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hiedibear75's Blog

On the horizon!

What's on the horizon from hiedibear75? 


Once I've finished up my "Quilts by Aunt Alonna Seasons Collection HB75", which is pretty big with SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, & WINTER....tiles, tiles & MORE TILES!  Yup....I've got bathroom ideas out the wazookie (Say has medical science idenified where that is yet? :P LOL ).....so if anyone liked the tile set I did recently "Aqua Bliss Collection".....prepare your hard-drives SIM-ers. :D  I will be making TONS of sets with a wide variety of colors....but if there are some colors that I haven't done yet  that are wanting in particular.....by all means just ask & I'll see what I can do.

Quilts by Aunt Alonna (HB75)

I don't know whether to laugh, cry or both......but that's getting ahead of myself.

My Aunt Alonna has always made quilts for family & friends.  I've always cherished the quilts she has made ME & so it/they "inspired" me to make some walls LOOSLY based from some of the quilts she has made.  So #1 I'm thinking anytime that I make walls that are "quilt-y" I'll be naming it something to do with MY Aunt Alonna.

Here's where the part about not knowing whether to laugh, cry, or both comes in......  It started with ONE "quilt"-like image that reminded me of an afgahn she knitted (she did knitting & crochet-ing too) back when I was a kid in the 70's & brown & burnt orange were still IN.  This then led to me finding some more "quilts" to use in walls.  Which then led to me select 4 "quilts"; 1 for every season (they have colors that "go with" each season), for each "season" I have 7+ colors (spring & summer have 7, aumtumn & winter have more colors).  I WAS going to shrink those images I had come up with for HomeCrafter when......LIGHT-BULB......I should also make some coordinating walls that have more of the quilt pattern and so......instead of JUST shrinking.....so now I'm coming up with yet MORE "Quilts by Aunt Alonna" walls.  Laugh, cry, or both? :P LOL


(I'm praying that this link to my photo-bucket can be seen simply by copying the http://yada yada & past it in YOUR url & hit send.  IF the walls are NOT visable please let me know. )

OFFICIALLY....I feel....PUSHED, unwanted, & insignificant!

My Sims....oh how I really L-O-V-E MY SIMS!!! 

I have ben playing SIMS for a VERY loooong time, since about 2000 when they were still coming out with NEW Expansions for TheSims = TS1.   I had a # of years of fun with that 1st generation especially since I had/have ALL the Expansions.  I had enough fun with that generation of Sims that rather than tossing them out or selling them, the CD's still sit on a shelf by my computer (although they're not installed merely collecting dust on a shelf) just "in-case" circumstances such as my current PC blowing up & only having the $ to buy a cheap one with low specs. ;) I still miss those winter vacations & the Hollywood expantion though.

When TS2 came out I LIKED it.  I liked the differences in how the game looks graphics wise, & how it plays.  I LOVE that TS2 has genetics where a cute couple might actually have a 1/2 decent chance of having a "pretty" child (I have nothing against the "not so pretty people" of the world) & lets fact it...it's nice that like in REAL LIFE the Sims could have "a family look".  I didn't feel "pushed" into going to TS2....I just liked it.

When TheSims3 came out everyone went nuts drooling til EA finally released it.  EA made a LOT of changes to this 3rd generation of Sims....a LOT of CHANGES!  Among these changes are the way Sims now LOOK.  Although I have seen a few of the designing big wigs have created some "OK" looking Sims.....but among screenshots & even MOST preview pix for new CC (no PERSONAL offense is intended) I just don't really see PRETTY  TS3 Sims.  I do NOT like the way the sky, water, & lighting look.  I'm also not too keen on the differneces in playing style either (a friend has TS3 & let me play on her PC 4 a while.....YUCK!). 

Yes there are a lot of "fun" things to do & places to go...& I did like the ability to copy any testure so things can ALWAYS match/coordinate with the eyedropper tool....& yes it's nice the infants (about time MAXIS) are nolonger freezing with nothing but a diaper/nappy on them.  But that's about IT.....& certainly NOT enough to make me want to switch.

When the mass majority of SIM-ers went to TS3 I & a few others who were unimpressed with TS3 or who's computers were just no where near capable of handeling TS3 waved you/them all a fond fairwell.  I admit perhaps it was nieve to think that MY TS2 wouldn't change in any way.  At 1st the only change was that most of the items being created were nolonger being made for TS2 but now TS3.  I admit to drooling a time or 2 or 3 or 4 for what the TS3 SIMS got to wear/use in regards to custom content.  But then some of the sites that USED TO have content for TS2 just went POOF & vanished OR converted to carrying TS3 items only, & many items that have been made in years past for TS2 are now harder & harder to find....IF you can still find them at all. 

