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minsmusic's Guestbook

maurieJul 30, 2007

Just wanted to take the time to thank you for your contribution for the Texture Challenge. Anita (atwa) let me know that the idea was yours. I appreciate the thought and time that was taken to make the article happen. Thanks again!\:\)

chayannJul 29, 2007

Hi Min - Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my TC40 wall sconce. Thank YOU for the warm & fuzzy feeling it gave me! ~chayann

DiamondSimJul 29, 2007

Hi, minsmusic! Just wanted to drop by and let you know how much I enjoyed the TC article that you and atwa collaborated on! It was so informative and made TC-ing sound like loads of fun! Thanks! \:D \:D \:D

SunairJul 29, 2007

You are welcome and thanks for the lovely comment\:\)

WelshWitchJul 29, 2007

Hi Mins Just flying by to say thanks for the tc article you & Atwa created. Many thanks WW x\:D

KikowikoJul 29, 2007

Thanks for the article on the TC's!! \:\) \:rah\: \:rah\:

mayskayaJul 29, 2007

Hi mins! You and Anita have done great job on the article, thank you! \:\)

CyclonesueJul 28, 2007

Hi there, Min! Thanks so much for the comment you left about my shopping trolleys. I've been dumping some of these in my latest lot too: in the bottom of the river. Now THAT'S realism! \:D Sue

EisbaerbonzoJul 28, 2007

\:\) Reflexsims forum is up again, here is Jasmine's set http://www.reflexsimsforum.com/showthread.php?t=7237. Chrissi40 has done the first recol - grrr...we had nearly the same idea. Now I have to overwork mine... Ama and Jasmine are really nice girls, always open for a new challange.\:\)

Maggie101Jul 26, 2007

Hi Min! Nice to come back and find your comments on my TC50 Nightclub items. \:wub\: I'm glad you liked them and are finding a good use for them in your game. As you are the queen of blue I'm sure you have more than enough blue-colored items in your game already. \:D I've only been able to get Jeni's set so far before I went away because of the publish dates. I think I'll have more time for Sim stuff this weekend and be able to grab everything by then. \:rah\: \:D Thanks again for your lovely comments! \:wub\:

EisbaerbonzoJul 24, 2007

\:\) Hi Min, thank you again for your nice comment, this time on the Bonzo outlet. I decorated the Plaza last Saturday but I don't think it's woth while adding pictures to your thread. I followed all the set pictures, so I made a copy of the original and added just 5 or 6 objects made by Gayle and Maggie. I think it's a bit boring for others at the moment. Maybe I'll rearrange it next weekend and add some more works from TC50.

EisbaerbonzoJul 23, 2007

\:\) One's owl is anotherone's nightingale, we say. You prefer my counter, I prefer your's. That's how our world keeps it's balance \:D . Many thanks for your kind comment.

ImmeKJul 21, 2007

Hi Min, Thank you so much for signing my guestbook. It sure was a surprise, I totally didn't see this coming \:o . Imme

mayskayaJul 21, 2007

Hey Mins! Thank you very much for congrats on SA! \:wub\: \:\)

abbieken888Jul 19, 2007

I love your creations, keep up the great work! \:D

jeniJul 19, 2007

Mins, Hi. I am so glad you like the walls and actually want to use them! \;\) Sometimes I worry that I get too carried away and make too many different ones and then discover I just use one or two. But then I never know whether someone else uses a different one or two! \:D Thanks again for making our TC50 creating such a wonderful and friendly experience. Is it Friday yet, I'm waiting for the Plaza, just itching to get in there and decorate it!\:rah\: Shall we post some screenshots to share? umm an idea! Have fun, see you soon! Hugs.

mayskayaJul 18, 2007

Mins, congrats on tc 50 reliese, it was great to work woth you \:\)

tlkaskaJul 18, 2007

Hi Min \:wub\: . Do I play much? I've been so busy creating I've neglected my little people. I've been thinking I need to devote more time to them...they miss me, you know \:D . On another note, I know I've probably said this before, but you truly are an exceptional artist. I love that you pay such attention to detail \:\) . Have a wonderful TC Week!!

MysticVelvetJul 18, 2007

Hi Min, thanks for your wonderful comment in my GB, took me a while getting there but I made it \:D, as for the banner, it took me a while creating it as I had to do a lot of editing so that the pic would fit without being distorted so i had to cut it in pieces and then use liquidify so that it looked ok, have a lovely day, Jean \:wub\:

Maggie101Jul 18, 2007

Hi min. Thanks for your lovely GB entry! \:wub\: And for letting me be a part of your community project. It truly is an honor. I will also be slowing down a bit but I think the bug is too new for me to completely take a break. Just needed to spend time on other stuff too. Looking forward to your return and enjoy playing! I haven't played in a while too! \:eek\: \:D See you around!

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