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hippiebill's Guestbook

NeptuneSuzyOct 29, 2005

Hi There HippieBill! I love your creations! \:rah\: I really look forward to seeing what you post next! I love the new bed linens and I see that one is featured today....Congrats! Thanks for all the fun you bring to my game, and thanks for all your wonderful and fun comments! Sue \:cool\:

shopgirl7159Oct 28, 2005

\:D As I sit here in the middle of the night while everyone else is sleeping and staring into the download screen anticipating what will be on the next page I can add to my collection, here is a download from Hippie Bill. I am always pulled out of my stuper and into a gut wrenching laugh at one of your descriptions. Thanks for making the 2:00 am downloading frenzy an uplifting experience. Keep making us laugh and keep your wild and crazy stuff coming.\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

KnightskykyteOct 28, 2005

Hi HippieBill, Your male workout clothes look great! I'm so happy you've got shoes on them. Even better if the outfits were skin-tight! \:D

elizabethdyanneOct 26, 2005

You need therapy. And lots of it. \:P

dudette00900Oct 25, 2005

Thanks soooo much for your comment! I really want to make a better skirt for girls, but my milkshape trial ran out (I can't buy it) so I tried Wings3D but it doesn't work for clothing- NOW i'm trying blender... WHOOO! I really hope it works. Thanks for caring!!! \:wub\: \:rah\:

dgandyOct 18, 2005

\:\) Hi Mr. Bill, Thank you for the nice comment on my Cafe Doors. You know I appreciate you! From one "Rocker" to another. \;\) Debra\:wub\:

elizabethdyanneOct 11, 2005

Your stuff is really good. The item descriptions, however, are priceless. I was laughing hilariously while reading them and causing great concern to my dogs regarding my sanity. So funny. Groovy profile too.

JewelRollsSep 23, 2005

What can I say hippiebill--I am old! \:P And I guess sometimes I feel "tame"--but then the real me always comes out! You always leave me smiling with your comments. \:D

TNmom04Sep 9, 2005

Sorry about the double posting, that has been happening lately and I dunno why. \:confused\:

TNmom04Sep 9, 2005

Thanks for signing my guestbook. \:\) Your recent wood grain recolors are great! Glad you liked the kitty pics, although they are not mine I think they are cute. I myself only have 1 cat and just haven't uploaded her pic yet. Only 4 kitties yourself huh. \:P I know what you mean about neurotic...my cat has issues too. LoL Anyway, keep up the great work!

TNmom04Sep 9, 2005

Thanks for signing my guestbook. \:\) Your recent wood grain recolors are great! Glad you liked the kitty pics, although they are not mine I think they are cute. I myself only have 1 cat and just haven't uploaded her pic yet. Only 4 kitties yourself huh. \:P I know what you mean about neurotic...my cat has issues too. LoL Anyway, keep up the great work!

dudette00900Sep 5, 2005

Oh! Also- your stuff rocks. \:\)

dudette00900Sep 5, 2005

Thank you so much for your comments! \:wub\: \:D

dddrakeSep 1, 2005

\:D Thank you for your comments on my stall toilets. Necessity is the mother of invention or, in this case, the urge to recolor. I had constant piddle puddles and griping sims because of the lack of potties in my houses. My homes mostly acquire a "public restroom" by the third generation to make sure there is seating when they all need to go at the same second! I quickly grew tired of green bathrooms and... well... there you have it! I'm glad you like the recolors and I hope your sims will, too (so they don't ruin the carpets in the hallway).

clcny20Sep 1, 2005

i see ur bday just passed--HAPPY BELATED! \:rah\: Thanks for all of ur sweet comments on my clothing, and as for where I get my hairstyles from--modthesims2.com, parsimonious.org, proneupsims.com, or simsconnection.com

GloryBeAug 28, 2005

Thanks for your nice comments on my red halter top\:\) Have fun\:cool\: Glory

CazkiwiAug 21, 2005

Can't you sooo see a face in your Walnut Burl table?? Or is it just me, lol! As usual, I love your subtle recolours, they are great! I'm sooo hoping your recolours come up more in the free rotations =o) I have my eyes on a few things!

JewelRollsAug 16, 2005

Hippiebill--thank you for complimenting my lingerie designs! I especially feel honored to hear from a great designer like yourself!\:rah\:

GRACE 1960Aug 15, 2005

Thank you for your compliments Mr. Hippiebill!\:cool\:

abagailAug 12, 2005

Thought I would pop on over here to sign your guest book seeing you took the time to sign mine. I do enjoy the objects you share with us all. Thank you once again. Love, Abagail

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