(I'm hoping I don't get "into TROUBLE" for this but I feel it needs saying)                                                                                            IF uploading TS3 content was what I wanted to do......I would have NO problems.  I would have absolutely NO problems because I was uploading TS3 content.  But I don't want to play TS3 therefore I'm not interested in creating for it, I DO like palying TS2 & it of course is the generation I enjoy creating for.  The submissions area of TSR has been having "trouble".....not in the TS3 submissions area of course THAT area is just fine, TS2 submissions area on the other hand has been having "trouble" for WEEKS now.  I didn't check on TS1 submissions area, but after several weeks of seeing a note in red in the TS2 submissions area AND having trouble uploading my walls I looked to see if it was the entire submissions that was having issues or JUST the TS2 submissions......wouldn't ya know it.....TS3 players will be happy to know none of your artists are experiencing technical difficulties.....ONLY the TS2 submitters are having a hard time submitting!

EA has an on-line store where you can buy exclusive items.  I....DID HAVE....my sights set on the ADORABLE/AWESOME interaction infant objects that for what ever reason didn't make their way into the Apartment-Life EP.  Would you know it.....EA no longer has TS2 items in their "EA store"!  EA ONLY has TS3 items in their store.  I'm glad I did not have any credits with them.....if I had spent $ only to be told TS3 items is all I could use them for I'd have been fit to be tied.

OFFICIALLY....I feel....PUSHED, unwanted, & insignificant!  Pushed aside as a TS2 player & creator to make way for TS3, unwanted because EA doesn't even want my $ because I'm not using it for TS3 items, & insignificant as a TS2 creater HERE @ TSR because IF TS2 it's players & creaters were not concidered "insignificant" the problems with the TS2 submissions area would have had more time devoted to fix whatever is going on with it. 

My Sims Midevil showed me that I would most likely grow tired of playing TS3 rather quickly as I did with Sims Midevil once I did most of the things in that game a couple times.....I don't want to play Sims Medevil because I don't like it's looks or gameplay (Sims Midevil & TS3 are VERY similar in these regards).....so "if you can't beat them join them" won't work for ME.  MY choices then are; I can just play & create for MYSELF.....but MOST of the "fun" in creating is being able to share it/them, OR....I could just give up on Sims altogether & "shelf" the TS2 aswell & stick with playing games on Face-Book & Pogo.  But I'd MUCH RATHER for there to be another option to where I & other TS2 players/creators can have some "tech-support" maybe not as soon as the TS3-ers get it but at least in a matter a few weeks not month+!

If those of you who still play/create with TS1 because you didn't like TS2 or your PC just couldn't handle the higher spec requirments.....if you felt as trampled on as I do now.....I'd like to extend my belated but heartfelt appologies!  There are enough things in "REAL LIFE" to make us feel inferior or unwanted.....so it's extremely disheartening when one of the few joys/escapes from that "reality" starts to BREAK YOUR REAL HEART. </3

Spirit of giving

Well I hope everyone who still plays TS2 is still in the "Christmas spirit", for a while longer.  I would like everyone to know that I tried my hardest to get my Christmas walls done in enough time for Christmas.  I wasn't feeling well thanks to the cold weather & my ailing body; but I did manage to make a nice set of walls to help our Sims get into the mood despite the pain etc. of winter & the loopiness of the pain medications I take......but I have not been able to submit them however & so they've just been sitting here on my hard-drive ready to go for about a week or so now.  The sumissions area for TheSims2 is down at the moment with a note in red asking artists to please wait til this message goes away before submitting anything.  So maybe when their submissions area DOES open back up again (TS3's sumissions area is just fine) I'll submit them......or depending on how long this all takes perhaps it would be more appropriate to hold on to them til NEXT Christmas?  I would rather not play Sims at all then to play TS3 (my roomie has TS3 & I despise it) so I really REALLY hope that TSR isn't pushing away TS2 but if they do/are perhaps I'll just start up yet another e-mail account so that I can have an exlusive account just for sending out walls to those who do still paly TS2 & wants them.....guess we shall see what happens?

Purple Ghosts & Pumpkins

I'm in the process of making a very very VERY LARGE SET of wallpapers for Halloween.  It will have (ALL FULLY coordinating of course) walls with tile, some paint, some with the ghosts & pumpkins pattern aka WALLPAPER, & some with a bit of more than 1.  I've got a definite group of 6 colors with a possible 7th all with festive spook-tacular Halloween names. :D  I myself when I have downloaded walls from people REALLY LIKE having a choice so I can make different combinations with the same "set".

I often find myself using CFE cheats when I build (ConstrainFloorElevation) to make attached garages & things like that.......it does however make 2 triangular walls where the 2 levels meet that would normally just be a single rectangle......THIS is one of my main motivations for wanting to make walls sets that also can work around THIS cheat & still look AOK.  I've been hard at work.....the TRICK is to be to get them ALL DONE in time to be published for YOUR Halloween TREAT. :D


Sorry I couldn't figure out how to attache a pic.....or I'd have given everyone a "sample" to see what it is I'm up to.

