was forced, yes forced, to endure my father's family yesterday after 'church' for a meal.  It might have gone better if my cousin understood there was a line between child abuse and punishing a child for a wrong by smacking their butt.  She has two little brats that I'd love to just get ahold of.  Of course, I'd love to do that to alot of peoples kids but I don't knw if it's because they need it or just because I have a problem.  That problem is I absolutely HATE kids!  It's kinda of like my issue with horses.  No offense to those who have/love horses or kids, but I find them boring and feel like they serve no purpose.

Anyway, I'm still having issues with the nerves in my forearm.  My anatomy professor said that the nerves would grow back and I'd stop getting the odd sensation like that of your arm being asleep.  I don't advise to anyone to allow themselves to be bit by a dog.  Of course, it's not like I ticked my dog off and then shoved my arm in his mouth, but yeah either way it hurt just the same.  Next dog I get is gonna be a small one that way I only have to worry about ankles, fingers, and toes.

Tomorrow I have a few plans made up, but it's nothing to exciting.  I'll probably post a blog on Wednesday going on about Alice in Wonderland.  I'm determined to see it despite the crappy reviews that's been getting.  I happen to be a fan of Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp so I say "Nyah" to all nay sayers.  Well, I'm going to slip into my own world of make believe and play Sims 3, so ta ta!

~ Peachy, well it does have a hint of stalker flavor :D, but mayhaps I like it. I know how you feel about snoring and grunting.  My boyfriend seems to have a grunting problem.  He says he doesn't know he does it, but I'm still not buying that.  Unfortunately, snoring is a part of my life since my whole family does it including the dogs.  I'd have to walk around with ear plugs all day and night to get away from it.  I've never had a problem with smells, but this peeve did occur when I was a teen and has followed along with me so far.  If I'm eating then it's not so bothersome because the sound of me eating drowns out the sounds of others.  It really gets me when it's quite and then all of the sudden you can hear someone sloshing food around in their mouths.  Just thinking about it gave me the willies.  Anyway, I'm off to play for real now.

The beggining of Spring break

Well it's Saturday and I already take back my earlier statement.  I wish we ever had one, or at least it was maybe two weeks in coming since my last visit to home.  I could probably cry right now I'm so frustrated and ready to get away from my parents.  I don't know how they manage it but they just dance (horribly mind you) on my nerves more than anyone else I know.

Anyway I'm thinking about seening if I can get one of my more artistic friends to try her hand at making meshes and various things for Sims 3.  I dunno if she will but she's always been someone to tinker her and there.  However, it's probably going to be slow going since she doesn't have a computer to support any programs to make and play with such loaded graphics.  That's where I come in I suppose since I do.

Well I can't sit in here and type since I have a pet peeve with people eating and hearing them eat...just gives me the willies.  So until later.

Friday...why must you come so slowly?

Today...well it was a short one thankfully.  One class at 8:30 that seems to drag on into the next year.  I was hoping I could sleep the rest of the day away, but of course not.  It seems that no one needs or wants me until I'm cranky, have a headache, deprived of caffeine, and tired beyond belief.  My phone rang 5 times (all calls from the same person) and I 15 text messages in the span of 10 minutes.  Needless to say the crappy thing got turned off.  However, I believe I missed the call that I was looking forward to getting and if I didn't well screw you too Di Dio!!!!!

Tomorrow I head back home to my small rural town and away from this trash heep they call Raleigh.  Yeah that's right Raleigh, if you've had the pleasent experience of not visiting this place then good for you!  I hate it.  There's nothing to do here for those like me, and unfortunately my best friend happens to be a party goer and if I want to see her I end up in places I never wanted to be.  But on the best note of all is that when Friday gets here I have nothing to do BUT go home!  WOOT! A full exciting (yeah right) 2.5 to 3 hour drive with my father of all people.  Love him to death but sitting in the truck with him for that long is awkward.  I can handle it though, I hope, because I'm really ready to see the apples of my eye.  I went home last week and since I would be doing so again I had to leave them there...I really miss my babies.  And before someone gets the wrong idea, my babies happen to be a C4 strain albino rat and one of the most retarded fancy hamsters you've ever come across.  Of course they're not my only babies because I do have a foal sized dog that has slowly become more of my fathers than mine.  I guess spending 4 years away can do that.

On a funny note my brother is trying to steal my boyfriend away from me....don't ask.  It's true though.  They spend more time together than I get to spend with either of them.

Welp it's back to cleaning so I don't come back to nasty surprises (such as cockroaches).

P.S.  Thanks peachy and I hope you get your break cause I believe that you need it more than the new girl understands.

Random Dribble

As fun as it all may seem to the party animals that live above me, the loud music that shakes this apartment building is starting to rub my nerves raw.  Sometimes it's disturbing to live on the bottom floor in an apartment complex devoted to students, college students at that, where noise violations are cast aside or used as tp for the heck of it.

Aside from my mini rant, believe me you don't want me to get started, today has been uneventful.  I had a Psych test this afternoon that bored me to tears and managed to not be molested in anyway upon one of our lovely city buses.  However, when I was walking back to my hermit hole in this prison system I noticed two things. A) I smelled strangely of feet and the hot chocolate scented lotion I used earlier and B) I was being growled at by a 5 lb. ball of fluff otherwise known as a toy Poodle, whom the owner of happened to be tuggin on the leash as if they were having a hard time controling it.  I have always wondered if others ever have a day like the ones I seem to have when I least want them, but of course that answer is yes.

So, to make myself feel somewhat relieved after opening the door to my humble, I mean seriously humble, abode to find my roomie's lovesick puppy (one of her male friends) sitting on my futon, playing my playstation, eating our food, and drinking her drinks for her "all day on campus" days while she was gone (insert deep calming breath here), I decided to indulge and make a cake.  Of course, being the glutton I am I ate more of the batter than is normal and the cake is more of a brownie, but it's still fudgey and chocolate.  Now, as I sit here waiting for it to cool enough to put icing on it, cause it ain't cake if there isn't any icing, I find myself desperately wishing for my upcoming spring break to be a month long instead of the pitiful week that I actually get.

With that out and in the open I feel better, but in the wake of having to get up at 6:00 am so I can once again ride the city bus to my anatomy and physiology class there is only so much better one can get.  May you all have a goodnight (or good day) and continue in this cycle we call living.

P.S. If you happen upon my page please understand that there is really no need for you to worry yourself with reading my blog.  I'm doing this for cathartic purposes only since I see no reason for anyone to wander onto my page, seeing as I have no creations for them to enjoy. Thank you.

Latest Headlines

So... Oh's been awhile Oh the old Raleighwood, where... Time flies when you're asleep. Slowly going nutty...and not in... The beggining of Spring break Friday...why must you come so... Random Dribble
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