lwilfong's Blog
Hello Again
First of all, I want to thank everyone for their support. I've been away for a few months due to my mother's health. Her surgery was successful, and she is back home and doing well. Everyone here at TSR has been wonderful. Thanks again.~Lisa
Out of Town
Sorry I haven�t uploaded anything lately. I went on an impromptu vacation to see my family in San Antonio, Texas. My sister bought a new house and I hadn�t seen my parents in about six months. It was just one of those things. But, I�m home now. I will be uploading something this week. I don�t know if I�ll be keeping my schedule. I will continue the Sheffield collection, but the kitchen might not be first. I still need to work on that.Thanks for being patient with me. ~Lisa
Poll Results
My mini-site has been getting a little bit more traffic lately; and as a result, my poll has been getting a few more votes. Currently, more visitors would like to see a kitchen project more than any other did.Therefore, I am doing the research and following the necessary tutorials that I will need to complete such a project. Since I am very pleased with the Sheffield theme, I plan to continue this design into the Kitchen.
Unfortunately, kitchens are a little more challenging than I had hoped. Therefore, this project is taking a little longer than expected. Nevertheless, if all goes well, I will be uploading my first kitchen before the end of the weekend. Wish me luck.
Planned Projects
As of right now, this is what I have planned for the next few weeks.I have two more recolors planned for the Sheffield bedroom � White and Walnut. I will be uploading those this week. I am very pleased with the look of the Sheffield Bedroom, so I intend to continue the theme. I plan to make another bedroom set; it�s kind of a kid�s room. The set will have a single-bed, single space wardrobe, a bookcase, desk and chair, and perhaps even a toy box. I also plan to make a dinning room, living room and kitchen based on this theme. I�m not sure if the premise lends itself to a bathroom, but I�ll be thinking about that while I work on the other projects. Each set will have a total of four colors � light wood, ebony, white, and walnut.
I�ve got my work cut out for me, but I�m really having a lot of fun!
Sheffield Bedroom Set
The set is complete and uploaded! I'm just waiting for approval. Here is a quick teaser....

Finally Got it Right!
That dresser was giving me fits! But thanks to Simtomatic and a tutorial from MTS2, I was finally able to get it to work. Here is a quick peak at the bedroom set I'm working on....
My First Bedroom Set
While waiting for responses to my poll, I've decided to start work on my first bedroom set. Actually, I've been working on it for a few days now. The last piece that needs to be completed is the dresser. Of course, that gives all new creators some problems, and I'm no different. I'm going through a few tutorials today, and hopefully, they will solve all of my problems. I hope to upload the set tonight or tomorrow morning. Look for screenshots later this weekend.My New Minisite
I finally earned enough Kudos to get my own minisite! I�m so unbelievably excited!! I�ll have to make a better banner image, but this one will work for now.I plan on using my blog to preview projects that I'm working on. Well, that's what I'll do when I figure out how to add pictures. My first Poll topic will "What should I make next" with a list of project ideas. I'll try to get that up before the weekend.
This is probably long enough for my first blog entry.