1/2 way everything

Seems lately I've been VERY good at getting things 1/2 way done.  Had a couple of lots that ended up needing some remodeling done to them......they're still waiting to be remodeled.  Have another home 100% built & ready for Sims to move in.......but before I took the pix to make a nice presentable package......all my getty-up got up & went!  Made several pets.....and same thing.....they're sitting in my Sim bin awaiting homes for which to use for grabbing cute pix to use.  Have wall sets out the wazoo in various states of completion........same thing.  A few apartments where they're not fully finished........yup you guessed it......they're just sitting there waiting to be completed.  I went ahead & GOT the items I'd need to bring my story Sims Matt & Jenny back (I enjoyed writing their story even though it was a LOT of work)......but um......yeah.....if I can't manage to force myself to finish little projects BIG ones like writing a story are so far back seat.....they're back of the bus back seat!  I'm sure if I felt better that'd HELP......but at the moment I just feel like I'm ALWAYS.......either too loopy, too owie, too tired, or too all of the above; to do what.......HIEDI WANTS TO DO!  And what I'd LIKE TO DO is to make things for people to enjoy. It almost always brightens my day to see NEW CC to spoil my Sims with AND how disappointing it is to only see a few items here & there. :(   I know there are only a few hand-fulls of us still playing TS2 but I'm sure none of us stopped liking to have new things for our Sims, I know I sure haven't!  As much as I'd like to......I wouldn't feel "right" FORCING myself to put stuff out; #1 it would probably end up being lousy work if I was too loopy at the time I made it, #2 I'd be embarassed/horrified if I'd made a major mistake that caused anyone's game/Sims any problems.  So I'll just hope I get some days where I can be sitting up with-OUT a bunch of meds AND finish what I've started!!! <3

What LIFE can teach you if you let it.

Many of you TSRians know who I am or at least I've been spotted from time to time.  But not many KNOW me.  I did have an accident that left me with some "problems"........but most of my friends are "Able-Bodied".  One of my AB friends had pointed out something that I'd kinda missed........unlike her & most others......I don't take things for granted.   There is nothing like almost dying to show you just how precious LIFE is.....even if it's loaded with "problems"......any & EVERY day is a GREAT DAY cuz at least you're still alive.  No I'm not suggesting that having something like I did will make ALL people appreciate life.......some people who survive that kinda stuff just become bitter.  I just know that for me even though it might be hard to do I love to push myself out on the porch & feel the sun on my face smelling the air & hearing the birds sing......and SOAK IT UP!  I don't get to go out as much as I'd like cuz my body is often hurting too much TO do anything much.......but when I AM ABLE TO......I even enjoy going to the DMV.  That sounds odd you say.......hey you'd never see so many "intresting people" on your porch now would ya? :P   I know how easy it can be to forget about other people & just get wrapped up in "our own junk"......but I also know just how much it can mean to someone.....a kind word or even just a smile....so I try to be that person with a smile or kind words.....you never know what difference you can make in someone's day if you don't try. ;)  I hope nobody ever has to have a terrible accident or live with the crappy parts of my life.......but I do wish I could share the zest & appreciation for life with everyone. <3

CREATORS...I hope screenshots are a good enough thank you!

I'm uploading a TON of pictures of this house I made.  All the stuff is from a bunch of talented artists......this home ended up having too much content (too many MBs) to upload but I hope showing pictures of what I had going are an appropriate way of thank all of you who have helped to make our games soooo much fun to play/decorate/build!

I Googled

I decided to Google "Sims 3 sims are ugly" & I came up with page after page of other people who have the same opinion.  I think maybe there are people who play Sims 3 but do NOT like the way their Sims look as well as a few people who are sticking with TS2 mainly because they do NOT like how TS3 Sims look.  My room-mate plays TS3 & some of my friends now play TS3 & nolonger play TS2.  I wanted to see if I'm the only "crazy" person or if I wasn't as crazy as my TS3 friends think I am......I'M NOT!  So I guess I'll just sit here being jealous of the TS3 players cuz they're getting new stuff to do with their Sims & cuz most of the creations are for TS3.  But I really can't see spending money on games for UGLY Sims, nor can I see having the same "aww" when they have babies.........OK so they'll be just as ugly as Mom & Dad.....poor things, & I'd also loose out on one of my biggest loves.......BUILDING (my TS3 friends have LESS Sims & only tend to focus on a few families......unlike with TS2 where we routinely have dozens of Sim families we play with).  SO......if I sit here by myself or with a throng of other people who feel the same as I do........I'm not going to "make myself" like something........I'll just keep playing what I TRULY LOVE in the 1st place.

100,000+ downloads?!?!? Little ol me? I nearly fell out of my wheelchair from shock!

100,000+ THANKS for 100,000+ downloads!  Thank you to everyone who has downloaded any of my lots, pets, or walls.  So far I've just been making things that I know I will like playing with & hope that others also will like having them in their games.  I may not be the best creator out there but thanks to all of you I'm now one of the HAPPIEST creators out there! :D

Latest Headlines

On the horizon! Quilts by Aunt Alonna (HB75) OFFICIALLY....I feel....PUSHED,... Spirit of giving Purple Ghosts & Pumpkins 1/2 way everything What LIFE can teach you if you... CREATORS...I hope screenshots... I Googled 100,000+ downloads?!?!? Little...
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